Veterinary Biotechnology

History Of the Department

The Animal Biotechnology Teaching and Research Cell was established at Nagpur Veterinary College in 2007 under the aegis of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology. The consistent and sincere efforts of Dr. D. R. Kalorey, Head of Department of Veterinary Microbiology led to the introduction of a Master’s degree program in Animal Biotechnology with the inception of the Animal Biotechnology T & R Cell. Since then, the cell has been actively involved in P.G. Teaching and Research activities. To date, 20 students have completed their Master’s in Animal Biotechnology.
Dr. Kalorey was the founder head (2007-2014) of the ABT T & R Cell followed by Dr. V. C. Ingle (2014-2020) and Dr. S. R. Warke (2020-2024).
In 2024, the independent working of the Veterinary Biotechnology Teaching and Research Cell was initiated. The PG program has been renamed Veterinary Biotechnology as per the guidelines of ICAR-2021, along with the commencement of a Ph.D. program in Veterinary Biotechnology. Presently, the Department is headed by Dr. Sonal A. Ingle, Assistant Professor, Biotechnology.
The cell aims: to meet the goals for PG and Ph.D. teaching and research; research to meet the requirements of the livestock farmers, field personnel, industries, etc.; to provide diagnostic facilities to the animal owners.

Faculty Information

Name Dr. SONAL A. Ingle Ph.D.
Designation Assistant Professor
Mail Id
Phone No. 8427057454
Subject of specialization
  • Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2015
  • M.V.Sc., Animal Biotechnology, Nagpur Veterinary College, MAFSU, Nagpur, 2009
  • B.V.Sc. & A.H., Nagpur Veterinary College, MAFSU, Nagpur, 2007
  • Guest Lecturer, Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Center, R. S. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur, 2009-10
  • Assistant Professor (Contractual), College of Veterinary Sciences, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan, October 2010 – January 2012
  • Assistant Professor, Biotechnology, MAFSU, 20 th July 2015 – Till date.
Academics activities
  • Undergraduate
  • postgraduate
  • Ph.D. teaching
NCBI Submissions 50
Achivements & Awards Second prize for Best Poster “Lactobacillus harbinensis, a novel inoculant for ensiling maize – K. Jadhav, S. A. Ingle, V. D. Thorat, R. S. Gandge, S. D. Jagdale, H. Y. Palampalle, S. B. Majee” presented at National Conference on "Challenges and opportunities for tackling veterinary public health issues at the human, animal and environment interface" and XVI Annual Symposium of IAVPHS, February 26- 27, 2019.
Events Organised
  • Co-coordinator of online quiz on the occasion of World Rabies Day, 2020.
  • Co-Organizing Secretary for.
    • IThe National E-training on “Soft Skill and Personality Development for Improving Higher Education of Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur” organized under ICAR-NAHEP-CAAST Project entitled “Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety”, conducted on 25th, 27th to 29th January, 2021.
    • National e-training on “Chemical Residue Analysis” organized under ICAR- NAHEP-CAAST Project entitled “Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety”, conducted from 4th – 6th May, 2021.
    • National webinar on “Safe Food Now for a Healthy Tomorrow” organized on the occasion of World Food Safety Day, under ICAR-NAHEP-CAAST Project entitled “Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety”, conducted on 7 th June, 2021.
  • Organizing Secretary for the International e-training on “Gene Cloning: Advances and Applications in Veterinary Sciences” organized under ICAR-NAHEP-CAAST Project entitled “Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety”, conducted from 31st May – 4 th June 2021.
  • Co-organizer of the anti-rabies vaccination camps on the occasion of World Rabies Day.
  • Participated in various NSS camps (free animal treatment camps) organized by the institute
  • Radio talks: 02
  • Popular articles: 02
  • Book Chapters: 02
  • Lectures delivered for students/farmers/field personnel: 09


  • Ashlesha Satpute, Sonal Ingle, D. R. Kalorey, Asmita Sonegaonkar, Suhasini Zanzad and S. R. Katwate. Serotyping and Antibiogram of E. coli isolates from Endangered Wild Captive Animals (2009). Indian J. Field Vet. 5(3): 27-28.
  • V. P. Suryawanshi, D. R. Kalorey, S. R. Katwate, Sonal Ingle and Shubhangi Warke. Polyherbal Tooth Powders as Antimicrobial Agent (2010). Indian J Field Vet. 5(4): 53-55.
  • Ingle S. A., Durge S.M., Jadhav S.K., Katwate S.R., Sonegaonkar A.D., Warke S.R., Kalorey D.R. Congo-red binding ability and antibiogram of Escherichia coli isolates from domesticated pigs (2010). Indian J. Comp. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect. Dis. 31: 65-66.
  • Maneesh Sharma, Abhishek Gupta, Chetna Mahajan and Sonal Ingle. Incidence of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Udaipur region of Rajasthan (2012). Vet. Pract. 13 (2): 360-361.
  • S. A. Ingle, Kanika Mahajan, B. V. Sunil Kumar, Satparkash Singh, Ravi Kant Agrawal and Ramneek Verma. Over-expression and immunogenicity of outer membrane protein L (OprL) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2015) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. (DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0580-3).
  • V. D. Thorat, A. S. Bannalikar, Aaakash Doiphode, S. B. Majee, R. S. Gandge and S. A. Ingle. (2017) Isolation, identification and molecular detection of Brucella abortus from cattle and buffalo. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 6(10): 2853-2864.
  • D V. Ombase, R. R. Pharande, S. B. Majee, R. S. Gandge, V. D. Thorat, S. A. Ingle and S. S. Moregaonkar. Seroprevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in Broiler chicken by ELISA. (2018) Int. J. Adv. Microbiol. Health. Res. 2(2): 56-59.
  • Rajashekhara S., Pawar V. D., Sawane M. P., Deshmukh R. S., Komatwar S. J. and Ingle S. A. PCR-RFLP of IGFBP-3 gene in madgyal sheep. (2018). International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. 7(3).
  • AA Shingade, RS Gandge, SB Majee, RJ Zende, RR Pharande, SA Ingle. Detection of Mycoplasma spp. from Choanal and Tracheal Samples using Genus Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction. (2020) Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 9, 1099-1108
  • J. M. Nale, R. R. Pharande, S. B. Majee, R.S. Gandge, M. P. Sawane, S. A. Ingle (2021). Serosurveillance of rabies antibodies in dogs in Mumbai region by using indirect ELISA. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
  • R. R. Pharande, S. B. Majee, S. S. Gaikwad, S. D. Moregoankar, A. K. Bannalikar, A. Doiphode, R. Gandge, D. Dighe, Sonal Ingle, S. Mukherjee. Evolutionary analysis of rabies virus using the partial Nucleoprotein and Glycoprotein gene in Mumbai region of India. (2021) Journal of General Virology 102 (3), 001521.
  • Gholve M S, Kalwaghe S. T., Palampalle H. Y, Chigure G.M., Ingle S.A. and Bhangale G. N. Comparative efficacy of commonly used anthelmintics against toxocarosis in buffalo calves in Mumbai, Maharashtra. (2022). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 11(4): 1731-1733.
  • Kevin J, Pharande R.R., Majee S.B., Gandge R.S., Dighe D.G. and Ingle S.A.Serosurveillance of rabies neutralizing antibodies in companion animals in Mumbai region by using indirect ELISA. 2023. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 12(3): 3471-3476.
  • Gholve M. S., Kalwaghe S. T., Palampalle H. Y., Chigure G. M., Ingle S. A., and Bhangale G. N. Age but not sex is a primary predisposing factor for Ascariosis in buffalo calves: an evidence from Mumbai, India. Buffalo Bulletin. 2024. 43 (1).
  • Kadam M.B., Sawale G.K., Gandge R.S., Ingle S.A., Rohi R.R., and Meshram P.V. Prevalence and Pathology of Feline Panleukopenia in Domestic Cats. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. 2024. 6(4): 40-47.

Abstracts/ Poster/ Oral Presentations:

  1. S. A. Ingle, Ramneek Verma, Mamta Pandey, Satparkash Singh and B. V. Sunil Kumar. “Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Peptidoglycan Associated Lipoptotein (OprL) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa” Poster presented at National symposium on “Animals in research and Testing: A cross talk between relevance and ethics (NSART 2015) and Annual Convention of LASAI, 13th – 14th March, 2015 at CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow.
  2. Sonal A. Ingle, Ramneek Verma, Mamta Pandey, Satparkash Singh, B. V. Sunil Kumar and R. S. Sethi. “Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Recombinant Exotoxin A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Mice”. Paper presented at 1st Annual conference of SRL & NAWAR and National Symposium on “Concepts in Zoonoses & Health in New Millenium”, 19 th – 20 th October, 2015 at NVC, Nagpur.
  3. Shiba Varghese, R.S. Gandge and S. A. Ingle. “Molecular and Differential Diagnosis of Avian Mycoplasmosis”. Paper presented at XXIII Annual Convention of ISVIB & National Conference on Challenges in Livestock and Poultry Production, 17 th – 19 th April, 2017 at KNPCVS, Shirwal.
  4. S. A. Ingle and C. H. Pawshe. “Cell Based Therapy in Veterinary Medicine”. Paper presented at VI Annual Convention of SVSBT and National symposium on “Newer Concepts and Approaches for Improvement in Animal Health and Production”, 13 th – 14 th December, 2018 at CVAS, Navania, Udaipur.
  5. K. Jadhav, S. A. Ingle, V. D. Thorat, R. S. Gandge, S. D. Jagdale, H. Y. Palampalle, R. R. Pharande, S. B. Majee. “Lactobacillus harbinensis, a novel inoculant for ensiling maize”. Poster presented at National Conference and XVI Annual Symposium of IAVPHS, 26 th – 27 th February, 2019 at NVC, Nagpur
  6. Rekha Nagargoje, Sonal Ingle, Shubhangi Warke, Mehak Tikoo. “Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa based on 16S rRNA PCR”. Poster presented at 36th Annual Convention of IAVMI and National Conference on “Impact of Animal Health on One Health and National Prosperity, June 6-7, 2024 at CVAS, Udaipur.


S. No. Project Title. Agency PI/Co-PI Total Layout
(Rs. Lacs).
1 Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety ICAR-NAHEP-CAAST Co-principal Investigator 1805.00 2020-2023
(03 years)
2 Strengthening of IVF/ET Center Rashtriya Gokul Mission Co-principalInvestigator 297.14
3 Qualitative Evaluation of the Silage prepared using Lactobacillus harbinensis MAFSU Research Grants Principal Investigator 2.00 2024-2025
(01 years)

Departmental Research Activity

The cell aims: to meet the goals for PG and Ph.D. teaching and research; research to meet the requirements of the livestock farmers, field personnel, industries, etc.; to provide diagnostic facilities to the animal owners.
Areas of Future Research:
  • Development of Diagnostic Tools for Identification/Detection of Infectious and/ or non-infectious diseases
  • Development of Molecular Tools for Identification of Different Species of Animals
S. No. Project Title. Agency PI/Co-PI Total Layout
(Rs. Lacs).
1 Strengthening of IVF/ET Center Rashtriya Gokul Mission Co-principal Investigator 297.14
2 Qualitative Evaluation of the Silage prepared using Lactobacillus harbinensis MAFSU Research Grants Principal Investigator 2.00 2024-2025
(01 years)

Course Offered by the Department



S. No. Course No. Title Credits
1 BTY 601 Basic and Applied Biotechnology * 2+0
2 BTY 602 Fundamentals of Cell Biology * 2+0
3 BTY 604 Animal Cell Culture–Principles and Applications 2+1
4 BTY 606 Immunology Applied to Biotechnology 2+1


S. No. Course No. Title Credits
1 BTY 603 Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering 2+0
2 BTY 605 Molecular Diagnostics 2+1
3 BTY 607 Introduction to Bioinformatics 2+1
4 BTY 608 Animal Genomics * 2+1
5 BTY 610 Reproductive Biotechnology * 2+1


S. No. Course No. Title Credits
1 BTY 609 Techniques in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering* 0+2
2 BTY 611 Master’s Seminar-I 1+0


S. No. Course No. Title Credits
1 BTY 612 Master’s Research 0+30



S. No. Course No. Title Credits
1 BTY 701 Genetic Engineering* 1+2
2 BTY 702 Functional Genomics and Proteomics 3+0
3 BTY 703 Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology 2+0
4 BTY 704 Diagnostic Platform 1+1
5 BTY 711 Reproductive Biotechnology * 2+1
6 BTY 706 Trends in Vaccinology 2+1


S. No. Course No. Title Credits
7 BTY 700 Research and Publication Ethics* 1+1
8 BTY 707 Advances in Bioinformatics 1+1
9 BTY 708 Advances in Reproductive Biotechnology 2+1
10 BTY 709 Advances in Animal Cell Culture* 2+1
11 BTY 710 Industrial Biotechnology 2+1


S. No. Course No. Title Credits
12 BTY 705 Gene Manipulation and Genome Editing 2+0
13 BTY 712 Doctorate Seminar-I* 1+0
14 BTY 713 Doctorate Seminar-II 1+0
15 BTY 714 Doctorate Research 0+15


S. No. Course No. Title Credits
16 BTY 714 Doctorate Research 0+20