Public Health & Epidemiology

The Department of Veterinary Public Health at Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur came into existence on 3rd January 1996

History Of the Department

Brief History of Department

The Department of Veterinary Public Health at Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur came into existence on 3rd January 1996 and PG curriculum was started from September, 2002 onwards, till now 24 students have successfully completed their master’s degree. The Department is actively engaged in the teaching, research and extension activities which were appreciated by VCI inspection team. In 2009 VCI issued new syllabus and changed the department’s existing name to Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology. In the year 2010 Ph.D courses have also initiated.

Faculty informations


Dr Sandeep Prabhakarrao Chaudhari
Associate Professor and In-charge Head
M.V.Sc. and Ph. D.
Phone No. 0712-2511259, 402, 406 Ext. 222
Fax No.0712-2510883
Cell No. 9766788615

Research and teaching activities
Under graduate Teaching, Post Graduate and Ph.D Research

Research Schemes

  • Principal Investigator in Niche area of excellence project on “Centre for Zoonoses” Sanctioned by ICAR New Delhi in collaboration with ICMR.
  • Principal Investigator in Network Project on “Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Diseases” Sanctioned by ICAR New Delhi.
  • Principal Investigator in “Raising of Tribal Livelihood: Quality Milk Production through Udder Health Management Practices” Sanctioned by ICAR, New Delhi under Tribal sub-plan project.

Publications and other activities:

  • Research publications: 25
  • Research articles/Abstracts Presented / Published in symposium/ conferences: 60
  • Technical articles published: 06
  • Popular articles: 05
  • Television Programmes: 03
  • Radio talk: 02
  • Seminar/ Symposia/ Conference/ Refresher courses etc. attended: 05
  • Life member of professional associations: 06

Dr. Shilpshri Vasant Shinde
Assistant Professor
M.V.Sc. (Veterinary Public Health)
Phone No. 0712-2511259, 402, 406 Ext. 222
Fax No.0712-2510883
Cell no. 09890253713 (M)

Research Schemes handled/handling:

  • Principal Investigator in “Characterization of Plasmid Associated Bacteriocins Releasing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Meat” sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
  • Co-Principal Investigator in Niche area of excellence project on “Centre for Zoonoses” Sanctioned by ICAR New Delhi, in collaboration with ICMR.
  • Co-Principal Investigator in “Raising of Tribal Livelihood: Quality Milk Production through Udder Health Management Practices” Sanctioned by ICAR, New Delhi under Tribal sub-plan project.

Publications and other activities:

  • Research publications: 20
  • Research articles/Abstracts Presented / Published in symposium/ conferences: 49
  • Technical articles published: 03
  • Popular articles: 02
  • Television Programmes: 02
  • Radio Talk: 01
  • Seminar / Symposia/ Conference / Refresher courses etc. attended: 03
  • Life member of professional associations: 03

Dr. Wiqar Ahmad Khan
Assistant Professor
M.V.Sc. (Veterinary Public Health)
Phone No. 0712-2511259, 402, 406 Ext. 222
Fax No.0712-2510883
Cell no. 09545895639 (M)

Research Schemes

  • Co-Principal Investigator in Niche area of excellence project on “Centre for Zoonoses” Sanctioned by ICAR in collaboration with ICMR.
  • Co – Principal Investigator Network Project on “Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Disease” Sanctioned by ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Co-Principal Investigator in “Raising of Tribal Livelihood: Quality Milk Production through Udder Health Management Practices” Sanctioned by ICAR, New Delhi under Tribal sub-plan project.

Publications and other activities:

  • Research publications: 15
  • Research articles/Abstracts Presented / Published in symposium/ conferences: 45
  • Technical articles published: 03
  • Chapters contributed in text books: 03
  • Popular articles: 02
  • Television Programmes: 01
  • Seminar / Symposia/ Conference / Refresher courses etc. attended: 08
  • Life member of professional associations: 2


Achievements of the Department

Achievements of the Department:
Teaching & Research Planning

  • Preparation of CD’s, digital display, organization of group discussion among students to improve communication skill and knowledge.
  • Organization of training programmes for butchers, professionals, stake holders on food safety issues.
  • Continuing Veterinary Education (CVE) on zoonoses and occupational diseases for field veterinarians and farmers.
  • Studies on important food borne zoonotic disease listeriosis among the common food animals and risk group individuals.
  • Studies on possible correlation among the cancer status and infection due to Listeria monocytogenes.
  • Studies to develop field diagnostic test (Dot ELISA) for detection of listeriosis in animals and humans
  • Studies on brucellosis among food animals and risk groups.
  • Studies on Food Bio-Preservation using bacteriocins as natural preservatives.
  • Epidemiological studies of public health significant diseases especially brucellosis and listeriosis for better understanding of their pattern and incidence in the region.


The Following Teaching Aids/ Material is Prepared

  • The catalogue for isolation and identification of bacteria from foods, clinical samples with diagrammatic depictions
  • The catalogue of photographs showing ante and post mortem lesions
  • The catalogue of various meat products along with their hygienic preparation of recipes
  • The digital display prints of zoonotic diseases
  • Laboratory Manual for Milk Hygiene and Public Health
  • Laboratory Manual for Meat Hygiene and Public Health
  • Laboratory Manual for Zoonoses & Human Health
  • Laboratory Manual for Environmental Hygiene
  • Laboratory Manual for Milk & Meat Hygiene, Food Safety and Public Health new course by VCI.
  • Laboratory Manual for Veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonoses new course by VCI
  • Training Manual on “Food Safety Standards with Special Reference to microbiological Standards of Foods of Animal Origin” for field veterinarians.
  • Information booklet on “Butcherkhane se Nirmit Pra Padarthon ki Prakriya” for Butchers.


Departmental post graduate research activities

  • “Characterization of Plasmid DNA of Aeromonas species from Chevon and Fish Meat”. (2004)
  • “Characterization of Plasmids of Aeromonas and Lactobacillus Species from Poultry Meat”. (2005)
  • “Characterization of Plasmids of Aeromonas species from Milk and Milk products” (2006)
  • “Species Identification of Cattle and Buffalo Raw Meat by Serological, Histological and Histoenzymatic Techniques” (2007)
  • “Characterization of Plasmids of Listeria species from Foods of Animal Origin” (2008)
  • “Characterization of Plasmids of Bacteria From Foods of Animal Origin” (2009)
  • “Isolation and Characterization of Plasmids of Aeromonas Species From Fish” (2010)
  • “Characterization of Plasmids of Staphylococcus aureus From Fish” (2010)
  • “Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in slaughtered goats by isolation and anti-listeriolysin O (ALLO) based indirect ELISA” (2011)
  • “Studies on anti-listeriolysin o (ALLO) based indirect ELISA and isolation techniques for prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in slaughtered cattle” (2011)
  • “Isolation and seroprevalence studies on Listeria monocytogenes using anti-listeriolysin O (ALLO) based indirect ELISA in slaughtered buffaloes” (2011)
  • “Isolation and seroprevalence studies on Aeromonas spp. among food animals and immunocompromised human patients” (2012)
  • “Isolation, seroprevalence and characterization of Salmonella spp. from food animals and immunocompromised human patients” (2012)
  • “Prevalence and efficacy of LLO-based ELISA in serodiagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes among food animals and immunocompromised human patients”(2012)
  • “Studies on isolation and seroprevalence of Yersinia eneterocolitica by indirect ELISA in food animals and immunocompromised human patients” (2012)
  • Isolation ALLO detection and assessment of hlyA gene among Listeria monocytogenes isolates from cattle, buffaloes and human cancer patients. (2013)
  • Prevalence studies and molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes from goats, pigs and immunocompromised human cancer patients. (2013)
  • Detection, production optimization and characterization of partially purified bacteriocin from Lactococcus lactis isolates. (2013)
  • Isolation and characterization of Pedioccin producing Pediococcus species from milk and milk products. (2014)
  • Efficacy of sera adsorption for seroprevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in pigs, goats and human cancer patients. (2014)
  • Induced udder health management practices with special reference to clean milk production in tribal area of Gadchiroli district. (2014)
  • Seroepidemiology of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical cases of small ruminants” (2015)
  • Prevalence Of bacterial enteropathogens with special reference to Salmonella and Shigella among childhood diarrhoea cases in and around Nagpur” (2015)
  • Purification, characterization and evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of pediocin from Pediococcus organism” (2015)

Vision / Mission of the Department

Vision/Mission of the Department

To collaborate veterinary academia, human health professionals and other professionals to contribute substantially towards “One Health”.


Establishing a platform for veterinarians in public health, research and students to achieve animal health and food safety, thus improving public health.

Course offered / Conducted by the department


Under Graduate Course Conducted at Department:

Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VPE 311 Milk and Meat Hygiene, Food Safety and Public Health 2+1 =3
2 VPE 312 Veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonoses 2+1= 3
3 VPE 511 Environment and Environmental Hygiene 2+1= 3

Post-Graduate Course Conducted at Department:

Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VPH - 601 Elements of Veterinary Public Health 1+1 = 2
2 VPH - 602 Bacterial & Rickettsial Agents of Public Health Significance 2+1 = 3
3 VPH - 603 Viral, Fungal and Parasitic Agents of Public Health Significance 2+1 = 3
4 VPH - 604 Zoonoses and Public Health 2+1 = 3
5 VPH - 605 Principles of Food Hygiene and Safety 2+1 = 3
6 VPH - 606 Food-Borne Infections and Intoxications 2+1 = 3
7 VPH - 607 Meat And Milk Hygiene 2+1 = 3
8 VPH - 608 Environmental Pollution and Safety 2+1 = 3
9 VPH - 609 Fish, Fish Products and Seafood Hygiene 1+1 = 2
10 VPH - 610 Bioterrorism and Disaster Management 1+1 = 2

Trainings Offered by the Department:

  • “Meat & Meat Products, Quality Control” under Self Employment Project to unemployed educated youth. Sponsoring agency: Govt. of Maharashtra
  • Training on “Slaughter house waste utilization for Butchers of Nagpur and Kamptee” during 19th to 23rd January 2009 sponsored by MLDB.
  • CVE -VCI training on “Food Safety standards with special reference to microbiological standards of foods of animal origin” for Livestock Development Officer of state government during 29th January to 31st January 2009 sponsored by Veterinary Council of India, New Delhi.
  • CVE -VCI training on “Food Safety Standards with Special Reference to microbiological standards of foods of animal origin” for Livestock Development Officers of State government during 17th to 19th March 2009 sponsored by Veterinary Council of India, New Delhi.


One entrepreneurship programmes are conducted by the department

Departmental Research Activity

Research Activity

Completed projects

Sr. No. Title of Project Funding agency Financial outlay Duration
1 Characterization of Plasmid DNA of The Bacteria From Foods of Animal Origin ICAR ,New Delhi Rs.23,15,268/- 2006 to 2009
2 Characterization of plasmid associated bacteriocins releasing Lactic acid bacteria from meat. DST, New Delhi (Under Fast Track proposals) Rs. 18,69,200/- 2009 to 2012

Ongoing projects:

Sr. No. Title of Project Funding agency Financial outlay Duration
1 Network Project on "Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Disease" ICAR, New Delhi Rs 73,00,000/- 2010-2011 to still ongoing
2 "Raising of Tribal Livelihood: Quality Milk Production through Udder Health Management Practices" Sanctioned by ICAR, New Delhi under. ICAR , New Delhi under Tribal sub-plan project Rs 32,00,000/- 2013-2014 to still ongoing
3 Niche area of excellence project on "Centre for Zoonoses" ICAR in collaboration with ICMR, New Delhi Rs 4,36,00,000/- 2014-2015 to still ongoing

Departmental Extension Activity

Extension Activity with Photo


  • Celebration of World Zoonoses Day
  • Celebration of World Rabies Day
  • Participation in celebration of “World Veterinary Day”
  • Under Tribal Sub plan distribution of kits and technical guidance to the beneficiary.
  • Conduction of lectures on “Zoonotic Diseases” and awareness about Brucellosis among the risk group at various places as well as for technocrats at college in collaboration with different institutes viz. VANAMATI.
  • Organization of animal and human health camps in collaboration with medical partners.
  • Departmental staff is engage in delivering radio talk and TV talk on various technical issues.

Lab Photo

Any other relevant Information of the department

Any other Relevant Information

  • Services are provided for quality evaluation of milk and milk products, meat and meat products and water sample analysis.
  • Regular screening of animal and human sera samples for zoonotic diseases viz., listeriosis and brucellosis.