Animal Genetic & Breeding
History Of the Department
History of the Department:
The Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding was established during the year 1963. Besides teaching undergraduate (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) and post-graduate students (M.V.Sc.) the Faculty and Post-Graduate students take up research work in frontiers of Animal Biometrical Genetics, Population genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Cytogenetics, Molecular genetics and Conservation genetics. The post-graduate (M.V.Sc.) degree programme was introduced in the year 1978. Since last 40 years, total 68 M.V.Sc. & two Ph. D. Students (By Research) students have completed their Masters Degree Programme till date. In the year 2007-08, University has started post-graduate academic programme in the discipline of Animal Biotechnology, wherein this department is identified as one of the core department for teaching few of the courses of Animal Biotechnology.
The main objectives of the department are :
- To teach the subject of Animal Genetics & Breeding to Under-graduate (UG) & Post-graduate (PG) students
- To conduct research in the field of Animal Genetics such as Biometrical Genetics, Population Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Cytogenetics, Molecular genetics and Conservation genetics.
- To provide extension services to stockholders in the area of Animal Genetics and breeding.
Faculty informations
![]() | Name : Dr. Deepak Sukhdeo Kale |
Designation : Assistant Professor & I/C Head | |
Qualification : M.V.Sc.; Ph.D. (Animal Genetics & Breeding) | |
Phone No. : (O) 0712-2511402, 2511406 | |
Cell No.:91-9604747652 | |
E-mail : |
Externally Funded Research Project : 01
Funding Agency : SERB-DST, Govt. of India. New Delhi under CRG.
Title : Effect of Candidate Genes on Milk Production Traits in Gaolao Cattle (File No./EMR/2017/00032)
Research Publications :
Research Articles: 16 Review Articles: 01
Other :
Abstract Publications in Conferences & Symposiums etc. : 28
Popular Article: 07
Technical Reports: 04
Life member of professional affiliations: 05
Fellowships: 02
- Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in National Fellow Project at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, India.
- Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) in Wellcome Trust Project at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, AP, India.
Name : Dinesh Vitthalrao Patil
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Sc. Statistics
E-mail :
Phone No. : 91 9422815135
Experience :
Experience of around 15 years in teaching (AGB111: Bio-Statistics and Computer Application) & research Data analysis using basic and advanced statistical tools viz; SAS,SPSS etc,.
Research Publications : Research Papers: 04
Other :
Acting as I/C Computer Laboratory of the college since last 10 years
Acted as (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) for 03 Years
Dr. Kranti P. Kharkar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.V.Sc. Ph.D.
Phone No.: 9921594577
Actively involved in UG and PG teaching and research activities. She has actively participated in extension activities like delivering lectures to the farmers during farmers training programme.
Publications : Research Papers: 19
Other :
Scientific abstracts: 17
Life member of professional affiliations: 04
Achievements of the Department
As far as academic and scientific achievements are concerned, the department has had its own triumphs and tribulations. This department has also embarked upon the task of characterization of native livestock breeds & assessment of domestic animal diversity using molecular genetics tools. The department has established effective linkages with IVRI, NDRI, NBAGR, CSWRI, CIRG, NEERI and NDDB as a part of collaborative post-graduate (PG) intra-mural research projects focusing on studies related with farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR) of Maharashtra.
The department of Animal Genetics & Breeding has been actively engaged for past several years in conducting research works on various aspects of applied animal genetics, besides other areas of animal breeding. A total of four Research Projects were implemented successfully by this department since 1991 funded by ICAR/NBAGR. These are as below;
- An action research on the promotion of rabbit farming in tribal villages of Nagpur district. (1991 � 1994).
- Associated herd Progeny Testing programme in Sahiwal and Karan-Swiss cattle (1992 � 1995).
- Network project on Animal Genetic Resources (ICAR) on “Survey Evaluation and Characterization of Nagpuri Buffalo” (2001-2004). PI: Dr.A.R.Sirothia.
- Network Project on “Survey, evaluation and characterization of Gaolao cattle” (2004 � 2006). PI: Dr.M.D.Kothekar
- Ongoing SERB-DST extra mural research project under Core Research Grant Scheme titled “Effect of Candidate Genes on Milk Production Traits in Gaolao Cattle” (2018-19 to 2020-2021) PI:Dr.D.S.Kale
Vision / Mission of the Department
Vision/ Mission of the Department
The Vision of the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding is:
- To actively promote effective teaching, research and extension education
- To participate in the provision of breeding advisory services to the livestock farmers and stakeholders in a manner that sustainable genetic improvement in animal productivity of the state and country is achieved.
The Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding NVC, Nagpur has identified following priority research areas for next 3- 5 years duration for accelerating the pace of development in the field of Livestock Genetic Improvement Programmes:
- Conservation and development of sustainable livestock breeding programmes for food security and improved livelihoods
- Formation of Breeder’s Clubs/Associations/Societies for Nagpuri Buffalo, Gaolao Cattle and Berari Goats
- Characterization of native breeds of livestock by advanced Molecular Genetic Approaches
- Genetic evaluation and data analysis software development.
Course offered / Conducted by the department
UG : B.V.Sc.& A.H. (VCI, MSVE 2016 Regulations)
Animal Genetics & Breeding Paper-I & II (3+1=4)
: |
Animal Breeding and Genetics including Biostatistics |
: |
II |
: |
3+1 |
BoS- Approval Resolution No. |
: |
MAFSU/BS/ABGB/27/03/2020 |
Sr.No. |
Unit No. |
Lecture/No. |
Topic to be covered |
1. |
I |
1 |
Introduction and Importance of statistics and biostatistics: Elementary statistical definitions |
2. |
2 |
Classification and Tabulation of Data, Parameter, Statistic and Observation. |
3. |
3 |
Graphical (Histogram, Frequency polygon, Ogive) and diagrammatic (Bar diagram, Pie diagram) representation of data. |
4. |
4-5 |
Measure of central tendency (simple and grouped data) Concept: Mean, Median, Mode Weighted mean, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean. |
5. |
6 |
Measure of dispersion (Simple and grouped data) Concept: Range, Inter quartile range, Mean deviation |
6. |
7 |
Standard deviation, Variance, Standard Error, Coefficient of Variance |
7. |
8 |
Elements of Probability : definition and its laws |
8. |
9-10-11- |
Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson, Normal |
9. |
12 |
Moments, Skewness, Kurtosis |
10. |
13-14 |
Correlation: Introduction, Concept, types, Properties and its uses. Rank Correlation |
11. |
15 |
Regression: Introduction, Concept, Properties and its uses |
12. |
16-17 |
Introduction to sample methods: Simple Random Sampling (SRS), Stratified sampling, Systematic sampling, Cluster sampling, etc. |
13. |
18 |
Testing of hypothesis: Simple and composite hypothesis, Null hypothesis, types of error, one tailed and two tailed, test, confidence interval, Power test. |
14. |
19-20 |
Test of hypothesis: t - test for single mean, difference of mean and paired t-test, testing of correlation coefficient |
15. |
21-22 |
Z-test, Chi - Square test for goodness of fit and test of attributes. |
16. |
23 |
Analysis of variance: One-way classification |
17. |
24 |
Analysis of variance: Two-way classification |
18. |
25 |
Design of Experiments: Concept and Principles (Replication, Randomization, Local control) |
19. |
26 |
Complete Randomized Design (CRD) |
20. |
27 |
Randomized Block Design (RBD), F - TEST OF Significance |
21. |
28 |
Introduction to Non-parametric tests (Rank test, Median, Mann-Whitney) |
22. |
29 |
Computer Application: Introduction to Computer languages, |
23. |
30 |
Data Base Management |
24. |
31-32 |
Review of MS-Office and its components (Ms-Word, Excel, Power Point and Access) |
After 30% course completion - FIRST INTERNAL ASSESSMENT |
25. |
I |
33. |
Analysis of data using MS-Excel |
26. |
34. |
Concept of computer networks, Internet and e-mail. |
27. |
II |
35. |
History of Genetics |
28. |
36. |
Mitosis v/s Meiosis |
29. |
37. |
Chromosome numbers and types in livestock and poultry |
30. |
38. |
Overview of Mendelian principles |
31. |
39. |
Overview of Mendelian principles |
32. |
40. |
Modified Mendelian inheritance |
33. |
41. |
Modified Mendelian inheritance |
34. |
42. |
Pleiotropy, Penetrance and expressivity |
35. |
43. |
Multiple alleles |
36. |
44. |
Lethals |
37. |
45. |
sex-linked inheritance |
38. |
46. |
sex limited inheritance and sex influenced inheritance |
39. |
47. |
Sex determination |
40. |
48. |
Linkage and construction of linkage map |
41. |
49. |
Crossing over |
42. |
50. |
Mutation |
43. |
51. |
Cytogenetics |
44. |
52. |
Chromosomal aberrations |
45. |
53. |
Extra-chromosomal inheritance |
46. |
54. |
Gene concept, Molecular genetics |
47. |
55. |
Nucleic acids-structure and function |
48. |
56. |
DNA and its replication |
49. |
57. |
Introduction to molecular techniques |
50. |
58. |
Introduction to population genetics |
51. |
59. |
Individual v/s population |
52. |
60. |
Genetic structure of population: Gene and genotypic frequency |
53. |
61. |
Hardy - Weinberg law and its application |
54. |
62. |
Forces changing gene and genotypic frequencies (eg. Mutation, migration) |
55. |
63. |
Forces changing gene and genotypic frequencies (eg.Selection and drift) |
56. |
64. |
Quantitative v/s qualitative genetics |
57. |
65. |
Concept of average effect and breeding value |
After 60% course completion - SECOND INTERNAL ASSESSMENT |
58. |
66. |
Components of Variance |
59. |
67. |
Concept of correlation and interaction between Genotype and Environment |
60. |
68. |
Heritability |
61. |
69. |
Repeatability |
62. |
70. |
Genetic and Phenotypic Correlations |
63. |
71. |
History of Animal Breeding |
64. |
72-73 |
Classification of breeds |
65. |
74-75 |
Economic characters of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and their importance |
66. |
76. |
Economic characters of pig, poultry and their importance |
67. |
77. |
Selection, types of selection |
68. |
78. |
response to selection and factors affecting it |
69. |
79. |
Bases of selection: individual, pedigree |
70. |
80. |
Bases of selection: family, sib, |
71. |
81. |
Bases of selection: progeny and combined, indirect selection |
72. |
82. |
Method of selection, Single and Multi trait |
73. |
83. |
Classification of mating systems |
74. |
84. |
Inbreeding coefficient |
75. |
85. |
Coefficient of relationship |
76. |
86. |
Genetic and phenotypic consequences of inbreeding, inbreeding depression, application of inbreeding |
77. |
87. |
Out breeding and its different forms |
78. |
88. |
Genetic and phenotypic consequences of outbreeding, application of outbreeding, |
79. |
89. |
Heterosis |
80. |
90. |
Systems of utilization of heterosis; Selection for combining ability (RS and RRS) |
81. |
91. |
Breeding strategies for the improvement of dairy cattle and buffalo |
82. |
92-93 |
Breeding strategies for the improvement of sheep, goat, swine and poultry |
83. |
94. |
Sire evaluation |
84. |
95. |
Open nucleus breeding system (ONBS) |
85. |
96. |
Development of new breeds or strains |
86. |
97. |
Current livestock and poultry breeding policies and programmes in the state and country |
After 90% course completion- THIRD INTERNAL ASSESSMENT |
87. |
98. |
Methods of conservation- livestock and poultry conservation programmes in the state and country |
88. |
99. |
Application of reproductive and biotechnological tools for genetic improvement of livestock and poultry |
89. |
100. |
Breeding for disease resistance |
90. |
101. |
Classification of dog and cat breeds |
91. |
102. |
Pedigree sheet, selection of breeds and major breed traits |
92. |
103. |
Breeding management of dogs and cats |
93. |
104. |
Common pet birds seen in India and their breeding management |
94. |
105. |
Population dynamics and effective population size of wild animals in captivity or zoo or natural habitats |
95. |
106. |
Planned breeding of wild animals |
96. |
107. |
Controlled breeding and assisted reproduction |
97. |
108. |
Breeding for conservation of wild animals |
Practicals :
Sr. No. Sr.No. |
Unit No. |
Practical No. |
Topic to be covered |
1. |
I |
1. |
Graphical and diagrammatical representation of data. |
2. |
2. |
Estimation of measured of Central Tendency for simple and grouped data :Mean, Median, Mode |
3. |
3. |
Estimation of measured of dispersion for simple and grouped data : Range, mean deviation, Standard deviation, Standard error, Variance, Coefficient of Variance |
4. |
4. |
Estimation of correlation and regression. |
5. |
5. |
Simple Probability problems |
6. |
6. |
Normal Distribution. Test of significance: Z - test |
7. |
7. |
Test of significance : student t - test for single mean, difference of mean and paired t-test |
8. |
8. |
Test of significance : Chi - Square test, |
9. |
9. |
Test of significance : F - test |
10. |
10. |
Completely Randomized Design (C.R.D.) |
11. |
11. |
Randomized Block Design (R.B.D.) |
12. |
12. |
Computer Basics and components of computer, Simple operations, entry of biological data |
13. |
13. |
Internet and e-mail. Entering and saving biological data through MS - Office, MS-Excel. |
14. |
II |
14. |
Problems based on monohybrid cross ratio & its modifications |
15. |
15. |
Problems based on dihybrid cross ratio & its modifications |
16. |
16. |
Problems based on Multiple alleles & Sex linked inheritance |
17. |
17. |
Problems based on Linkage and crossing over |
18. |
18. |
Demonstration of Karyotyping in farm animals |
19. |
19. |
Calculation of gene and genotypic frequencies |
20. |
20. |
Testing a population for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium |
21. |
21. |
Calculation of effects of various forces that change gene frequencies |
22. |
22. |
Computation of population mean, average effect of gene and gene substitution |
23. |
23. |
Computation of breeding value |
24. |
24. |
Estimation of repeatability |
25. |
25. |
Estimation of heritability ( Half-sib correlation method) |
26. |
26. |
Estimation of heritability (ISRD) |
27. |
27. |
Estimation of genetic and phenotypic correlations |
28. |
28. |
Computation of selection differential and intensity of selection, Generation interval, expected genetic gain |
29. |
29. |
Computation of correlated response, EPA |
30. |
30. |
Computation of Most probable producing ability (MPPA) |
31. |
31. |
Estimation of inbreeding coefficient |
32. |
32. |
Estimation of relationship coefficient |
33. |
33. |
Estimation of heterosis |
34. |
34. |
Computation of sire indices |
35. |
35. |
Computation of selection index |
PG: M.V.Sc. Degree Programme Courses:
Sr. |
Course No. & Credits |
Title of the course |
1. |
AGB 601 (2+1=3) |
Animal Cytogenetics and Immunogenetics |
2. |
AGB 602 (2+1=3) |
Molecular Genetics in Animal Breeding |
3. |
AGB 603 (2+1=3) |
Population and Quantitative Genetics in Animal Breeding |
4. |
AGB 604 (3+1=4) |
Selection Method and Breeding Systems |
5. |
AGB605 (3+1=4) |
Biometrical Techniques in Animal Breeding |
6. |
AGB606 (2+0) |
Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources |
7. |
AGB607 (2+1=3) |
Cattle and Buffalo Breeding |
8. |
AGB608(2+0=2) |
Small Farm Animal Breeding (Sheep, Goat, Swine and Rabbit) |
9. |
AGB609 (2+1=3) |
Poultry Breeding |
10. |
AGB610 (1+0) |
Laboratory Animal Breeding |
11. |
AGB691 (1+0) |
Master’s Seminar |
12. |
AGB699 (20) |
Master’s Research |
Departmental Research Activity
Departmental Research Activity
This department has sufficient infrastructure to conduct U. G. academic degree programme. The Department has Animal Molecular Genetics Laboratory for conducting post-graduate practical and research in the fields of Animal Molecular Genetics and Animal Genomics. The existing equipments in the department are Gel Documentation System, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Thermal Cycler, Laminar Air Flow, Incubator, Hot air oven, Water bath, UV Transilluminator, Horizontal Electrophoresis Unit, Autoclave, Microwave oven, -20 Freezer, pH Meter, Mini spin, Weighing balance, Magnetic stirrer, Vortex etc.for Animal Molecular Genetics research work.
Currently, the Department is implementing SERB-DST Extra-mural Research Project under Core Research Grant Scheme titled “Effect of Candidate Genes on Milk Production Traits in Gaolao Cattle” from 2018-19 to 2020-2021.
The list of Completed Intra-mural Research Projects since 2000;
Sr. |
Year |
Title |
Author |
Guide |
1. |
2000 |
Restricted maximum likelihood estimation for some of the economic traits in Sahiwal cattle |
Vivek Choudhary |
Dr M.D.Kothekar |
2. |
2000 |
Studies on the carcass quality characteristics of Berari goats of Nagpur region |
Ambhore G.S. |
Dr. A.R Sirothia |
3. |
2000 |
Prediction of total laction yield on the basis of part performance |
Thakur B.R. |
Dr.M.D.Kothekar |
4. |
2001 |
A study of phenotypic characteristics of Berari goats under field condition |
Jangam R.B. |
Dr A.R.Sirothia |
5. |
2002 |
A study on the production performance of Nagpuri (Berari) buffaloloes under field conditions |
Panicker V.C. |
Dr. A.R.Sirothia |
6. |
2002 |
Study of some morphometric traits of Nagpuri (Berari) buffalo under field conditions |
Nandedkar P. V. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
7. |
2002 |
Studies on some reproductive traits of Nagpuri (Berari) buffaloes under field conditions |
Vane S.R. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
8. |
2003 |
Studies of lactation parameters of Nagpuri (Berari) buffalo under village condition of Nagpur district |
Goodwin YubalYakub |
Dr A.R.Sirothia |
9. |
2004 |
Breed characterization of Gaolao cattle in Wardha district of Vidarbha region |
Kargirwar S.V. |
Dr. A.R.Sirothia |
10. |
2004 |
Characterization of growth hormone gene of Nagpuri buffalo |
Katre T.L. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
11. |
2005 |
Study of sire values and ranking in sahiwal bulls |
Masne V.S. |
Dr M.D Kothekar |
12. |
2005 |
Molecular characterization of Krishna valley breed of cattle using microsatellite markers |
Rajesh Kumar S. |
Dr.M.D.Kothekar |
13. |
2007 |
Assessment of genetic variability among Indian sheep breeds by RFLP-PCR of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b region |
Sawaimul A. D. |
Dr.S.R.Tekade |
14. |
2007 |
Analysis of genetic diversity among Indian sheep breeds by RFLP PCR of mitochondrial DNA D and loop region |
Sahare M. G. |
Dr. S.Z.Ali |
15. |
2008 |
Genetic analysis of production and reproduction traits in Malpura sheep |
Bankar P. S. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
16. |
2008 |
Analysis of genetic diversity of Indian Madgyal sheep breed by random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR |
Hatkar D. N. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
17. |
2009 |
Determination of A1 and A2 Beta Casein variants in Indian cattle breeds |
More S.N. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
18. |
2009 |
Study of morphometric traits of Madgyal sheep reared under field and organized farm conditions |
Deshmukh S. Y. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
19. |
2010 |
Phenotypic and morphometric characterization of migrated Nellore type sheep breed from Ghatanji and Pandharkawada Taluka of Yawatmal District of Maharashtra |
Dudhe S.D. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
20. |
2011 |
Analysis of milk protein polymorphism in Berari goat breed of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra |
Kamble S B. |
Dr.A.R.Sirothia |
21. |
2012 |
Metallothionein gene polymorphism study in cattle from fly ash zone |
Doiphode P. U. |
Dr.M.D.Kothekar |
22. |
2012 |
Molecular screening of aminolevulinic acid dehydratase gene in cattle from fly ash zone |
Rajlaxmi Behera |
Dr.M.D.Kothekar |
23. |
2014 |
Polymorphism in coding region of Metallothionein gene in Zebu cattle using molecular marker techniques |
Gholap P.N. |
Dr.D.S.Kale |
24. |
2018 |
Study of Prolactin Gene Polymorphism in Gaolao Cattle |
Dudule P. D. |
Dr.D.S.Kale |
25. |
2019 |
Screening for SNPs within DGAT1 Gene of Gaolao Cattle |
Pantawane S.N. |
Dr.D.S.Kale |
26. |
2019 |
Study of DNA sequence variation within STAT1 Gene of Gaolao Cattle |
Khandare P. M. |
Dr.D.S.Kale |
Departmental Extension Activity
Departmental Extension Activity
The Department is actively involved in scientific livestock development programmes organized by the institute for guiding farmers on breeds, breeding strategies, judging quality livestock, conservation issues and advances in animal genetics and breeding for livestock genetic improvement.