Veterinary Anatomy and Histology

Encouragement to fraternity, mutual co-operation and scientific exchanges amongst Veterinary Anatomists in India


Academic Regulations:


List of Admitted Students – First Year to Final Year (Veterinary Year wise / Fishery and Dairy Semester wise) :

Sr. No. Name of Student Enrl. No. Email Address Name of Advisor
1Saurabh KushwahaV/23/318saurabh282007@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
2Advaity MetkarV/24/008advaitysmatkar@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
3Ananya Anil KanojiaV/24/012anilkanojia76@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
4Anushka Sanjay GautamV/24/015sanjaygautam76150@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
5Arjun Ashish ChavanV/24/017arjunchav28@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
6ArpitV/24/019arpitgaruwa@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
7Ashok KumarV/24/021akstyles12442@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
8Awhale Yash DipakV/24/027yashawhale84@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
9Baderwal Manan SanjayV/24/028mbaberwal633@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
10Bangale Shivraj RajendraV/24/029shivrajbangale763@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
11Bargande Abhishek RajeshV/24/030bargandekaveri@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
12Bhargude Apurva DipakV/24/038bhargude.apurva7@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
13Bhosale Nikhil IshwarV/24/043nikhilbhosale880@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
14Bobhate Vaishnavi WasudeoV/24/047vaishnavibobhate2@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
15Bondge Vaibhav SurendraV/24/048vaibhavbondge778@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
16Bondre Rushali SubhashV/24/049rushalibondre05@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
17Bore Soham PrakashV/24/052Sohambore0@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
18Borkar Abha AbhijitV/24/053advita.borkar@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
19Chalakh Ayush SubhashV/24/055ayush01chalakh@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
20Chavan Vaishnavi DadaraoV/24/061dr.mbbs1912@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
21Chetan Ramesh DurgeV/24/062durgechetan4@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
22Davale Dipti IndrajitV/24/070davaledipti@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
23Dawale Sachidanand SangramV/24/071dawalesachinanand2003@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
24Deshmukh Saurabh BalchandraV/24/073saurabhdeshmukh707@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
25Garje Abhishek SantoshV/24/101garjeabhishek660@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
26Ghanwat Shrikant KamlakarV/24/107shpikantghanwat221@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
27Giri Janvi PrashantV/24/113janvigiri9@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
28Gupta Riya KishorV/24/120riyagupta7433@gail.comDr. B.M. Khati
29Hiwale Prashik PramodV/24/128pramodhiwale9@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
30Ingle Pranav ShivlalV/24/131pranayingle215@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
31Jitesh GrewalV/24/149grewaljitesh474@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
32Joshi Malhar ManishV/24/150malharjoshi2256@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
33Joshi Sharvari ManojV/24/151sharvarijoshi1912@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
34Junarkar Unnati VilasV/24/152unnatijun1707@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
35Kailuke Saurabh RameshV/24/158saurabhkailuke05@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
36Kankatav Siddheshwar DinkarV/24/162sidharthdkankatav@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
37Kante Aniket AnilV/24/164manishakanthe@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
38Kaple Vedant PralhadV/24/166brpkaple@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
39Kaware Samruddhi ManoharV/24/173samruddhikawre36@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
40Kendre Mukund JagannathV/24/175mukundkendre9234@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
41Kendre Satish VitthalV/24/176kendresatishvitthal@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
42Khadule Shrutika SandipV/24/181shrutikakhadule@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
43Kursunge Kunal MotilalV/24/195kunalkursunge@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
44Lavanya JiwtodeV/24/199lavanyajiwtode10@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
45Lodhe Om ShivprasadV/24/200omlodhe889@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
46Lokhande Nayan PravinV/24/201nayanlokhande79272@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
47Manjare Aditya PravinV/24/208pravinpm13@gmail-comDr. M.V.Kamble
48Manu Maharshi RaulaV/24/210raulamanu99@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
49Manwatkar Vishwambhar ShankarraoV/24/211vishwambharmanwatkar15@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
50Meshram Saloni AshokkumarV/24/218salonimeshram01@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
51Mohammad Merajuddin Khan Mohammad Ali KhanV/24/220merajuddink0@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
52More Prathamesh VijayV/24/221prathameshmore2903@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
53Ms.RINKU JAKHARV/24/224rinkujakhar80744@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
54Navatre Rushikesh BaluV/24/236yushinavatre1255@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
55Nawale Vaibhav SunilV/24/239vn607087@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
56Nitnaware Sanjivani LiladharV/24/246sanjivaninitnaware@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
57Padghan Mrunal SamadhanV/24/248padghansv2016@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
58Pathak Rohit NilkanthV/24/256pathak01rohit@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
59Pathan Hasan Ali Khan Juned Ali KhanV/24/257hasankhan985085@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
60Patil Dakshani SrikantV/24/258patilsrikant00@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
61Prayas Kumar DashV/24/283PRAYASDASH25@GMAIL.COMDr. G.S.Khante
62Pujari Nikhil RameshV/24/284nikhil942084@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
63Raju ChauhanV/24/290rajchauhan7533@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
64Rajurkar Vinay DhananjayraoV/24/291rajurkarinay7@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
65Rathod Nayan GajananV/24/296rathodnayan1305@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
66Rathod Saurav VijaysingV/24/298vijaysingrathod5068@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
67Raut Jayashree DhanrajV/24/301rautjayashree161@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
68Rekhate Rajsi DigamberV/24/303rekhate.rd.123@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
69Rishika KanakarajV/24/, karakaraj@aldanobe.comDr. G.S.Khante
70Ritesh KanadjeV/24/306riteshkanadje@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
71Rohit Kumar MeenaV/24/307rk20040215@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
72Sakhare Drushti PramodV/24/311sakharedrushti@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
73Sanap Chaitany SantoshV/24/315sanapchaitanya5@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
74Shaikh Areeb Abdul KhalikV/24/331shaikhareeb8793@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
75Shinde Shivani VilasV/24/337shivanishinde7821@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
76Shrirame Shivamkumar SureshV/24/343shivamusha007@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
77Sonwane Abhijeet RajkumarV/24/349sonawaneabhijeet26@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
78Suryawanshi Gangadhar MarotiV/24/359marotis.9321@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
79Tarfe Vaibhav SureshV/24/366vaibhavtaree2@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
80Thakre Pranav SantoshV/24/368pranavthakre840@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
81Vaidya Swapnil BabanV/24/372swapnilvaidya7m@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
82Vedant Vikas LatureV/24/378vedantvlature@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
83Vidisha Ashish NarnawareV/24/381ashishnarnaware28@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
84Gunjan AtkareV/22/132gunjanatkare@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
85Adbale Mangesh MarotiV/23/002mangeshmarotiadbale@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
86Amal Asif JamalV/23/008amaljamalq8@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
87Anil Kumar YadavV/23/010ayy943498@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
88Appalwar Akash PrashantV/23/014akashappalwar21@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
89Ashutosh RawatV/23/020rawatashu0512@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
90Asmita KumariV/23/022asmitaanshujha2211@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
91Badmera Himanshu MahendraV/23/024badmerahimanshu@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
92Bambale Pramod SantoshV/23/025pramodbambale046@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
93Bhagwate Akshad SudharamV/23/036bhagwateakshad@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
94Bhalchim Saniya DhondibaV/23/037saniyabhalchim112@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
95Bharti Vijay MaharudraV/23/040vb039999@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
96Bhate Aarya ShrikrishnaV/23/041aaryabhate0405@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
97Darak Arwa ShrinivasV/23/072arwadarak@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
98Devashish CholeV/23/082dchole4@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
99Dhaliwal Harmansingh JagdevsinghV/23/087deepjotkaur18@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
100Dhonukshe Vedashri RajkumarV/23/092dhonukshevadashri@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
101Dhumal Pranav RameshV/23/095pranavdhumal83@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
102Divekar Anannya NiranjanV/23/098anannyadivekar@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
103Dongarwar Tanmay SureshV/23/100tanmaydongarwar888@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
104Fande Omkar BalaprasadV/23/101omkarfande402@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
105Fartade Raj VijaykumarV/23/102rajufartade2592004@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
106Gahukar Purva PramodV/23/106purvagahukar2107@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
107Ganage Aarti NiteshV/23/109aartiganage406@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
108Gangurde Rohan SuhasV/23/111rahangangurde29@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
109Gawande Vaishnavi ShivcharanV/23/115gawandevaishnavi187@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
110Gawhare Payal SureshV/23/116payalgawhare13@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
111Ghawghawe Prajwal ShridharV/23/117prajwalghawghawe21@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
112Ghule Pratik ShantaramV/23/118pratikghule710@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
113Gophane Samrudhi SantoshV/23/121samriddhigophane@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
114Jadhao Rutuja PrakashV/23/133rutujadhao792003@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
115Jambhule Rupali DilipV/23/145rupalijambhule53@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
116Joel Koshy MammanV/23/148joelkm8854@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
117Kadam Pavan PrabhakarV/23/155pavankadam9527@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
118Kadam Riddhi RupeshV/23/157viddhik1304@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
119Kale Amey VikasV/23/160ameykale1343@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
120Kare Prerana ShrimantV/23/168kareprerana@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
121Kendre Suraj DevanandV/23/174surajdk9767@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
122Khawale Rushikesh VijayV/23/179rishikeshkhawale123@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
123Khodake Rushikesh KishorV/23/181rushikeshkhodke2001@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
124Magar Somesh SanjayV/23/195someshpatilmagar@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
125Manish ChoudharyV/23/203mr1mrmanish@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
126Mankar Sneha ShridharV/23/205snehamankar999@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
127Meshram Riddhi LehandasV/23/210riddhimeshram9@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
128Mohit KumarV/23/213mohitpatel8105@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
129More Anjali BalajiV/23/215vrundavanimore5@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
130Manoj YadavV/23/218rkhiwal9785@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
131Mukul Vinod PatilV/23/220mvpmukulpatil4@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
132Mundhe Akanksha ArjunV/23/223mundheaa2002@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
133Murarkar Paawan AshishV/23/225paawanmurarkar20@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
134Narwade Tanvi BalajiV/23/233tanvi292004@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
135Naveen KumarV/23/234praveen324@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
136Nevarkar Shubham DevraoV/23/238shubhamnevarkar@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
137Patle Kartik JagdishV/23/262kartikpatle0001@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
138Pawale Priya RameshV/23/265priyapawale106@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
139Pawar Prathamesh DipakV/23/267prathamesh.d.pawar654@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
140Priyamvada GudadheV/23/277priyamvadagudadhe@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
141Purohit Saloni ShaileshV/23/279salonipurohit99@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
142RameshV/23/281rameshkhyalia2025@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
143Rampurkar Chaitali PruthvirajV/23/282chaitalirampurkar04@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
144Rathod Juganu SunilV/23/283siprimetech@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
145Raut Sangharsh LaxmanV/23/289rautsangharsh2137@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
146Raut Vaibhav GaneshV/23/292vaibhavr187.@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
147Rhea Harriat RejiV/23/295rheaharriat7@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
148RubalV/23/298rubalbtembhurne@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
149Sachin Kumar MeenaV/23/301sachinmeena8105@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
150Sapate Vaibhav GaneshV/23/313vaibhavsapate2157@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
151Sarode Manjiri ManojV/23/314manjirisarode2004@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
152Sathe Dhanshree TryambakV/23/316dhanshreesathe01@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
153Shanuj MeshraamV/23/325shanujmeshraam02@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
154Sheba JinuV/23/326shebajinu05@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
155Shembade Yash ShamraoV/23/329yashshembade10@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
156Shendge Satyam KishorV/23/330shendgesatyam@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
157Shirsat Mansi BaluV/23/337mshirsat540@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
158Subhalakshmi SahaV/23/360subhalakshmipu@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
159Sumit PrajapatV/23/364sumithrajapatjhadol@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
160Suryawanshi Bhagyashree KuldeepV/23/367bhagsuryawanshi@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
161Swami Rohit BalasahebV/23/370rohitswami814@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
162Tupkar Aryan AmitV/23/384aryantupkar78607@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
163Vedha Valli SV/23/393vedaraji304@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
164Waghmode Vivek DattatrayV/23/401waghmodevivek3@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
165Wandhare Ajay AnkushV/23/405ajaywandhare4@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
166Wathore Aditya PremanandV/23/408premanandwathore66@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
167Weskade Harshal HansrajV/23/410harshalweskade21@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
168Zade Swaraj GokuldasV/23/414swarajzade101@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
169Jaybhaye Akanksha DattaraoV/21/148akankshajaybhaye2000@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
170Sayali Sujeet SuryawanshiV/21/319sayali202004@icloud.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
171Aakanksha S. MetriV/22/001sonusree724@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
172Adhao Bhushan GajananV/22/005bhushanadhao04@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
173Adling Sanjivani SunilV/22/006sanjivaniadling@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
174Alok SharmaV/22/009sharmaalok611@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
175Aman SinghV/22/011amandhukiya0290@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
176Ayush TomarV/22/021ayushtomar258@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
177Bandewar Harshada SanjaykumarV/22/028harshadabandewar@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
178Bandiwar Sakshi RajeshV/22/029sakshibandiwar2003@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
179Barse Samrat AnilV/22/032samratbarse21@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
180Bharad Dipeeka SontoshV/22/036dipeekabharad2003@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
181Bhoyar Khushi ManojV/22/040khushibhoyar28@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
182Chavan Pratiksha KailashV/22/056pratikshakc1130@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
183Cheekatipalle HariniV/22/058hariniramana2@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
184Deepak Kumar SharmaV/22/074deepak321.sikar@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
185Deshatwad Vaishnavi VenkatraoV/22/078deshatwadvaishnavi@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
186Deshmukh Arni KaustubhV/22/081arnideshmukh@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
187Deshmukh Goutami MadanV/22/082goutameedeshmukh1@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
188Deshmukh Krushna BhaskarraoV/22/084krushnadeshmukh1001@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
189Dhengale Shamli RajuV/22/090shamlidhengle548@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
190Divyesh Sanjay BhoyeV/22/095divyeshbhoye45@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
191Doke Anuraj MarotiV/22/096anurajdoke291@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
192Durge Yash IshwarV/22/097yashdurge32@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
193Gadekar Samiksha DnyaneshwarV/22/104samikshagadekar465@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
194Gadge Vaibhavi VivekanandV/22/105vaibhavigadge17@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
195Gagan Kumar SharmaV/22/107gagan1182001@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
196Gahale Vedant PravinV/22/108vedantgahale123@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
197Ghuge Aditi GajananV/22/124gajananghuge2003@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
198Girish Bhaskar JondhaleV/22/126girishjon007@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
199Ingole Aditya ChandrakantV/22/148adityaingole011@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
200Kagde Gaurav KalyanV/22/166gauravkagde@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
201Kalpande Shivani RameshV/22/171kalpandeshivani95@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
202Kampurne Anup DhondibaV/22/174anup01082003@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
203Kankalwar Nancy SudhakarV/22/176nancykankalwar@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
204Khandare Nisarga GajananV/22/192nisargakhandare69@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
205Kharpude Prasad AdinathV/22/196prasadkharpude11@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
206Khode Harsh ShivshankarV/22/200harshkhode7@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
207Kirme Pravin VijayV/22/201pravinkirme321@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
208Kukade Shilpa SanjivV/22/209shilpakukade8@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
209Kute Pankaj RameshV/22/212pkute3553@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
210Kute Rushikesh SanjayV/22/213rushikeshkute1606@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
211Labde Ojaswi ChandrashekharV/22/214ojaswi072003@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
212ManishaV/22/228manishajat.782002@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
213Manoj BishnoiV/22/231manojbhadu2120@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
214Maske Mayuri BhauraoV/22/233mayurimaske73@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
215Meshram Chanchal SureshV/22/234chanchalm11204@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
216Morkhade Gajanan PramodV/22/240gmorkhade2001@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
217Musale Vikram VijayV/22/247drvikrammusale1@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
218Nagrale Anush NandrajV/22/248anushnagrale@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
219Nagre Aniket NandkishorV/22/249aniketshru1@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
220Navghare Tejas RameshwarV/22/252tejasvelay@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
221Navle Utkarsha NanasahebV/22/253utkarshanavle23@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
222Neware Krishna AnandV/22/257newarek81@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
223Nikhade Saurabh SomeshwarV/22/259saurabhnikhade7782@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
224Panem Namrata KishorV/22/269namratapanem@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
225Parate Prachi DharmrajV/22/273prachiparate001@gmial.comDr. S. V. Chopde
226Patrikar Vedant PramodV/22/280vedantpatrikar221@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
227Pooja ChanekarV/22/291poojachanekar6@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
228Rathod Darshan PanjabraoV/22/301darshan118888@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
229Raut Drushti KailashV/22/305drushtiraut2002@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
230Raut Shivani ShivramV/22/307shivaniraut1230@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
231Reddepogu Sarayu PaulV/22/310sarayureddipogu@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
232Sahare Prachi RajkumarV/22/320prachisahare26@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
233Sandeep DhamalaV/22/326saudeepdhawala11145@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
234Saurav KumarV/22/329sauravsingh23052000@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
235Shahane Omkar DnyaneshwarV/22/333omkarshahane19042003@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
236Sharma Shreeyog VinayV/22/339mymailshree2003@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
237ShubhamV/22/353yogeshelectronics7@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
238Shyam LalV/22/354shyamkuchari68@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
239Siddhika KadamV/22/355siddhikaaa@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
240Soni Aastha SanjayV/22/361rashmisoni1972@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
241Sontakke Mrunmayi GajananV/22/363sontakke.mrunmayi@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
242Sutar Chinmayee SanjayV/22/372chinmayeessutar@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
243Tandale Digambar BharatV/22/377digambartandale55@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
244Tawade Pritam PrafulV/22/380pritamtawade01@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
245Tayade Rahul GautamV/22/381rahultayade558@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
246Thombare Yash SantoshV/22/387yoshthombare11101@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
247Thorat Dhairyashil ShashikantV/22/388dasthorat1993@gmali.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
248Wankhede Suchita DattaV/22/405patilsuchita007@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
249Wayase Girish HarishchandraV/22/406wayasegirish@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
250Ankit GautamV/21/014akshayhavchari12345@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
251Annapurna SinghV/21/015saranganarase21@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
252Bhavesh Chaudhary RawatV/21/039mohangautam93@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
253RitikV/21/299annapurnasingh1902@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
254Shubhankar Pahad SinghV/21/339pratikbansod31@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
255GyanenderV/21/128chetax34@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
256VivekV/21/389aradhya.kajal@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
257Raj Kumar KumawatV/21/286lalitborade2020@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
258Harshit DadheechV/21/131jagdishvijaychavan11@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
259Dinesh BajiyaV/21/095vaibhavc2109@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
260Satish MeenaV/21/314adeshchavan17@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
261Vikrant SharmaV/21/386ashchohan561@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
262Khandalkar Sejal SanjayV/21/179tanmaydange38@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
263Guri LavanyaV/21/127shivamdawand@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
264Gample Sakshi SomnathV/21/113deshmukhdeep121@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
265Rathod Pawankumar PrakashV/21/292vedantdeshmukh125@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
266Sapkal Akshay RavindraV/21/312devya2002khandelwal@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
267Kurra JasmithaV/21/198tushardhanule2001@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
268Ishan Dilip MondheV/21/137ahdhawale@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
269Akshay AvcharV/21/010dineshbajiya1@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
270Anarase Sarang DattatrayV/21/013dudhenikita8@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
271Bansod Pratik RajuV/21/025sakshigample2003@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
272Barve Chetan RamchandraV/21/031nikhilgarmode19@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
273Deeshaa Shrikrishna KaduskarV/21/154aashishghongate23@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
274Borade Lalit BapusahebV/21/053gurilavanya588@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
275Chavan Jagdish VijayV/21/059thegyanender@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
276Chavan Vaibhav AshokV/21/061harshitdadheech38@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
277Chavhan Adesh MarotraoV/21/063rushihinge720@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
278Chohan Ashmita RajkumarV/21/06812bishanmondhe@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
279Dange Tanmay VilasV/21/072jadhavharshwardhan46@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
280Dawand Shivam GajananV/21/073omjunare2002@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
281Deshmukh Deep SurendraV/21/078deeshaakduskar216@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
282Deshmukh Vedant ManojV/21/079shrirangkakade07@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
283Devyanshi KhandelwalV/21/084kalepranav533@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
284Dhanule Tushar SunildattaV/21/087kalesamruddhi121@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
285Dhawale Madhura AshokV/21/090tukapgate2001@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
286Dudhe Nikita RameshV/21/098sejalkhandalkar22918@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
287Garmode Nikhil MukundV/21/116kharatekuldip76@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
288Ghongate Aashish MohanV/21/120sakshikhating09@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
289Hinge Rushikesh VinodV/21/133lokykomrewar@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
290Jadhav Harshwardhan MohanraoV/21/138jasmithak172001@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
291Junare Om BhagwatV/21/151palashmeshram8646@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
292Kakade Sanika ShrirangV/21/155shalvismesraam03@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
293Kale Pranav BhaskarV/21/157adityamunde54941@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
294Kale Samruddhi MadhavV/21/158vikrammungmode2001@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
295Kapgate Tejas UlhasV/21/164krishnanagre20@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
296Kharate Kuldeep SandipV/21/181rushikeshnakod21@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
297Khating Sakshi BhagwatV/21/182nannewarpranay@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
298Komrewar Lokesh ChanduV/21/187tejsvinipadhy@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
299Meshram Palash SudhirV/21/215pratikpawara3301@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
300Meshram Shalvi ShishupalV/21/216pritisabale085@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
301Mundhe Aditya DnyaneshwarV/21/232kumawatrrajkumar@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
302Mungmode Vikram SudamV/21/235yashramteke2020@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
303Nagre Krishana SubhashV/21/241pawankumarrathod143@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
304Nakod Rushikesh RamakantV/21/244ratnaparkhidinesh@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
305Nannewar Pranay SunilV/21/245dnyaneshwarraut8830@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
306Padhya Tejaswini VirendraV/21/253ritiksukhani700@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
307Pratik PawaraV/21/279omkarrokade322@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
308Preeti Somnath SableV/21/281surajsabale978@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
309Ramteke Yash RajkumarV/21/287samyuktasunil2002@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
310Ratnaparkhi Dinesh PurushottamV/21/295akshaysapkal2310@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
311Raut Dnyaneshwar RamhariV/21/296satisamina9@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
312Rokade Omkar BajiraoV/21/301harshal1800@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
313Sabale Suraj SitaramV/21/303shindesakshi038@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
314Samyukta Sunil KumarV/21/311shivanigarmade2019@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
315Shende Harshal SardasV/21/323pahadsinghsubbu@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
316Shinde Sakshi SanjayV/21/330shuklasahil012@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
317Shivani GarmadeV/21/333suhanaraina03@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
318Shukla Sahil SunilV/21/341udaysukhale@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
319Suhana SanjayV/21/352krishiupadhyay09@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
320Suknale Uday SureshraoV/21/353ishaverma12347@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
321Upadhyay Krishi BhaveshV/21/378vikkypagisharma@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
322Verma Isha Ashim PrakashV/21/381vivekbeniwal512@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
323Wagh Gaurav DevidasV/21/392gauravrider2222@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
324Wagh Satish ParajiV/21/393satishwagh8969@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
325Waghmare Vaibhav SantoshV/21/396waghmarevaibhav609@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
326Wartale Balaji SambhajiV/21/403balajiwartale001@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
327Watghule Sanskruti RavindraV/21/404sanskrutiwatgule2000@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
328Zade Jayesh SanjayV/21/408jayeshzade20@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
329Ambulgekar Swaraj ShivajiV/20/008shivajitambulgekar@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
330Amte Aditya MahadeoV/20/009adityaamte94@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
331Andhale Satvik BhagwanV/20/011bhagwanandhale0035@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
332Banewar Dhanshri ChhatrashalV/20/023banewardhanshri@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
333Belsare Shruti HariharV/20/025belsareshruti5@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
334Bhalerao Vaibhav DevidasV/20/028vaibhavbhalerao035@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
335Bhavya MalikaV/20/033bm856962@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
336Bhosale Prajwal AnilV/20/038prajwalbhosale4488@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
337Bomble Avinash KailashV/20/042jain.bhushan14@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
338Borkar Bharvi BhuwanesharV/20/046avinashpsd11@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
339Chirwatkar Smital SureshV/20/063borkarbharvi2003@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
340Daberao Akash SantoshV/20/067smitalchirwatkar123@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
341Dawre Shruti NamdeoV/20/072shrutidawre@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
342Dhawale Rinal SunilV/20/082rinaldhawale2018@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
343Tanuu YadavV/20/361tanuu749@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
344Jain Bhushan ArunV/20/040jain.bhushan14@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
345Deokar Pradumn GaneshraoV/20/074pradumandeokar@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
346Dhawale Kartik JanardhanV/20/081dhawalekartik0@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
347Galande Samarth DilipV/20/095samarthgalande7171@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
348Gawai Saurabh JaganV/20/102sauravgawai@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
349Gawali Ankita BalasahebV/20/103ankitagawali6468@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
350Gayathri BinukumarV/20/104gayatribinukumar92@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
351Ghadge Gopal TulshidasV/20/105gopalghadge2001@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
352Girame Sushant SuneelV/20/110sushantgirame@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
353Harshita SharmaV/20/122harshitasharma162001@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
354Jadhao Ajinkya KishorV/20/133ajinkyakijadhao1999@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
355Kamdi Chandrakanta GajananV/20/155pratikshakamdi99@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
356Mohanty SomeswarV/19/235someswar.mohanty03@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
357Keerti FaujdarV/20/167someswar.mohanty03@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
358Lokhande Datta GangadharV/20/198madhavlokhande04@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
359Madhurima Arvind JiwantareV/20/202madhurimajiwan@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
360Mahajan Aditya SanjayV/20/204a.s.m140202@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
361Mahalle Mohit SubhashV/20/207mohitmahalle2106@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
362Manish KichambareV/20/213manishr2000r@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
363Masram Vrushali ManojV/20/215vrushalimasram787@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
364Mitkari Sairaj PadamakarV/20/220sairajmitkari05@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
365Nakshatra MhankaleV/20/233reeshab2515@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
366Nandurkar Yatharth RajeshV/20/234yatharthnandurkar2001@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
367Nikalje Harshal GajananV/20/242nickyanikalje358@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
368Nimbarte Nishkarsh DineshV/20/247nimbartenishkarsh2@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
369Omprakash BanshiwalV/20/251omprakashbanshiwal28@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
370Oojas Narendra PardeshiV/20/252oojas.pardeshi@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
371Parve Rushikesh AmrutraoV/20/258parverushi01@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
372Pashine Kunjika ZaneshV/20/259ilmf131167@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
373Patil Kaivalya AjayV/20/265kaivalyapatil01@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
374Patil Manjiri VijayV/20/267manjirip0202@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
375Patil Mayur ManoharV/20/268mayurpatil190320@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
376Patil Prathamesh SunilV/20/270patilprathamesh2681@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
377Pawar Harsha BalkrishnaV/20/275harshabpawar428@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
378Praveen KumarV/20/286praveenjakhar937@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
379Punse Shradha GopalV/20/288shradhagopalpunse@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
380Rathod Amit RanjitV/20/293amit.rj9766@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
381Raveena PundirV/20/297pundirraveena113@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
382Sapkal Satyam DnyaneshwarV/20/313satyamsapkal10@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
383Sarika BhardwajV/20/314sarikabhardwaj35@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
384Sarode Mrunal ManojV/20/315mrunalsarode2001@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
385Shahil KaswanV/20/319shahilkaswan2@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
386Shilwant Sanket ChandrakantV/20/325sanketshilwant17@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
387Singh Gracy AmarV/20/343gracysingh221@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
388Sirsat Chaitnya NarayanV/20/344sirsatchaitnya@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
389Soumya DixitV/20/347dixitsoumya19@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
390Surendra Kumar SainiV/20/355su2001saini@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
391Tarpe Sumit PrakashV/20/362sumittarpe25@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
392Tayade Jayashree ParmeshwarV/20/364jayashreetayade710200@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
393Tejas DeshmukhV/20/365tejas25601@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
394Tekade Rutik AshokraoV/20/366rutiktekade23@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
395Tellawar Pranit SureshV/20/367pranittellawar2000@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
396Theng Gopal VilasV/20/370gvrajput28@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
397Tahkik Tushar GajananV/20/376tushartahkik77@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
398Amit SharmaV/19/013amitsharmajoun@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
399Badgujar Yash RajeshV/19/028yashbadgujar1307@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
400Tiwari Bhakti GaneshV/20/373bhaktitiwari1623@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
401Ubale Abhijeet AnshiramV/20/377abhijeetubale2002@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
402Varpe Chaitanya GorakshanathV/20/383chaitanyavarpe0@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
403Wagh Ashutosh ArunV/20/393ashutoshwagh2371@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
404Wankhede Aryan RajeshV/20/396wankhedearyan1@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
405Yedage Rohansinghraje PandurangV/20/402yedagerohan@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
406YogeshV/20/403yogeshbhanker083@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram

PG , PhD

S. No. Name Roll No. Email Name of Advisor
1Fulsundar Rohan DiwakarV/18/096fulsundardiwa1234@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
2Gaytri JayarajV/18/109gayatrijayraj3119@gmail.comDr. S. P. Chaudhari
3Tippa PadmajaV/23/431tipp.padmaja@gmail.comDr. S. P. Chaudhari
4D. VasaviV/23/418vasavidyagala@gmail.comDr. A. R. Sawarkar
5Gaydhane Priya GovindV/18/110priyagaydhane75@gmail.comDr. D. S. Raghuwanshi
6Kapale Akash RajendraV/18/172akashkaple1999@gmail.comDr. M. S. Patil
7Sonavane Priyanka RajeshV/18/350sonavane.priyanka814@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
8Hunar GoelV/18/132hunargoel31@gmail.comDr. G. A. Fiske
9Patel Nikita MatapherV/18/275nikkipatel261999@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
10Nikhil R.V/23/423nikhilravindran1999@gmail.comDr. B. Bhadane
11Deshmukh Saurabh RajeshV/18/
12Ghuje Nakul SamadhanV/18/
13Aglave Vidya VishwanathV/18/
14Kore Sneha SubhashV/18/
15Vaibhav VermaV/23/
16Sharma Mili RajeevV/18/336milisharma1818@gmail.comDr. G. R. Bhojne
17Gupta Juhi ShivprasadV/18/121juhigupta200031@gmail.comDr. C. G. Panchbhai
18Ajane Sanskruti DeepakV/18/012ajane.sanskruti10@gmail.comDr. J. M. Chahande
19Easteri DebbarmaV/23/420edebbarma78@gmail.comDr. J. M. Chahande
20Dhurve Devika TarasingV/18/087dhurvedevika60@gmail.comDr. P. D. Jumde
21Barbhuddhe Shruti SukhdevV/18/030barbuddhess06@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
22Sakhare Dipti AshokvV/17/277sakharedeep2803@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
23Honshette Supriya PartapraoV/18/131supriyahonshette3@gmail.comDr. K. S. Rathod
24Parbat Rushikesh MacchindraV/17/232rushiparbat090@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
25Kalne Sumitkuar AnilV/18/159sumitkalne369@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
26Madavi Rajdeep RajuV/18/215rajdeepmadavi@gmail.comDr. Sariput Landge
27Naik Ratnamala SubhashV/18/252ratsubhashnaik@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
28Kanole Avinash NarayanraoV/18/171kanoleavinash4911@gmail.comDr. Shubhangi Warke
29Jogdand Raghunath PandhariV/17/126jogdandraghunath@gmial.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne

2nd Year

S. No. Name Roll No. Email Name of Advisor
1DHURVE AKANKSHA ASHOKRAOV/17/071akankshadhurve@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
2JADHAV ADITA ASHOKV/17/114aditajadhav2@gmail.comDr. Shubhangi Warke
3SUROSHE SAMIKSHA MUKESHV/17/326samikshasuroshe@gmail.comDr. Megha Kaore
4KUHOO SINGHV/22/422kuhoo.singh11@gmail.comDr. W. A. Khan
5BHUSSE RUSHIKESH RAMESHWARV/17/037rrbhusse45@gmail.comDr. W. A. Khan
6RUCHA SANJAY SALODKARV/15/207drrucha28@gmail.comDr. S. P. Chaudhari
7TEJAL MAHENDRA BHAPKARV17/336tejalbhapkar06@gmail.comDr. A. R. Sawarkar
8DESHMUKH GAURI SHRINIDEEV/17/062gsd221298@gmail.comDr. R. P. Limsay
9KATHALE TANMAY NITINV/17/150kathaletanmay2810@gmail.comDr. A. P. Gawande
10AVULA VIJAYA VARSHINIV/22/415avvijayav95@gmail.comDr. M. S. Patil
11JOG MUGDHA ATULV/17/124mugsj003@gmail.comDr. G. A. Fiske
12ANTRA KENV/22/413jnvk.antraken28@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
13PRANEET POTWARV/17/259praneet potwar1999@gmail.comDr. B. K. Bhadane
14GAIKWAD KOMAL DIGAMBARV/17/079vetdrkomal@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
15YASH GARGV/17/363yashg23456@gmail.comDr. B. N. Ramteke
16DIPASREE DASV/22/419dasdipasree24@gmail.comDr. M. R. Jawale
17PARSAWAR PARIMAL KISHORV/17/233parimalparsawar1998@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
18BALRAM CHAUHANV/22/417balchouhan34@gmail.comDr. M. M. Kadam
20LIYENA MEDHIV/22/423liyenamedhi87@gmail.comDr. K. S. Rathod
21NANDESHWAR SAURABHV/17/217saurbhnandeshwar28@gmail.comDr. G. R. Bhojne
22CHACHARKAR DHENU KISHORV/16/056dchacharkar97@gmail.comDr. V. M. Dhoot
23DODEWAR RHUSHIKESH RAJUV/17/074rhushikeshdodewar@gmail.comDr. G. P. Shende
24MENDAKE AJAY DILIPV/17/198ajaymendake15@gmail.comDr. B. M. Khati
25KORADE VISHWAJEET BALASAHEBV/17/166vishwajeet.korade@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
26GAVALI DHANASHREE DEVIDASV/15/080gavalidhanshree001@gmail.comDr. Mahesh Gupta
27AADESHV/22/412aadesh61199@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram

Admissions , PhD

Sr. No. Name of Student Enrl. No. Email Address Name of Advisor
1 G DANIEL RISHEEN V/23/437 Dr. G. R. Bhojne
2 KOLANGATH SUJIT MRTHEW V/23/438 Dr. Sonal Ingle
3 PANDIRI KEERTHANA V23/439 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi

Course offered :: UG, PG , PhD – Semester / Year wise

Sr No Unit No Topic No of Lectures Theory Course Offered in the Year
1 Unit-1 General Livestock Management 14 I
2 Unit-2 Fodder Production and Conservation 11 I
3 Unit-3 Livestock Production Management - Ruminants 17 I
4 Unit-4 Zoo Animals Production Management 12 I
5 Unit-5 Animal Welfare 14 I
6 Unit-6 Poultry Production Management 22 I
7 Unit-7 Diversified Poultry Production and Hatchery Management 12 I
8 Unit-8 Laboratory or Rabbit or Pet Animal Production Management 14 I
9 Unit-9 Swine or Equine or Camel, Yak and Mithun Production Management 14 I
Sr No Unit No Topic No of Lectures Practical Course Offered in the Year
1 Unit-1 General Livestock Management 12 I
2 Unit-2 Fodder Production and Conservation 6 I
3 Unit-3 Livestock Production Management – Ruminants 11 I
4 Unit-4 Zoo Animals Production Management 6 I
5 Unit-5 Poultry Production Management 11 I
6 Unit-6 Incubation and Hatchery Management 6 I
7 Unit-7 Laboratory or Rabbit or Pet Animal Production Management 7 I
8 Unit-8 Swine or Equine or Camel, Yak and Mithun Production Management 6 I

List of PG Courses ( MVSc ) and M.Tech. (Dairy Technology)

Sr No Course No. Title Credit Semester
1 LPM-601 Cattle and Buffalo Production and Management 2+1 I
2 LPM-602 Sheep and Goat Production and Management 2+1 II
3 LPM-603 Swine Production and Management 1+1 III
4 LPM-604 Laboratory Animal Production and Management 1+1 IV
5 LPM-605 Shelter Management 1+1 V
6 LPM-606 Principles of Environmental Hygiene and Waste Management 2+0 VI
7 LPM-607 Climatology and Animal Production 1+0 VII
8 LPM-608 Poultry Farm and Hatchery Management 2+1 VIII
9 LPM-609 Farm Animal Behavior 1+0 IX
10 LPM-610 Integrated Livestock Farming System 2+1 X
11 LPM-611 Equine Production and Management 1+1 XI
12 LPM-612 Wild Life Management and Conservation 2+0 XII
13 LPM-613 Livestock Business Management 1+1 XIII
14 LPM-691 Master’s Seminar 1+0 XIV
15 LPM-699 Master’s Research 20 XV
16 PGS 506 Disaster Management 1+0 XVI

Lecture Schedule – UG, PG , PhD – Theory / Practical Schedule – Approved by BoS – Subject wise


Unit – 1
Title : General Livestock Management
Total Theory Lectures: 14

S.N. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Demographic distribution of livestock & role in Indian economy; Problems & prospects of livestock industry in India 28 Oct Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Animal holding & land holding patterns in different agro-climatic zones 11 Nov Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Introduction to Livestock Production systems including Organic livestock production 18 Nov Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Common animal husbandry terms related to cattle, buffalo 25 Nov Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Common animal husbandry terms related to sheep, goat, pig 02 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Common animal husbandry terms related to horse, camel, yak & mithun 09 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Body conformation & methods of identification in livestock 16 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Transportation of livestock & wild/zoo animals 23 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Common farm management practices including disinfection, isolation, quarantine & disposal of carcasses 30 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Common farm management practices including disinfection, isolation, quarantine & disposal of carcasses 06 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Introduction to the methods of drug administration 12 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Common vices of animals (cattle, buffalo, sheep & goat), their prevention and care 20 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Preparation of animals for show, Judging & BCS for body parts of livestock 27 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Culling of animals; Selection & purchase of livestock 03 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati


Unit – 1
Title : General Livestock Management
Total Practicals: 12

S.N. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 General introduction of the Institute animal farm 22-24 Oct 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Identification of common tools used on animal farm 22-24 Oct 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Familiarization of body points of animals Cattle & Buffalo 25-28 Nov 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Familiarization of body points of animals Sheep, Goat, Pig & Horse 25-28 Nov 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Methods of Identification (marking, tattooing, branding, tagging & electronic chip) 23-26 Dec 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Approaching and handling of animals. Use of rope for knot & halter making. 23-26 Dec 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Dentition & ageing of animals Cattle & Buffalo 27-30 Jan 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Dentition & ageing of animals Sheep, Goat, Pig & Horse 27-30 Jan 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Preparation of animals for show, judging, fairs and melas 24-27 Feb 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Selection and culling of animals 24-27 Feb 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Preparation of project proposal Cattle & Buffalo 24-27 Mar 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Preparation of project proposal Sheep & Goat 24-27 Mar 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 2
Title :Fodder Production & Conservation
Total Theory Lectures: 11

S.N. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Importance of grasslands and fodder in livestock production. 22 Oct Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Agronomical Practices for fodder production - Environment, soil type, Land preparation, sowing time, sowing method, seed rate, manure/fertilizer, irrigation, weed control, harvesting time, method and yield. 29 Oct Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
3 Agronomical Practices for fodder production - cereal fodder - Kharif and summer season - Jowar, Bajra, Maize. Rabi season - Teosinte and Oats 12 Nov Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Agronomical Practices for fodder production of annual and perennial grass fodder - Hybrid Napier, Guinea grass, Para grass, Deenanath, Marvel grass, Rhodes grass, Sudan grass, and Anjan grass 19 Nov Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Agronomical Practices for fodder production - Legume crops Kharif and summer season - Cowpea, Rice bean, Velvet bean, Guar, and Soyabean 26 Nov Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Agronomical Practices for fodder production - Legume crops Rabi season - Lucerne, Berseem, Metha, and Senji 10 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
7 Soil and Water conservation and drainage of water for fodder production 17 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
8 Fodder production for small livestock units (backyard cultivation, intercropping, fodder production on waste land/low lying area bunds, charies, canals, azolla & hydroponics) 24 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
9 Structures for storage of feeds and fodders 31 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
10 Preservation of green fodder - Silage and Hay making. Scarcity fodder trees - Acacia, Banyan, Peepal, Glyciridia, Mango, Neem, Tamarind, Bilayati, Subabool. Other sources - Failed crops, Crop residues, Plant-oriented wastes, Agro-Industry wastes 07 Jan Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
11 Recycling of animal washings and wastes in fodder production and use of recycled waste 21 Jan Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 2
Title :Fodder Production & Conservation
Total Practicals: 6

S.N. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Visit to the fodder farm. Familiarization with the various types of fodders in the state and India. 02-05 Dec 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Familiarization with various fertilizers and manures 02-05 Dec 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
3 Collection, preservation and storage of feed and fodder 06-09 Jan 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Damages or loss during transport and storage; methods to prevent them 06-09 Jan 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Cost of calculations of fodder production. (One Cereal & one legume crop) 03-06 Feb 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Livestock waste utilization and recycling 03-06 Feb 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 3
Title: Livestock Production Management-Ruminants
Total Theory Lectures: 17

S.N. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Housing systems, layout and design of different buildings for animals 25 Oct Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Selection of site. General principles affecting the design and construction of building for housing of cattle & buffalo. 22 Nov Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Selection of site. General principles affecting the design and construction of building for housing of Sheep & Goat. 29 Nov Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Building materials used for construction of wall, roof and floor of animal houses, their characteristics, merits and demerits. Utilization of local materials. 06 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Arrangements of the building with special reference to Indian conditions. 13 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Breeds of cattle and buffalo and descriptions of important breeds. 20 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Economic traits of cattle and buffaloes. 27 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 General management and feeding practices of calves, heifers, pregnant and lactating animals. 03 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 General management and feeding practices of dry animals, bulls and working animals. 10 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Draught ability of cattle and buffaloes. 17 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Raising of buffalo males for meat production 24 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Routine animal farm operations and labour management 31 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Animal farm accounts and records. 07 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Methods of milking and precautions. Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk production. Clean milk production 14 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
15 Breeds of sheep and goat and their descriptions. Important economic traits for meat, milk and fibre. 21 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
16 General management and feeding practices during different stages of growth, development and production (milk, meat and wool). 28 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
17 Breeding schedule and management of ram and buck. Weaning and fattening of lambs and kids 07 Mar Friday Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 3
Title: Livestock Production Management-Ruminants
Total Practicals: 11

S.N. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Layout plans for different livestock houses 18-21 Nov 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Visit to different animal farms and Identification of various breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat 18-21 Nov 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Humane handling, restraining & casting of cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat 16-19 Dec 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Clipping, shearing, dipping, spraying, and spotting sick animals 16-19 Dec 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Determination of body weight using different measurements 20-23 Jan 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Familiarization with routine cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat farm operations 20-23 Jan 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Milking of dairy animals 17-20 Feb 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Training of breeding males 17-20 Feb 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Detection of heat. Identification and care of pregnant animals, care of neonatal and young stock 17-20 Mar 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Economics of dairy farm 17-20 Mar 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Economics of sheep or goat farm 14-17 Apr 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 4
Title: Zoo Animals Production Management
Total Theory Lectures: 12

S.N. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Taxonomy of important wild zoo animals. 28 Jan Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Taxonomy of important wild zoo animals. 04 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
3 Status and conservation practices of wild life in India. 11 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Basic principles of habitat and housing of various classes of wild zoo animals. 18 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Size and space requirement (dimension) of cubicles, enclosures of important wild zoo animals. 25 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Management of livestock in fringe areas, in and surrounding the breeding areas. 04 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
7 Feeding habits of captive animals. 11 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
8 Feeds and feeding schedules of captive animals. 18 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
9 Restraining, capture, handling, physical examination of captive animals. 25 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
10 Classification of zoos, general management practices of sanctuaries, national parks etc. 01 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
11 Acts and Rules related to captive animals. 08 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
12 National and international organization and institutions interlinked to captive animals role and functioning. 15 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 4
Title: Zoo Animals Production Management
Total Practicals: 6

S.N. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Visit to nearby wildlife sanctuary/zoo, captive animals centres to study care and management of these animals. 03-06 Mar 14:00- 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
2 To study housing of captive animals. 03-06 Mar 16:00- 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
3 To study feeds and feeding schedule of captive animals. 31 Mar-03 Apr 14:00- 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Hygienic preparation, preservation and storage of feeds of captive animals. 31 Mar-03 Apr 16:00- 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Familiarization about restraining, handling of captive animals. 05-08 May 14:00- 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Physical examination of captive animals. 05-08 May 16:00- 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 5
Title : Animal Welfare
Total Theory Lectures: 14

S.N. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Definition of animal welfare and ethics. Human and animal welfare in relation to ecosystem and environmental factors. 22 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Role of veterinarians in animal welfare. 29 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
3 List of Animal welfare organizations. Animal Welfare Board of India - their role, functions and current status. 06 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Rules, regulations, laws on animal welfare. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960 {59 of 1960). 13 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Role and function of Committee for the Purpose of Controlling and Supervising Experiments in Animals (CPCSEA). 20 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Protection of wild life in nature and captivity. 27 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
7 Protection and welfare of performing animals. 03 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
8 Welfare of animals during transportation. 10 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
9 Animal welfare in commercial livestock farming practices. Protection and welfare of working animals. 17 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
10 Pet and companion animal welfare. 24 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
11 Animal welfare during natural calamities and disaster management. 01 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
12 Legal duties of veterinarians, Common offences against animals and laws related to these offences. 08 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
13 Provincial and Central Acts relating to animals. Laws relating to offences affecting Public Health. 15 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
14 Livestock Importation Act Evidence, liability and insurance. Code of Conduct and Ethics for veterinarians - the Regulations made under the Act. 22 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 6
Title :Poultry Production Management
Total Theory Lectures: 22

Sr. Topic Date Day
1 Indian poultry industry – Brief outline of the different segments – poultry statistics Classification of poultry with respect to production characters, age and standards Friday
2 Production characters of other avian species Friday
3 Description of indigenous fowls and their value in rural farming. Specific strains developed for rural poultry production; their acceptability and importance in rural eco-system Friday
4 Housing – Types of poultry houses – space requirements. Recent advances in housing systems and rearing systems. Friday
5 Scavenging system of management – Low input technology – Backyard and semi-intensive units; their management and economic achievements. Friday
6 Deep litter management – control of litter-borne diseases and recycling of litter. Friday
7 Brooding management – Types of brooders – preparation of shed – Importance of environmental factors Friday
8 Cage management – Different types; Advantages and disadvantages. Friday
9 Management of growers Friday
10 Management of layers. Friday
11 Management of broilers Friday
12 Management of breeders. Friday
13 Stress management, Water management Friday
14 Feeding management – Classification of nutrients Friday
15 Nutrient requirements and feed formulations. Friday
16 Feeding systems – Feed restrictions – phase feeding – Additives and supplements. Friday
17 Breeding systems and methods of mating. Breeding for specific characters and for hybrid chicken production. Friday
18 Selection and culling. Poultry judging. Egg structure – Physical and chemical composition. Friday
19 Common poultry diseases: Bacterial and viral diseases, Coccidiosis Friday
20 Common poultry diseases: Metabolic and Deficiency diseases Friday
21 Bio-security and principles of disease prevention management. Friday
22 Health care for common poultry diseases – vaccination. General principles of poultry medication. Friday

Unit – 5
Title: Poultry Production Management
Total Practicals: 11

Sr. Topic Date Time
1 Common breeds of poultry, different classes 11-14 Nov 14:00- 16:00
2 Indian chickens and other avian species breeds. 11-14 Nov 16:00- 18:00
3 Digestive and respiratory system of chicken, Male and female reproductive system – Egg structure, physical and chemical composition, Quality changes in egg during storage. 09-12 Dec 14:00- 16:00
4 Economic traits of broilers. Economic traits of egg-type chicken and breeders. AI in poultry. 09-12 Dec 16:00- 18:00
5 Housing and design of a poultry farm, Automization in poultry farms (EC house). 06-09 Jan 14:00- 16:00
6 Poultry farm equipment and their classification. 06-09 Jan 16:00- 18:00
7 Brooding arrangement in broiler farms. 10-13 Feb 14:00- 16:00
8 Poultry feed ingredients and its quality assessment. Poultry feed preparations. 10-13 Feb 16:00- 18:00
9 Calculation of different economic indices of broiler farm. Calculation of economic indices of layer farm. 10-13 Mar 14:00- 16:00
10 Fundamentals in poultry Post-mortem examination for sample collection. Collection and dispatch of samples for PM examination. 10-13 Mar 16:00- 18:00
11 Management during Summer, Winter and Rainy season. 07-10 Apr 14:00-16:00

Unit – 7
Title: Diversified Poultry Production And Hatchery Management
Total Theory Lectures: 12

Sr. Topic Date Day
1 Principles of incubation, Hatchery management practices Friday
2 Factors affecting fertility and hatchability Friday
3 Selection and care of hatching eggs and Hatchery hygiene, Candling, sexing, grading, packing and disposal of hatchery waste. Friday
4 Economics of hatchery business – Troubleshooting hatchery failures – Computer applications in hatchery management. Friday
5 Poultry waste management, Pollution and environmental issues. Friday
6 Organic and hill farming. Friday
7 Mixed or integrated poultry farming, Vertical & horizontal integration in commercial poultry production – Contract farming. Friday
8 Export import of poultry produce and marketing. Friday
9 Management of Ducks. Friday
10 Management of Japanese quails. Friday
11 Management of Turkeys. Friday
12 Management of Geese and Guinea fowls. Friday

Unit – 6
Title: Incubation And Hatchery Management
Total Practicals: 06

Sr. Topic Date Time
1 Hatchery layout and design. 07-10 Apr 14:00-16:00
2 Project report for establishing a broiler farm. 12-15 May 16:00-18:00
3 Project report for establishing a layer farm. 12-15 May 14:00-16:00
4 Project report for establishing a breeder farm. 09-12 Jun 16:00-18:00
5 Visit to commercial poultry farms or hatchery or feed mill. 09-12 Jun 14:00-16:00
6 Visit to farms of other avian species. 07-10 Jul 16:00-18:00

Unit – 8
Title: Laboratory Or Rabbit Or Pet Animal Production Management
Total Theory Lectures: 14

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Importance of lab animals in research and selection of laboratory animals for research. 10 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Care and housing standards of mice, rats, hamster, guinea pigs & rabbit. 17 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 General considerations on feeding and breeding of laboratory animals. 24 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Concept of production of specific pathogen free and germ free laboratory animals. 03 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Scope of rabbit farming in the country, breeds and their distributions in India. Limitation of rabbit animal production. Selection, care and management of breeding stock for commercial purpose. 10 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Identification, care and management of kindling animals. Care of new born, growing stock. 17 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Breeding and selection techniques for optimal production of rabbit. 24 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Feeds and feeding for rabbit production. 06 Apr Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Hygienic care and Housing for rabbit production. Disposal, utilization and recycling of waste etc. 21 Apr Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Preparing projects for micro (Backyard), mini and major rabbit farms. 28 Apr Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Important breeds of dogs, cats and pet birds. 05 May Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Feeding of dogs, cats and pet birds. 19 May Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Dog show: preparation for show, kennel clubs, important characteristics for judgment. 26 May Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Utility of dogs- guarding, defense, patrolling, riot control, scouting, espionage, mine detection, tracking, guiding, hunting, races, retrieving rescue and other uses. 02 Jun Monday Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 7
Title: Laboratory Or Rabbit Or Pet Animal Production Management
Total Practicals: 07

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Identification of body parts and handling, weighing, sexing and weaning of laboratory animals. 21-24 Apr 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Marking for identification of laboratory animals for purpose of their individual recording. Maintenance of breeding records of laboratory animals. 21-24 Apr 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Computation, feeding schedule of balanced diet for high breeding efficiency of laboratory animals. Prophylactic measures against common disease of laboratory animals. Hygienic care and control of parasites. 26-29 May 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Shearing of rabbit. Feeding and Housing requirement and equipments for rabbit. Projects report for establishing of rabbit farm. 26-29 May 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Handling and restraining of dog, cat and pet bird and equipments for pet animals and birds. 23-26 June 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Brushing or grooming and bathing of dogs and cats. Nail and tooth care, clipping of hairs for show purpose. 23-26 June 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Care of pups, kitten and weaning. 21-24 Jul 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 9
Title: Swine Or Equine Or Camel, Yak And Mithun Production  Management
Total Theory Lectures: 14

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Introduction and scope of swine farming in the country. Demography of swine population. 21 Mar Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Selection and breeding techniques in swine. Important breeds (exotic and indigenous) & their characteristics. 28 Mar Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Housing and feeding of swine. 04 Apr Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Management of breeding and pregnant sows; sows at farrowing and after farrowing: 11 Apr Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Management of pig-lets, growing stock, lactating sows, and feedlot stock. 25 Apr Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Equine population of India. Horses, donkeys and mules and their utility. Identification of breeds of horses, colors and markings. 02 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Dentition & ageing of horses. Care and routine management of equines including grooming, saddling and exercise. 09 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Stable and its management. Vices of horses. Foot care and shoeing care of horses. 16 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Feeding routine for horse, donkeys and mules. Care of stallion. 23 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Mating of horses, brood mare and its care. Foaling and care of newborn. 30 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Breeding mules. Care of race horses and preparing horses for show. Doping and its detection. Colic and its prevention. 06 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Common breeds of camel in India and their utility, peculiarities in camel. Feeding schedule of camel, rutting symptoms in camel. 13 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Vices of camel. Care of breeding in camel, pregnancy and parturition of camel. 20 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Population statistics and utility, peculiarities of yak. Feeding and breeding of Mithun or Yaks. Yak × cattle crossing, hybrids from Mithun or Yaks and their adaptation to high altitude, milk composition of Mithun or Yaks. 27 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 8
Title: Swine Or Equine Or Camel, Yak And Mithun Production  Management
Total Practicals: 06

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Handling and restraining of swine, equine and camels. 19-22 May 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Identification of pregnant animals, care during pregnancy, isolation and care of farrowing sows and piglets. 19-22 May 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Preparation of swine and equine for show and judging. 16-19 Jun 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Preparation of plans for sty and stables. Economics of pig farming. 16-19 Jun 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Routine inspection of pig, tooth care and Vaccination schedule of pig. 14-17 Jul 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Horse riding, walking, trotting, cantering and galloping. 14-17 Jul 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Teaching Schedule :UG, PG , PhD –  Prepared by – Course Teacher  – Year wise / Course Wise


Unit – 1
Title : General Livestock Management
Total Theory Lectures: 14

Sr. Topic Date day Faculty Name
1 Demographic distribution of livestock & role in Indian economy; Problems & prospects of livestock industry in India 28 Oct Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Animal holding & land holding patterns in different agro-climatic zones 11 Nov Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Introduction to Livestock Production systems including Organic livestock production 18 Nov Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Common animal husbandry terms related to cattle, buffalo 25 Nov Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Common animal husbandry terms related to sheep, goat, pig 02 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Common animal husbandry terms related to horse, camel, yak & mithun 09 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Body conformation & methods of identification in livestock 16 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Transportation of livestock & wild/zoo animals 23 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Common farm management practices including disinfection, isolation, quarantine & disposal of carcasses 30 Dec Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Common farm management practices including disinfection, isolation, quarantine & disposal of carcasses 06 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Introduction to the methods of drug administration. 12 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Common vices of animals (cattle, buffalo, sheep & goat), their prevention and care 20 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Preparation of animals for show, Judging & BCS for body parts of livestock 27 Jan Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Culling of animals; Selection & purchase of livestock 03 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati


Unit – 1 
Title : General Livestock Management
Total Practicals: 12

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 General introduction of the Institute animal farm 22-24 Oct 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Identification of common tools used on animal farm 22-24 Oct 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Familiarization of body points of animals Cattle & Buffalo 25-28 Nov 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Familiarization of body points of animals Sheep, Goat, Pig & Horse 25-28 Nov 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Methods of Identification (marking, tattooing, branding, tagging & electronic chip) 23-26 Dec 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Approaching and handling of animals. Use of rope for knot & halter making. 23-26 Dec 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Dentition & ageing of animals Cattle & Buffalo 27-30 Jan 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Dentition & ageing of animals Sheep, Goat, Pig & Horse 27-30 Jan 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Preparation of animals for show, judging, fairs and melas 24-27 Feb 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Selection and culling of animals 24-27 Feb 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Preparation of project proposal Cattle & Buffalo 24-27 Mar 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Preparation of project proposal Sheep & Goat 24-27 Mar 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 2
Title : Fodder Production & Conservation
Total Theory Lectures : 11

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Importance of grasslands and fodder in livestock production. 22 Oct Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Agronomical Practices for fodder production- Environment, soil type, Land preparation, sowing time, sowing method, seed rate, manure/fertilizer, irrigation, weed control, harvesting time, method and yield. 29 Oct Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
3 Agronomical Practices for fodder production-cereal fodder-Kharif and summer season - Jowar, Bajra, Maize Rabi season - Teosinte and Oats. 12 Nov Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Agronomical Practices for fodder production of annual and perennial grass fodder- Hybrid Napier, Guinea grass, Para grass, Deenanath, Marvel grass, Rhodes grass, Sudan grass and Anjan grass. 19 Nov Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Agronomical Practices for fodder production - Legume crops Kharif and summer season - Cowpea, Rice bean, Velvet bean, Guar and Soyabean. 26 Nov Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Agronomical Practices for fodder production - Legume crops Rabi season - Lucerne, Berseem, Metha and Senji. 10 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
7 Soil and Water conservation and drainage of water for fodder production. 17 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
8 Fodder production for small livestock units (backyard cultivation, intercropping, fodder production on waste land/low lying area bunds, charies, canals, azolla & hydroponics). 24 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
9 Structures for storage of feeds and fodders. 31 Dec Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
10 Preservation of green fodder- Silage and Hay making. Scarcity fodder trees- Acacia, Banyan, Peepal, Glyciridia, Mango, Neem, Tamarind, Bilayati, Subabool. Other sources- Failed crops, Crop residues, Plant oriented wastes, Agro-Industry wastes. 07 Jan Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
11 Recycling of animal washings and wastes in fodder production and use of recycled waste. 21 Jan Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 2
Title : Fodder Production & Conservation
Total Practicals : 6

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Visit to the fodder farm. Familiarization with the various types of fodders in the state and India. 02-05 Dec 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Familiarization with various fertilizers and manures. 02-05 Dec 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
3 Collection, preservation and storage of feed and fodder. 06-09 Jan 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Damages or loss during transport and storage; methods to prevent them. 06-09 Jan 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Cost of calculations of fodder production (One Cereal & one legume crop). 03-06 Feb 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Livestock waste utilization and recycling. 03-06 Feb 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 3
Title : Livestock Production Management-Ruminants
Total Theory Lectures : 17

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Housing systems, layout and design of different buildings for animals. 25 Oct Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Selection of site. General principles affecting the design and construction of building for housing of cattle & buffalo. 22 Nov Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Selection of site. General principles affecting the design and construction of building for housing of Sheep & Goat. 29 Nov Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Building materials used for construction of wall, roof and floor of animal houses, their characteristics, merits and demerits. Utilization of local materials. 06 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Arrangements of the building with special reference to Indian conditions. 13 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Breeds of cattle and buffalo and descriptions of important breeds. 20 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Economic traits of cattle and buffaloes. 27 Dec Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 General management and feeding practices of calves, heifers, pregnant and lactating animals. 03 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 General management and feeding practices of dry animals, bulls and working animals. 10 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Draught ability of cattle and buffaloes. 17 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Raising of buffalo males for meat production. 24 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Routine animal farm operations and labour management. 31 Jan Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Animal farm accounts and records. 07 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Methods of milking and precautions. Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk production. Clean milk production. 14 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
15 Breeds of sheep and goat and their descriptions. Important economic traits for meat, milk and fibre. 21 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
16 General management and feeding practices during different stages of growth, development and production (milk, meat and wool). 28 Feb Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
17 Breeding schedule and management of ram and buck. Weaning and fattening of lambs and kids. 07 Mar Friday Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 3
Title : Livestock Production Management-Ruminants
Total Practicals : 11

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Layout plans for different livestock houses. 18-21 Nov 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Visit to different animal farms and Identification of various breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. 18-21 Nov 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Humane handling, restraining & casting of cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. 16-19 Dec 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Clipping, shearing, dipping, spraying and spotting sick animals. 16-19 Dec 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Determination of body weight using different measurements. 20-23 Jan 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Familiarization with routine cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat farm operations. 20-23 Jan 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Milking of dairy animals. 17-20 Feb 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Training of breeding males. 17-20 Feb 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Detection of heat. Identification and care of pregnant animals, care of neonatal and young stock. 17-20 Mar 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Economics of dairy farm. 17-20 Mar 16:00 – 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Economics of sheep or goat farm. 14-17 Apr 14:00 – 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 4
Title : Zoo Animals Production Management
Total Theory Lectures : 12

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Taxonomy of important wild zoo animals. 28 Jan Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Taxonomy of important wild zoo animals. 04 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
3 Status and conservation practices of wild life in India. 11 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Basic principles of habitat and housing of various classes of wild zoo animals. 18 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Size and space requirement (dimension) of cubicles, enclosures of important wild zoo animals. 25 Feb Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Management of livestock in fringe areas, in and surrounding the breeding areas. 04 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
7 Feeding habits of captive animals. 11 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
8 Feeds and feeding schedules of captive animals. 18 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
9 Restraining, capture, handling, physical examination of captive animals. 25 Mar Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
10 Classification of zoos, general management practices of sanctuaries, national parks etc. 01 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
11 Acts and Rules related to captive animals. 08 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
12 National and international organization and institutions interlinked to captive animals role and functioning. 15 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 4
Title : Zoo Animals Production Management
Total Practicals : 6

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Visit to nearby wildlife sanctuary/zoo, captive animals centres to study care and management of these animals. 03-06 Mar 14:00-16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
2 To study housing of captive animals. 03-06 Mar 16:00-18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
3 To study feeds and feeding schedule of captive animals. 31 Mar-03 Apr 14:00-16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Hygienic preparation, preservation and storage of feeds of captive animals. 31 Mar-03 Apr 16:00-18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Familiarization about restraining, handling of captive animals. 05-08 May 14:00-16:00 Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Physical examination of captive animals. 05-08 May 16:00-18:00 Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 5
Title : Animal Welfare
Total Theory Lectures : 14

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Definition of animal welfare and ethics. Human and animal welfare in relation to ecosystem and environmental factors. 22 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
2 Role of veterinarians in animal welfare. 29 Apr Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
3 List of Animal welfare organizations. Animal Welfare Board of India - their role, functions and current status. 06 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
4 Rules, regulations, laws on animal welfare. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960 {59 of 1960). 13 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
5 Role and function of Committee for the Purpose of Controlling and Supervising Experiments in Animals (CPCSEA). 20 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
6 Protection of wild life in nature and captivity. 27 May Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
7 Protection and welfare of performing animals. 03 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
8 Welfare of animals during transportation. 10 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
9 Animal welfare in commercial livestock farming practices. Protection and welfare of working animals. 17 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
10 Pet and companion animal welfare. 24 Jun Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
11 Animal welfare during natural calamities and disaster management. 01 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
12 Legal duties of veterinarians, Common offences against animals and laws related to these offences. 08 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
13 Provincial and Central Acts relating to animals. Laws relating to offences affecting Public Health. 15 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende
14 Livestock Importation Act Evidence, liability and insurance. Code of Conduct and Ethics for veterinarians - the Regulations made under the Act. 22 Jul Tuesday Dr. G. P. Shende

Unit – 6
Title : Poultry Production Management
Total Theory Lectures : 22    

Sr. Topic Date Day
1 Indian poultry industry – Brief outline of the different segments – poultry statistics Classification of poultry with respect to production characters, age and standards Friday
2 Production characters of other avian species Friday
3 Description of indigenous fowls and their value in rural farming. Specific strains developed for rural poultry production; their acceptability and importance in rural eco-system Friday
4 Housing – Types of poultry houses – space requirements. Recent advances in housing systems and rearing systems. Friday
5 Scavenging system of management – Low input technology – Backyard and semi-intensive units; their management and economic achievements. Friday
6 Deep litter management – control of litter-borne diseases and recycling of litter. Friday
7 Brooding management – Types of brooders – preparation of shed – Importance of environmental factors Friday
8 Cage management – Different types; Advantages and disadvantages. Friday
9 Management of growers Friday
10 Management of layers. Friday
11 Management of broilers Friday
12 Management of breeders. Friday
13 Stress management, Water management Friday
14 Feeding management – Classification of nutrients Friday
15 Nutrient requirements and feed formulations. Friday
16 Feeding systems – Feed restrictions – phase feeding – Additives and supplements. Friday
17 Breeding systems and methods of mating. Breeding for specific characters and for hybrid chicken production. Friday
18 Selection and culling. Poultry judging. Egg structure – Physical and chemical composition. Friday
19 Common poultry diseases : Bacterial and viral diseases, Coccidiosis Friday
20 Common poultry diseases : Metabolic and Deficiency diseases Friday
21 Bio-security and principles of disease prevention management. Friday
22 Health care for common poultry diseases – vaccination. General principles of poultry medication. Friday

Unit – 5
Title : Poultry Production Management
Total Practicals : 11

Sr. Topic Date Time
1 Common breeds of poultry, different classes 11-14 Nov 14:00-16:00
2 Indian chickens and other avian species breeds 11-14 Nov 16:00-18:00
3 Digestive and respiratory system of chicken, Male and female reproductive system – Egg structure, physical and chemical composition, Quality changes in egg during storage 09-12 Dec 14:00-16:00
4 Economic traits of broilers. Economic traits of egg-type chicken and breeders. AI in poultry 09-12 Dec 16:00-18:00
5 Housing and design of a poultry farm, Automization in poultry farms (EC house) 06-09 Jan 14:00-16:00
6 Poultry farm equipment and their classification 06-09 Jan 16:00-18:00
7 Brooding arrangement in broiler farms 10-13 Feb 14:00-16:00
8 Poultry feed ingredients and its quality assessment. Poultry feed preparations 10-13 Feb 16:00-18:00
9 Calculation of different economic indices of broiler farm. Calculation of economic indices of layer farm 10-13 Mar 14:00-16:00
10 Fundamentals in poultry Post-mortem examination for sample collection. Collection and dispatch of samples for PM examination 10-13 Mar 16:00-18:00
11 Management during Summer, Winter and Rainy season 07-10 Apr 14:00-16:00

Unit – 7
Title : Diversified Poultry Production And Hatchery Management
Total Theory Lectures : 12

Sr. Topic Date Day
1 Principles of incubation, Hatchery management practices Friday
2 Factors affecting fertility and hatchability Friday
3 Selection and care of hatching eggs and Hatchery hygiene, Candling, sexing, grading, packing and disposal of hatchery waste Friday
4 Economics of hatchery business – Troubleshooting hatchery failures – Computer applications in hatchery management Friday
5 Poultry waste management, Pollution and environmental issues Friday
6 Organic and hill farming Friday
7 Mixed or integrated poultry farming, Vertical & horizontal integration in commercial poultry production – Contract farming Friday
8 Export import of poultry produce and marketing Friday
9 Management of Ducks Friday
10 Management of Japanese quails Friday
11 Management of Turkeys Friday
12 Management of Geese and Guinea fowls Friday

Unit – 6
Title : Incubation And Hatchery Management
Total Practicals : 06

Sr. Topic Date Time
1 Hatchery layout and design. 07 -10 Apr 14:00- 16:00
2 Project report for establishing a broiler farm. 12-15 May 16:00- 18:00
3 Project report for establishing a layer farm. 12-15 May 14:00- 16:00
4 Project report for establishing a breeder farm. 09 -12 Jun 16:00- 18:00
5 Visit to commercial poultry farms or hatchery or feed mill. 09 -12 Jun 14:00- 16:00
6 Visit to farms of other avian species. 07-10 Jul 16:00- 18:00

Unit – 8
Title : Laboratory Or Rabbit Or Pet Animal Production Management
Total Theory Lectures : 14

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Importance of lab animals in research and selection of laboratory animals for research. 10 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Care and housing standards of mice, rats, hamster, guinea pigs & rabbit. 17 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 General considerations on feeding and breeding of laboratory animals. 24 Feb Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Concept of production of specific pathogen free and germ free laboratory animals. 03 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Scope of rabbit farming in the country, breeds and their distributions in India. Limitation of rabbit animal production. Selection, care and management of breeding stock for commercial purpose. 10 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Identification, care and management of kindling animals. Care of new born, growing stock. 17 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Breeding and selection techniques for optimal production of rabbit. 24 Mar Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Feeds and feeding for rabbit production. 06 Apr Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Hygienic care and Housing for rabbit production. Disposal, utilization and recycling of waste etc. 21 Apr Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Preparing projects for micro (Backyard), mini and major rabbit farms. 28 Apr Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Important breeds of dogs, cats and pet birds. 05 May Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Feeding of dogs, cats and pet birds. 19 May Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Dog show: preparation for show, kennel clubs, important characteristics for judgment. 26 May Monday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Utility of dogs- guarding, defense, patrolling, riot control, scouting, espionage, mine detection, tracking, guiding, hunting, races, retrieving rescue and other uses. 02 Jun Monday Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 7
Title : Laboratory Or Rabbit Or Pet Animal Production Management
Total Practicals : 07

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Identification of body parts and handling, weighing, sexing and weaning of laboratory animals. 21-24 Apr 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Marking for identification of laboratory animals for purpose of their individual recording. Maintenance of breeding records of laboratory animals. 21-24 Apr 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Computation, feeding schedule of balanced diet for high breeding efficiency of laboratory animals. Prophylactic measures against common disease of laboratory animals. Hygienic care and control of parasites. 26-29 May 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Shearing of rabbit. Feeding and Housing requirement and equipments for rabbit. Projects report for establishing of rabbit farm. 26-29 May 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Handling and restraining of dog, cat and pet bird and equipments for pet animals and birds. 23-26 June 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Brushing or grooming and bathing of dogs and cats. Nail and tooth care, clipping of hairs for show purpose. 23-26 June 16:00-18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Care of pups, kitten and weaning. 21-24 Jul 14:00-16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 9
Title : Swine Or Equine Or Camel, Yak And Mithun Production  Management
Total Theory Lectures : 14

Sr. Topic Date Day Faculty Name
1 Introduction and scope of swine farming in the country. Demography of swine population. 21 Mar Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Selection and breeding techniques in swine. Important breeds (exotic and indigenous) & their characteristics. 28 Mar Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Housing and feeding of swine. 04 Apr Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Management of breeding and pregnant sows; sows at farrowing and after farrowing: 11 Apr Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Management of pig-lets, growing stock, lactating sows, and feedlot stock. 25 Apr Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Equine population of India. Horses, donkeys and mules and their utility. Identification of breeds of horses, colors and markings. 02 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
7 Dentition & ageing of horses. Care and routine management of equines including grooming, saddling and exercise. 09 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
8 Stable and its management. Vices of horses. Foot care and shoeing care of horses. 16 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
9 Feeding routine for horse, donkeys and mules. Care of stallion. 23 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
10 Mating of horses, brood mare and its care. Foaling and care of newborn. 30 May Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
11 Breeding mules. Care of race horses and preparing horses for show. Doping and its detection. Colic and its prevention. 06 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
12 Common breeds of camel in India and their utility, peculiarities in camel. Feeding schedule of camel, rutting symptoms in camel. 13 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
13 Vices of camel. Care of breeding in camel, pregnancy and parturition of camel. 20 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati
14 Population statistics and utility, peculiarities of yak. Feeding and breeding of Mithun or Yaks. Yak × cattle crossing, hybrids from Mithun or Yaks and their adaptation to high altitude, milk composition of Mithun or Yaks. 27 Jun Friday Dr. B. M. Khati

Unit – 8
Title : Swine Or Equine Or Camel, Yak And Mithun Production  Management
Total Practicals : 06

Sr. Topic Date Time Faculty Name
1 Handling and restraining of swine, equine and camels. 19-22 May 14:00- 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
2 Identification of pregnant animals, care during pregnancy, isolation and care of farrowing sows and piglets. 19-22 May 16:00- 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
3 Preparation of swine and equine for show and judging. 16-19 Jun 14:00- 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
4 Preparation of plans for sty and stables. Economics of pig farming. 16-19 Jun 16:00- 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
5 Routine inspection of pig, tooth care and Vaccination schedule of pig 14-17 Jul 14:00- 16:00 Dr. B. M. Khati
6 Horse riding, walking, trotting, cantering and galloping. 14-17 Jul 16:00- 18:00 Dr. B. M. Khati

Semester wise distribution of major courses for regular candidates of MAFSU admitted to M. V. Sc. degree course in the discipline of Livestock Production and Management (two year duration).

Semester Course No. Course Title Credits
Semester I LPM 601* Cattle and Buffalo Production Management 2+1
Semester I LPM 602* Sheep and Goat Production Management 2+1
Semester I LPM 603* Swine Production Management 1+1
Semester II LPM 604* Climatology and Livestock Production 1+1
Semester II LPM 605* Behaviour and Welfare of Farm Animals 1+1
Semester II LPM 606* Equine Production Management 1+1
Semester II LPM 607* Companion Animal Production Management 1+1
Semester III LPM 691 Seminar 1+0
Semester III LPM 699 Thesis Research 10
Semester III And Any 4 (Four) Credits among the following Courses:
Semester III LPM 608 Farm Hygiene and Waste Management 1+1
Semester III LPM 609 Integrated Livestock Farming Systems 1+1
Semester III LPM 610 Management and Conservation of Wild and Zoo Animals 1+1
Semester III LPM 611 Laboratory Animal Production Management 1+1
Semester III LPM 612 Livestock Business Management 1+1
Semester III LPM 613 Livestock Farm Machinery Management 0+2
Semester III LPM 614 Poultry Farm and Hatchery Management 1+1
Semester III LPM 615 Regional Animal Production Management 1+1
Semester IV LPM 699 Thesis Research 20

Semester wise distribution of course credits for M.V.Sc. (LPM)

Semester Major Minor Supportive Seminar Thesis Research Common Total
I 8 4 4 - - 5** 16
II 8 4 2 - - 14
III 4 - - 1 10 15
IV - - - - 20 20
Total 20 8 6 1 30 5 65

Course Title : Cattle and Buffalo Production Management
Course Code : LPM 601
Credit Hours : 2+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Development of dairy industry in India and the world. Present status and future prospects of dairying in India and the world. SWOT analysis of the dairy sector in Maharashtra.
2 Production systems in vogue under Indian condition. Breeds of cattle and buffalo with more emphasis on breeds of economic importance.
3 Principles of housing/shelter management for cattle and buffaloes.
4 Housing and equipment requirements for different classes of cattle and buffaloes.
5 Layout plans and construction details for small farms in different climatic zones of India.
6 Layout plans and construction details for medium farms in different climatic zones of India.
7 Layout plans and construction details for large farms in different climatic zones of India.
8 Ventilation and lighting systems in dairy farms.
9 Feed resources used for feeding cattle and buffaloes.
10 Scientific technique and regimen of feeding of different categories of cattle and buffaloes.
11 Feed and fodder requirements of different categories of cattle and buffaloes. Supply of green fodder round the year.
12 Enrichment of poor quality roughages.
13 Fodder resources used for feeding cattle and buffaloes.
14 Scientific technique and regimen of watering of different categories of cattle and buffaloes.
15 Non-conventional feeding resources for lowering the feeding cost.
16 Pasture management.
17 Traits of economic importance and their inter-relationships in cattle and buffaloes.
18 Methods of selection and breeding.
19 Pre-natal and post-natal care and management of dams.
20 Care of neonates and young calves. Management strategies for reducing mortality in calves.
21 Optimizing age at first calving and calving interval.
22 Strategies of improving breeding efficiency of dairy animals.
23 Management of pregnant and lactating cow and buffalo.
24 Management of dry cow/buffalo and management of bulls.
25 Routine management practices at farm and farm labor management.
26 Milking management and systems of milking.
27 Techniques of harvesting clean milk.
28 Cooling, chilling, and transportation of milk.
29 Marketing of milk.
30 Different acts for governing the dairy sector to produce quality products at par international standards.
31 Health management of dairy animals. Summer and winter management of dairy animals.
32 Draughtability and management of draught animals.
33 Raising of buffalo males for meat production.
34 Draughtability in cattle & buffaloes, training, care and general management.
35 Arrangements of the farm building with special reference to Indian conditions.
36 Importance of farm accounts and records. Different accounts and records maintained at farm.

CourseTitle : Cattle and Buffalo Production Management
Course Code : LPM 601
CreditHours : 2+1

Practical Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Visits to small dairy farms and assessment of routine management practices.
2 Visits to medium dairy farms and assessment of routine management practices.
3 Visits to large dairy farms and assessment of routine management practices.
4 Analysis of various livestock records for productivity evaluation.
5 Analysis of various financial records for economic evaluation.
6 Preparation of layout plan for medium dairy farm.
7 Preparation of layout plan for large dairy farm.
8 Computation of practical and economical rations.
9 Housing and management of cattle and buffalo.
10 Dairy Cattle and Buffalo judging.
11 Body Condition Scores (BCS).
12 Project preparation for small dairy farms.
13 Project preparation for medium dairy farms.
14 Project preparation for large dairy farms.
15 Methods of milking.
16 Training of breeding males.

CourseTitle : Sheep and Goat Production Management
Course Code : LPM 602
CreditHours : 2+1 Theory

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Population structure and importance of small ruminants.
2 Sheep and goat farming under different systems of management.
3 Advantages and limitations of sheep and goat farming.
4 Genetic resources of sheep and goats with special emphasis on breeds of economic importance.
5 Principles of shelter management for small ruminants.
6 Housing and equipment requirements for different classes of sheep.
7 Housing and equipment requirements for different classes of goats.
8 Designing of feeders and waterers for small ruminants.
9 Layout plans and construction details for large-size farms in different agro-climatic zones of India.
10 Layout plans and construction details for backyard farms in different agro-climatic zones of India.
11 Feed resources for small ruminants.
12 Fodder resources for small ruminants.
13 Common property resources (CPR’s) and their management.
14 Principles and systems of feeding different categories of sheep.
15 Principles and systems of watering different categories of sheep.
16 Principles and systems of feeding different categories of goats.
17 Principles and systems of watering different categories of goats.
18 Pasture utilization and improvement for small ruminants.
19 Traits of economic importance and their inter-relationship.
20 Breeding seasons and breeding management in small ruminants.
21 Selection of breeding animals in small ruminants.
22 Methods of detection of heat, use of teaser, flushing and tupping.
23 Role of estrous synchronization in optimizing reproduction in small ruminants.
24 Natural service, artificial insemination and off-season breeding in small ruminants.
25 Care and management of pregnant animals.
26 Care and management of young ones.
27 Care and management of breeding stock and culling.
28 Disease management in small ruminants.
29 Prevention and control measures including vaccination and deworming.
30 Dipping and spraying in small ruminants.
31 Transportation of small ruminants.
32 Meat, methods of slaughter and dressing percentage.
33 Wool, shearing methods, importance of wool and wool quality.
34 Goat fibers, mohair, pashmina, marketing of goat fibers/wool.
35 Goat milk, milking, avoidance of goaty odor in milk, clean milk production and its therapeutic uses.
36 Rearing of small ruminants for special occasions, BCS, scorecard, preparation for show.

Course Title : Sheep and Goat Production Management
Course Code : LPM 602
CreditHours : 2+1


Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Visit to modern sheep farm and critical analysis of managerial practices.
2 Visit to traditional goat farms and critical analysis of managerial practices.
3 Visit to modern goat farms and critical analysis of managerial practices.
4 Study of practical housing management of goat.
5 Study of practical housing management of sheep.
6 Study of disease control management of sheep and goat.
7 Study of shearing management in sheep.
8 Identification of heat and study of mating systems.
9 Parturition and newborn management.
10 Record keeping and economics of sheep and goat farming for mutton/chevon.
11 Record keeping and economics of sheep and goat farming for wool/fibre.
12 Record keeping and economics of goat farming for milk.
13 Preparation of project report for commercial goat farm.
14 Preparation of project report for commercial sheep farm.
15 Daily farm operations on sheep and goat farm.
16 Periodical farm operations on sheep and goat farm.

CourseTitle : Swine Production Management
Course code : LPM 603
CreditHours : 1+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Population dynamics: National and world. Contribution of pigs in Indian economy and advantages and disadvantages of swine husbandry. Systems of swine management.
2 Breeds of economic importance: Indian and exotic.
3 Various housing and rearing systems of pigs.
4 Housing (floor, roof, walls, drainage, door and gates etc.) and equipment requirements for different classes of swine. Layout plans and construction for different sized piggery farms.
5 General feeding principles and nutrient requirements of different classes (growing and finishing, breeding, pregnant, farrowing and orphan) of swine.
6 Feeding schedule for different classes of swine.
7 Methods of swine feeding: traditional and scientific.
8 Traits of economic importance in pigs and their interrelationship.
9 Selection of breeding stock. Various reproductive parameters of native, crossbred and exotic pigs.
10 Methods for detection of heat in pigs. Different mating systems.
11 Care and management of different classes of swine: pregnant sows, piglets, growers, finishers.
12 Care and management of boar and summer management in swine.
13 Economically important diseases, challenges and herd health management programme.
14 Health management strategies to prevent disease.
15 Prevention and control measures including sanitation, vaccination, deworming, etc. and biosecurity measures to be adopted at swine farms.
16 Piglet anemia and its management. Various methods of slaughter and dressing percentage.
17 Methods of marketing and transportation in pigs.
18 Utilization of by-products from the swine industry.

Course Title : Swine Production Management
Course code : LPM 603
CreditHours : 1+1

Practical Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Visit to the modern piggery farm and critical analysis of various types of managemental practices.
2 Visit to the backyard piggery farm and critical analysis of various types of managemental practices.
3 Practical feeding management of various classes of pigs. Requirement and supplying basic nutrients. Special consideration in each production phase. Combining different feed ingredients to meet nutrient needs of growing and finishing pigs.
4 Combining different feed ingredients to meet nutrient needs for breeding stock, pregnant, farrowing, and lactating sow.
5 Breeding management of pigs. Different breeding methods. Selection of breeding gilts and boar.
6 Different mating systems and measures to attain early puberty in pigs.
7 Best breeding practices to be followed. Heat detection and mating. Pregnancy and preparation for farrowing.
8 Disease control measures to be adopted on piggery farms including bio-security measures.
9 Steps in judging different categories of swine.
10 Ranking and evaluation of different traits of different categories of swine using a judging score card.
11 Importance of record keeping. Various records to be maintained at a pig farm.
12 Advances in record keeping and evaluation of farm performance based on records.
13 Formulation of economic rations for different classes of swine (growing and finishing).
14 Formulation of economic rations for different classes of swine: breeding stock, pregnant and farrowing sow, and lactating sow.
15 Project report formulation for backyard pig farm.
16 Project report formulation for commercial pig farm.

Course Title : Climatology and Livestock Production
Course Code : LPM 604
Credit Hours : 1+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Climatology and agro-climatic regions of India.
2 Study of climatic factors and their measurements.
3 Effects of climatic stress in livestock (heat stress / cold stress), measurement and amelioration.
4 Temperature humidity index and thermo-neutral zone.
5 Adaptation and acclimatization of farm animals to different climatic conditions.
6 Light: natural and artificial. Mechanism of light action and responses.
7 Importance of photo-period and its effects on growth, production, and reproduction in livestock.
8 Application of light in livestock production.
9 Performance of livestock introduced in different climates.
10 Micro-climate modification in animal houses - I.
11 Micro-climate modification in animal houses - II.
12 Livestock and global warming.
13 Climate-resilient livestock production systems.
14 Different types of natural disasters.
15 Effect of natural disasters on livestock.
16 Natural disaster mitigation measures.
17 Estimation of microclimatic conditions in the animal house - Measurement of temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and mean temperature of the surroundings; measurement of the intensity of light in animal houses.
18 Environmentally controlled housing system for livestock.

Course Title : Climatology and Livestock Production
Course Code : LPM 604
Credit Hours : 1+1


Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Visit to modern weather forecast station – I.
2 Visit to modern weather forecast station – II.
3 Introduction of different instruments used for measurement of climatic factors.
4 Assessment of climate.
5 Microclimatic conditions within the animal house.
6 Measurement of macro-climatic conditions.
7 Measurement of temperature and relative humidity.
8 Estimation of Temperature Humidity Index.
9 Measurement of wind velocity.
10 Measurement of intensity of light.
11 Construction of climographs and hythergraphs.
12 Heat Tolerance Test in cattle.
13 Heat Tolerance Test in sheep and goats.
14 Heat tolerance test in buffalo.
15 Heat tolerance test in swine.
16 Heat Tolerance Test in Equines.

Course Title : Behaviour and Welfare of Farm Animals
Course Code : LPM 605
Credit Hours : 1+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Introduction, evolution, theories and importance of animal behaviour studies.
2 Physiological basis of behaviour. Natural selection, proximate and ultimate causes, fitness, optimality theory, selfish genes, kin selection and game theory.
3 Genetic, environmental and physiological influence on animal behaviour.
4 Daily and seasonal cycles of behaviour. Patterns of behaviour.
5 Favorable and unfavorable behaviours of domestication.
6 Ethogram construction for general behaviour management and its interpretation.
7 Behaviour assisted animal management. Flight zone. Animal learning and training.
8 Conditioning: operant and classical. Animal behaviour-based housing designs.
9 Methods of studying animal behaviour.
10 Causes and prevention of vices.
11 Group formation. Social relationships like hierarchy and aggression. The process of socialization. Locality and behaviour.
12 Behavioural characters for management practices.
13 Concepts of animal welfare, animal rights and animal freedoms.
14 Animal welfare organizations.
15 Measurement of animal welfare. Indicators of animal welfare improvement. Animal welfare through selection.
16 The welfare of livestock in commercial farms and captivity. Environmental enrichment.
17 Welfare of livestock during various management activities such as handling, transportation, etc.
18 Legislation and regulations of animal welfare. Welfare and economics.

Course Title : Behaviour and Welfare of Farm Animals
Course Code : LPM 605
CreditHours : 1+1

Practical Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Assessment of behavioural characters in cattle and buffaloes for management practices.
2 Assessment of behavioural characters in sheep and goat for management practices.
3 Assessment of behavioural characters in horse and pig for management practices.
4 Study of behavioural adaptations in cattle and buffaloes under domestication.
5 Study of behavioural adaptations in horse and pig under domestication.
6 Study of behavioural adaptations in sheep and goat under domestication.
7 Analysis of behaviour of farm animals in relation to climate.
8 Analysis of social behaviour in cattle.
9 Analysis of social behaviour in goats.
10 Preparation of ethogram (time budgeting) at cattle farm.
11 Preparation of ethogram (time budgeting) at goat farm.
12 Preparation of ethogram (time budgeting) at pig farm.
13 Modifications in animal houses for farm animal welfare.
14 Assessment of animal welfare in terms of health.
15 Assessment of animal welfare in terms of feeding.
16 Assessment of animal welfare in terms of housing.

Course Title : Equine Production Management
Course Code : LPM 606
Credit Hours : 1+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Scope of equine husbandry in India.
2 Equine population dynamics.
3 Types and classes in equines and breeds of economic importance.
4 Housing and stable management.
5 Equine Behavior.
6 Stable vices and their management.
7 Care and management of stallion.
8 Care and management of broodmare/pregnant mare.
9 Care and management of mare approaching foaling and newborn foal.
10 Different stud farms, race clubs, race-horses and their care, training and exercising.
11 Different methods of doping and horsemanship.
12 Foot care and dental care in equines.
13 General equine health management and disease control.
14 Colic, equine azoturia: prevention and management.
15 Regulatory acts in equine disease control and welfare.
16 Equine Transportation.
17 Laws governing the import and export of equines.
18 Ho

Course Title : Equine Production Management
Course Code : LPM 606
Credit Hours : 1+1

Practical Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Visit to different institutional stables.
2 Different identification methods in horses.
3 Ageing and dentition in horses.
4 Determination of soundness in horses.
5 Preparation of soundness certificate in horses.
6 Selection of horses for breeding purpose.
7 Selection of horses for race purpose.
8 Preparation of horses for transportation.
9 Passing of nasogastric tube (Stomach tube) in horses.
10 Types of shoeing and methods of applications in horses.
11 Method of covering in horses.
12 Saddle and surcingle fittings in horses.
13 Saddle and surcingle fittings in horses.
14 Different gaits in horses, Natural.
15 Different gaits in horses, ambling.
16 Colours and markings in horses.

Course Title : Companion Animal Production Management
Course Code : LPM 607
Credit Hours : 1+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Various companion animals, evolutionary history, the process of domestication of dog and cat.
2 Breeds of dogs and cats.
3 Ownership. Selection of dog, cat, and other companion animals.
4 Dogs/cat body: structure, movement, and special senses.
5 Reproduction and breeding management.
6 Care of newborn and weaner.
7 Reproductive problems of bitch and queen.
8 Socialization in dog and cat.
9 Principles of the feeding of dog and cat.
10 Feeding during different life stages and disease conditions.
11 Feeding behavior in dogs and cats.
12 Common nutritional problems and their preventive measures.
13 Basic Kennel and health management. Kennel clubs.
14 Principles of training of dogs and cats.
15 Dog shows. Preparation for the shows. Important characters for judgment.
16 Vaccination and deworming schedules for dogs and cats.
17 Utility of dogs: guarding, defense, patrolling, riot control, scouting, espionage, mine detection, tracking, guiding, hunting, races, retrieving rescue, and other uses.
18 Importance of grooming, care at grooming, and bathing of dogs and cats.

Course Title : Companion Animal Production Management
Course Code : LPM 607
Credit Hours : 1+1

Practical Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Recognizing various breeds of dogs.
2 Recognizing various breeds of cats.
3 Handling and restraining of dogs.
4 Handling and restraining of cats.
5 Routine management practices of dogs.
6 Routine management practices of cats.
7 Detection of oestrus, mating, whelping (through demonstration) in dogs.
8 Detection of oestrus, mating, kittening (through demonstration) in cats.
9 Kennel design and management.
10 Cattery design and management.
11 Hygiene of kennel and pens.
12 Licensing and identification of companion animals.
13 Visit to dog hostels and dog park.
14 Visit to dog shows.
15 Judging of dogs.
16 Brushing or grooming and bathing of dogs and cats. Nail and tooth care, clipping of hairs for show purpose.

Course Title : Farm Hygiene and Waste Management
Course Code : LPM 608
Credit Hours : 1+1

Theory Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Sources of air pollutants in animal environment.
2 Measures to control air pollutants.
3 Factors affecting outdoor and indoor air pollution.
4 Methods to control outdoor and indoor air pollution.
5 Sources of drinking water in farm animals.
6 Impurities and inclusions of drinking water.
7 Hygienic requirements and standards for drinking water.
8 Purification of water and water conservation.
9 Quantity of dung voided by domestic animals. Manure production.
10 Animal excreta as a factor in the spread of diseases.
11 Hygienic and economic disposal of farm wastes.
12 Value addition of farm wastes.
13 Drainage in livestock farms. Lagoons, sewers, septic tanks, drains, and traps.
14 Environmental protection act: Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act.
15 Environmental protection act: Water (Prevention and control of pollution) act.
16 Factors affecting environmental pollution.
17 Effect of environmental pollution on livestock and controlling measures.
18 Effect of environmental pollution on livestock products used for human consumption and controlling measures.

Course Title : Farm Hygiene and Waste Management
Course Code : LPM 608
Credit Hours : 1+1

Practical Schedule

Sr. No. Title of the Topic to be Covered
1 Assessment of air pollutants on animal production. Assessment of air pollutants on animal health.
2 Collection of water samples from different sources.
3 Physical examination of water samples.
4 Chemical examination of water samples.
5 Bacteriological and microscopic examination of water samples.
6 Biosecurity measures at livestock farms.
7 Modern techniques used in the disposal of solid farm wastes.
8 Modern techniques used in the disposal of liquid farm wastes.
9 Study of odor control management.
10 Study of manure treatment management.
11 Value-added products from farm wastes – I.
12 Value-added products from farm wastes – II.
13 Visit to water filtration plants and study of filtration systems (rapid and slow-sand, etc.).
14 Visit to water filtration plants and study of filtration systems (rapid and slow-sand, etc.).
15 Testing of drains in livestock farms.
16 Testing of drains in livestock farms.


List of PG Courses ( MVSc ) and M.Tech. (Dairy Technology)

List of Research Projects: Completed& Ongoing

Sr. No. Title of the Project Name of PI/ Major Advisor/ Research Worker Funding Agency Total Cost of the Project (Rs in Lakh) Extra-mural / Intra-mural Status (Completed/Ongoing) Duration
1 Revolving Fund Scheme of ICAR “Application of Anatomical Technique for preparation of Articulated / Mounted Skeleton, Laboratory / Museum Specimens and Histological slides of Visceral organs of Domestic /Wild Animals and Birds” Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar ICAR, New Delhi - Extra-mural Completed 5 yrs
2 Draft Power Assessment of Different Breeds of Cattle and Buffalo in Vidarbha Region Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar; P.I., Dr. S.B. Banubakode; Co-P.I, Dr. N.C. Nandeshwar; Co-P.I., Dr. Rupali Y. Charjan; J.R.F. NATP (CGP), ICAR, New Delhi - Extra-mural Completed 3 yrs
3 FIST programme for strengthening of Department Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar; P.I. Science and Technology, New Delhi - Extra-mural Completed 2 yrs

List of Private Agency Projects:

Sr. No. Title of the Project Name of PI/ Major Advisor/ Research Worker Funding Agency Total Cost of the Project (Rs in Lakh) Extra-mural (Funding agency)/ Intra-mural Status (Completed/Ongoing) Duration

Research Priorities:

Sr. No. Research Area Aim Objective Benefits of Farmers



Name of Department : Veterinary Anatomy and Histology

Sr. No. Name of the Student Title of Thesis Year of Completion Name of the Advisor
1Dr. J. Y. WaghayeHistomorphological, Histochemical & Immunohistological Studies on Some Lymphoid Organs in goat (Capra hircus)1998Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar
2Dr. B. N. MeshramAge Related Histomorphological and Histoenzymic Changes In Pancreas of Goat1999Dr. R. S. Dalvi
3Dr. S. K. KarmoreAge Related Changes in Histomorphology and Histoenzymic Distribution in Testes and Epididymis in goat (Capra hircus)1999Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar
4Dr. V. A. PatilAge Related Histomorphological and Histoenzymic Changes in Thyroid Gland In Relation To Anterior Pituitary In Goat2000Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar
5Dr. A. A. GawandeStudies on Prenatal Development of Stomach and Intestine in Goat2001Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar
6Dr. J. S. TekadeStudies on Prenatal Development of Gonads in Goat2001Dr. R. S. Dalvi
7Dr. J. M. HoodStudies on Prenatal Development of Kidney, Ureter and Urinary Bladder in Goat2001Dr. R. S. Dalvi
8Dr. A. D. BardeComparative Neuroanatomical Studies on Olfactory Apparatus in Dog and Cat2002Dr. R. S. Dalvi
9Dr. R. Y. CharjanRadiographic Anatomical Studies on The Fusion of Ossification Centres in The Developing Limb Bones of Different Breeds of Dog (Canis familiaris)2002Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar
10Dr. V. H. KadukarRadiographic Studies On The Appearance Of Ossification Centers And Fusion Of Epiphyseal Plate in The Pelvic Limb Bones of Dog2003Dr. S. B. Banubakode
11Dr. M. A. KaleAge Related Histomorphological and Histoenzymic Changes in Adrenal Gland In Relation to Anterior Pituitary in Goat2000Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar
12Dr. U. P. MaindeStudies on Prenatal Development of Thymus in Goat (Capra hircus)2007Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar
13Dr. B. A. ZadeAge Related Histological & Histochemical Changes in Testis of Dog (Canis familiaris)2007Dr. O. N. Ladukar
14Dr. S. S. BodkheHistochemical Changes During Histogenesis of Thymus in Chicken Embryo of RIR Layers (Gallus gallus domesticus)2006Dr. S. B. Banubakode
15Dr. H. S. GabhaneHistomorphological and Histochemical Study On Lymphoid Tissue In The Alimentary Tract Of Goat (Capra hircus)2008Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar
16Dr. D. E. GaykeeDifferentiation of Spotted Deer from Domestic Ruminants by PCR Technique2008Dr. S. B. Banubakode
17Dr. R. U. GajbeIdentification of Domestic Animals By PCR Technique2009Dr. S. B. Banubakode
18Dr. A. M. SalankarIdentification of some carnivore animals by PCR technique2010Dr. S. B. Banubakode
19Dr. P. M. GedamHistomorphological and Histochemical Studies on Intestinal Lymphoid Tissues in Kadaknath Breed of Poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus)2010Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar
20Dr. S. SathapathyHistological and Histochemical Studies on Angioarchitecture of Coronary Artery in Goat (Capra hircus)2013Dr. R. S. Dalvi
21Dr. S. P. KhandateHistological and Histochemical Studies on Angioarchitecture of Femoral Artery in Goat (Capra hircus)2013Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar
22Pawan KawaretiGross Anatomical and Morphometrical Studies on Hooves in Equines (Equus caballus) on Different Age Groups2016Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar
23Piyush BholeIdentification of Species and Sex of Domestic Animals by PCR Technique2023Dr. R. Y. Charjan
24Aayesha BodupalliHistomorphological and Histochemical Studies of Intestine in Normal and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermented Product Fed Broiler2024Dr. U. P. Mainde


Name of Department : Veterinary Anatomy and Histology

Sr. No. Name of the Student Title of Thesis Year of Completion Name of the Advisor
1 Dr. R.S. Dalvi Study of anatomy of stifle joint complex in domestic ruminants 1982 Dr. R.V. Pandit
2 Dr. S.B. Banubakode Histological, Histochemical & Immunohistological changes in oviduct & uterus during different phases of estrus cycle & early pregnancy in goat 1999 Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar
3 Dr. N.C. Nandeshwar Histomorphological, Histochemical & Immunohistological Studies on some Endocrine Organs of Goat (Capra hircus) 2007 Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar
4 Dr. J.Y. Waghaye Histological and Histochemical Changes in Ovary During Different phases of oestrus cycle in goat 2007 Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar
5 Dr. B.N. Meshram Electron Microscopic and Histoenzymatic studies on Pancreatic Islets In Goat 2008 Dr. R.S. Dalvi
6 Dr. S.K. Karemore Electron Microscopic and Histoenzymatic Studies on the Testis and The Extra Testicular Duct System of Goat 2008 Dr. R.S. Dalvi
7 Dr. Durga Chaurasia Histochemical and Ultrastructural Studies on Mammary Gland in Buffalo (Babalus bubalis) 2011 Dr. R.S. Dalvi
8 Dr. A.M. Salankar Histological and histochemical studies on cerebrum, cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata in goat (Capra hircus) 2016 Dr. R.S. Dalvi
9 Dr. P.M. Gedam 2016 Dr. N.C. Nandeshwar
10 Dr. Jigyasa Rana Histomorphological and Histochemical studies on gut associated lymphoid tissue of Khaki Campbell breed of duck (Anas platyrhynchos) 2018 Dr. S.B. Banubakode
11 Dr. U.P. Mainde Histological, Ultrastructural and histochemical studies on skin of goat (Capra hircus) 2019 Dr. S.B. Banubakode
12 Dr. R.Y. Charjan Trichology of domestic and wild animals: A forensic approach 2020 Dr. N.C. Nandeshwar

Research Papers Published

List of Research Publications:

Sr. No. Authors Year Title of the Research Paper Name of the Journal Volume; Page Nos. NAAS Rating
1 Rajan Gajbe; S. B. Banubakode; S. M. Yasin; Nitesh K. Jain; Gurdeep Khan 2011 PCR technique as a tool for identification of domestic animals. Veterinary Practitioner Vol. 12, No. 2 : 181-183 5.10
2 D. Chaiurasia; R. S. Dalvi; S. B. Banubakode; S. P. Ingole; B. Sinha 2013 Histological and histochemical study of Corpora Amylacea in Murrah buffalo. Indian Veterinary Journal 90 (12) : 62-64 4.93
3 R. Y. Charjan; Sathpathy; S. B. Banubakode; S.K. Joshi 2014 Radiographic studies on the fusion of ossification centres in the developing scapula and humerus bones in different breeds of dog (Canis familiaris) Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy Vol. 26(1): 22-24 4.86
4 J. Y. Waghaye; S. B. Banubakode; R. Y. Charjan; Jigyasa Rana; N. C. Nandeshwar; U. P. Mainde 2014 Age related histo-morphological changes of splenic connective tissue in goat (Capra hircus) The Indian Journal of Veterinary Science & Biotechnology Vol. 13, Issue 2, 1-6 4.45
5 R. Y. Charjan; Sathpathy; S. B. Banubakode; S. K. Joshi 2014 Radiographic anatomical studies on the fusion of ossification centres in the developing radius, ulna, carpal, metacarpal and phalanges of right forelimb in different breeds of dog (Canis familiaris) Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy Vol. 26(1): 76-78 4.86

List of Marathi and Popular articles published:

Sr. No. Authors Year Title Name of the Journal/Magazine Volume: Page Nos.

Research Recommendations

Sr. No. Year Project Title Investigators Recommendations
1 2019-20 Trichology of Domestic and Wild Animals: A Forensic Approach Name of Guide: Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar;
Name of Student: Rupali Charjan
Cuticular characteristics of hair can be best studied with negative scale cast prepared by using transparent nail enamel as the best substitute for Scanning Electron Microscopy.
2 2019-20 Trichology of Domestic and Wild Animals: A Forensic Approach Name of Guide: Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar;
Name of Student: Rupali Charjan
Cross section of the hair can be used for identification of species of animals at group of species level.
3 2019-20 Trichology of Domestic and Wild Animals: A Forensic Approach Name of Guide: Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar;
Name of Student: Rupali Charjan
Species of animals can be identified from the mitochondrial DNA of hair sample by molecular techniques.

MOU signed by the Colleges

Sr. No. MOUs Between
Party – I & Party – II
Date of Signing Place Duration

Research Priorities / Thematic areas: Department Wise

Significant Research Achievement:

Sr. No. Achievements Description
1 Patents Awarded
2 Breed Registration
4 Copyright
5 Trademark


Field and other activities undertaken by faculty: 

Training Organized


Sr. No. Name of Training / Title of Training Duration From …to.. No of participants Name of Faculty


Sr. No. Name of Training / Title of Training Duration From …to.. No of participants Name of Faculty

Conference s / Workshop / Seminars / Webinars / Farmers meet organized


Sr. No. Title of workshop, Seminar, Farmers meet Place Date No of participants


Sr. No. Title of workshop, Seminar, Farmers meet Place Date No of participants

Adopted/ Operational Villages

Sr. No. Name of Adopted Village Type of Extension activity Brief description (Guests, resource persons, Faculty Involved, No. of Participants)

Student Corner:

Awards / Recognitions:

Sr. No. Name of Student Name of Award / Achievement Place Date Awarding agency


Regular / Special Camp (Year Wise)

Sr. No. Regular / Special No of Student Registered No. of Student Present Place Name of activity Name of Expert

Photo Gallery (NSS )

Department: Veterinary Anatomy and Histology

Achievements of the Department:


Name of Department:Veterinary Anatomy and Histology

The Department of Anatomy and Histology was the first to start in the Nagpur Veterinary College Nagpur in the year 1958. It was initially in a small barrack in the premises of Government Veterinary Hospital near MaharajBagh, Nagpur. Later on, it was shifted in the year 1962 to the old college building and subsequently to the present location in the year 1968. Dr. M. K. Hawaldar, G.B.V.C. headed the department from 1958 to 1969. After his repatriation to the State department of Animal husbandry, Dr. R. V. Pandit, M.V.Sc.; Ph.D. (USA) had taken over the charge of Professor and Head. After the retirement of Dr. R. V. Pandit in the year 1992, Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar was the Professor and Head of the department and after his promotion to the post of Associate Dean, NVC, Nagpur, Dr. R. S. Dalvi became Professor and Head in the year 2003 and continued up to 2017. Subsequently since February, 2017, Dr. S. B. Banubakodecontinued upto March 2024 and after his retirement Dr. N.C. Nandeshwar, became the head of the department.

In 1992, separate 15 departments came into existence under the faculty of Veterinary Science as per the Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Statutes 1990 prescribed under Maharashtra Council of Agricultural research and Education (MCAER), Pune by the Government of Maharashtra. Previously the institute and the Department was under the umbrella of SAU viz. Dr. PunjabraoKrishiVidyapeeth, Akola, which was later on transferred to the first Veterinary University in the state and third on the national map, viz. Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur with effect from 3rd, Dec, 2000. This department has played a distinctive role in motivating the scientific community of Veterinary Anatomy fraternity in India for the cause of

To achieve these goals, this department took lead in establishing the scientific society under the name “Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists” (IAVA) in 1983, and registered this society at Nagpur with Registration No. Maharashtra/152/83/Nagpur. Since then, this department is significantly contributing and participating in the progress and development of IAVA. Another milestone in the history of this department is that since 1997, this department has become the Head quarter of IAVA with Dr. V. R. Bhamburkar, Professor and Head as Secretary and Dr. R. S. Dalvi, Associate Professor as Treasurer of the IAVA till it was shifted to Anand in 2004. The XII Annual Convention of IAVA hosted at Nagpur by this department was adjudged as the best ever convention of the IAVA held in India. The outstanding remark made by the visitors to this done by department speaks of the quality of work this department over a period of time.

This department has so far produced about 24 M.V.Sc. students and 13 Ph.D. students up to 2024.

Laboratory Facilities in the Department:

The department has a well-developed set up of laboratory. There is a separate dissection hall with stainless steel top dissection tables. This hall has been partitioned into two subdivisions one for dissection of animals to learn locomotor system, angiology & neurology and the other for splanchnology. Both units are well ventilated, well lighted and air-cooled. A batch of 20 students can be accommodated for dissection at a time. The museum is developed in another hall of the department where the skeletons of domestic and wild animals are prepared and placed. The specimens /organs of the different body systems and the bones of different domestic animals are also displayed in the museum. The special air conditioned laboratory is created for Histology. This unit is having facility of phase contrast and stereoscopic microscopes (Nikon, Japan) with CCD camera along with display system of set of 10 monitors and LCD projector for demonstration of histology slides. This facility is extended under FIST programme of DST, New Delhi. The department has created a Forensic Veterinary Laboratory, which is unique of its kind in India. This facility will be useful for identification of species of animals from remains, which are being collected from the site of poaching. All necessary equipment viz. PCR, electrophoresis, refrigerated centrifuge machine, research microscope, cryostat, PH meter, chemical balance, triple glass distillation apparatus, automatic tissue processing unit, automatic staining machine, microtome etc. are available in this laboratory. All glassware and chemicals are provided as per requirement to P.G. and Ph.D. students

Academic officer:

Sr No Name of Academic Officer Qualification Designation Email ID Contact No Link to Digital Profile
1 Dr. N. C. Nandeshwar MVSc, Ph.D. Professor and Head 7558649022 N/A
2 Dr. U. P. Mainde MVSc, Ph.D. Associate Professor 9850594032 N/A

Academic staff:

Sr No Name of Academic Staff Qualification Designation Email ID Contact No Link to Digital Profile

Ministerial staff:

Sr No Name of Ministerial staff Department Email ID

List of retired faculty:

Sr. No. Name of the Staff Designation Duration Photo
1 Dr. M.K. Hawaldar Professor and Head 1958-69 Photo of Dr. M.K. Hawaldar
2 Dr. R.V. Pandit Professor and Head 1969-1992 Photo of Dr. R.V. Pandit
3 Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar Professor and Head 1992-2006 Photo of Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar
4 Dr. O.N. Ladukar Professor and Head - Photo of Dr. O.N. Ladukar
5 Dr. R.S. Dalvi Professor and Head 2006-2017 Photo of Dr. R.S. Dalvi
6 Dr. S.B. Banubakode Professor and Head 2017-2024 Photo of Dr. S.B. Banubakode

Photo gallery

List of PG Courses ( MVSc ) and M.Tech. (Dairy Technology)