Gynaecology and Obstetrics


Academic Regulations:


List of Admitted Students – First Year to Final Year (Veterinary Year wise / Fishery and Dairy Semester wise) :

Sr. No. Name of Student Enrl. No. Email Address Name of Advisor
1Saurabh KushwahaV/23/318saurabh282007@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
2Advaity MetkarV/24/008advaitysmatkar@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
3Ananya Anil KanojiaV/24/012anilkanojia76@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
4Anushka Sanjay GautamV/24/015sanjaygautam76150@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
5Arjun Ashish ChavanV/24/017arjunchav28@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
6ArpitV/24/019arpitgaruwa@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
7Ashok KumarV/24/021akstyles12442@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
8Awhale Yash DipakV/24/027yashawhale84@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
9Baderwal Manan SanjayV/24/028mbaberwal633@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
10Bangale Shivraj RajendraV/24/029shivrajbangale763@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
11Bargande Abhishek RajeshV/24/030bargandekaveri@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
12Bhargude Apurva DipakV/24/038bhargude.apurva7@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
13Bhosale Nikhil IshwarV/24/043nikhilbhosale880@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
14Bobhate Vaishnavi WasudeoV/24/047vaishnavibobhate2@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
15Bondge Vaibhav SurendraV/24/048vaibhavbondge778@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
16Bondre Rushali SubhashV/24/049rushalibondre05@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
17Bore Soham PrakashV/24/052Sohambore0@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
18Borkar Abha AbhijitV/24/053advita.borkar@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
19Chalakh Ayush SubhashV/24/055ayush01chalakh@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
20Chavan Vaishnavi DadaraoV/24/061dr.mbbs1912@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
21Chetan Ramesh DurgeV/24/062durgechetan4@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
22Davale Dipti IndrajitV/24/070davaledipti@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
23Dawale Sachidanand SangramV/24/071dawalesachinanand2003@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
24Deshmukh Saurabh BalchandraV/24/073saurabhdeshmukh707@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
25Garje Abhishek SantoshV/24/101garjeabhishek660@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
26Ghanwat Shrikant KamlakarV/24/107shpikantghanwat221@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
27Giri Janvi PrashantV/24/113janvigiri9@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
28Gupta Riya KishorV/24/120riyagupta7433@gail.comDr. B.M. Khati
29Hiwale Prashik PramodV/24/128pramodhiwale9@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
30Ingle Pranav ShivlalV/24/131pranayingle215@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
31Jitesh GrewalV/24/149grewaljitesh474@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
32Joshi Malhar ManishV/24/150malharjoshi2256@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
33Joshi Sharvari ManojV/24/151sharvarijoshi1912@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
34Junarkar Unnati VilasV/24/152unnatijun1707@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
35Kailuke Saurabh RameshV/24/158saurabhkailuke05@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
36Kankatav Siddheshwar DinkarV/24/162sidharthdkankatav@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
37Kante Aniket AnilV/24/164manishakanthe@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
38Kaple Vedant PralhadV/24/166brpkaple@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
39Kaware Samruddhi ManoharV/24/173samruddhikawre36@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
40Kendre Mukund JagannathV/24/175mukundkendre9234@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
41Kendre Satish VitthalV/24/176kendresatishvitthal@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
42Khadule Shrutika SandipV/24/181shrutikakhadule@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
43Kursunge Kunal MotilalV/24/195kunalkursunge@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
44Lavanya JiwtodeV/24/199lavanyajiwtode10@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
45Lodhe Om ShivprasadV/24/200omlodhe889@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
46Lokhande Nayan PravinV/24/201nayanlokhande79272@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
47Manjare Aditya PravinV/24/208pravinpm13@gmail-comDr. M.V.Kamble
48Manu Maharshi RaulaV/24/210raulamanu99@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
49Manwatkar Vishwambhar ShankarraoV/24/211vishwambharmanwatkar15@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
50Meshram Saloni AshokkumarV/24/218salonimeshram01@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
51Mohammad Merajuddin Khan Mohammad Ali KhanV/24/220merajuddink0@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
52More Prathamesh VijayV/24/221prathameshmore2903@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
53Ms.RINKU JAKHARV/24/224rinkujakhar80744@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
54Navatre Rushikesh BaluV/24/236yushinavatre1255@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
55Nawale Vaibhav SunilV/24/239vn607087@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
56Nitnaware Sanjivani LiladharV/24/246sanjivaninitnaware@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
57Padghan Mrunal SamadhanV/24/248padghansv2016@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
58Pathak Rohit NilkanthV/24/256pathak01rohit@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
59Pathan Hasan Ali Khan Juned Ali KhanV/24/257hasankhan985085@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
60Patil Dakshani SrikantV/24/258patilsrikant00@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
61Prayas Kumar DashV/24/283PRAYASDASH25@GMAIL.COMDr. G.S.Khante
62Pujari Nikhil RameshV/24/284nikhil942084@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
63Raju ChauhanV/24/290rajchauhan7533@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
64Rajurkar Vinay DhananjayraoV/24/291rajurkarinay7@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
65Rathod Nayan GajananV/24/296rathodnayan1305@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
66Rathod Saurav VijaysingV/24/298vijaysingrathod5068@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
67Raut Jayashree DhanrajV/24/301rautjayashree161@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
68Rekhate Rajsi DigamberV/24/303rekhate.rd.123@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
69Rishika KanakarajV/24/, karakaraj@aldanobe.comDr. G.S.Khante
70Ritesh KanadjeV/24/306riteshkanadje@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
71Rohit Kumar MeenaV/24/307rk20040215@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
72Sakhare Drushti PramodV/24/311sakharedrushti@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
73Sanap Chaitany SantoshV/24/315sanapchaitanya5@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
74Shaikh Areeb Abdul KhalikV/24/331shaikhareeb8793@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
75Shinde Shivani VilasV/24/337shivanishinde7821@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
76Shrirame Shivamkumar SureshV/24/343shivamusha007@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
77Sonwane Abhijeet RajkumarV/24/349sonawaneabhijeet26@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
78Suryawanshi Gangadhar MarotiV/24/359marotis.9321@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
79Tarfe Vaibhav SureshV/24/366vaibhavtaree2@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
80Thakre Pranav SantoshV/24/368pranavthakre840@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
81Vaidya Swapnil BabanV/24/372swapnilvaidya7m@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
82Vedant Vikas LatureV/24/378vedantvlature@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
83Vidisha Ashish NarnawareV/24/381ashishnarnaware28@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
84Gunjan AtkareV/22/132gunjanatkare@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
85Adbale Mangesh MarotiV/23/002mangeshmarotiadbale@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
86Amal Asif JamalV/23/008amaljamalq8@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
87Anil Kumar YadavV/23/010ayy943498@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
88Appalwar Akash PrashantV/23/014akashappalwar21@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
89Ashutosh RawatV/23/020rawatashu0512@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
90Asmita KumariV/23/022asmitaanshujha2211@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
91Badmera Himanshu MahendraV/23/024badmerahimanshu@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
92Bambale Pramod SantoshV/23/025pramodbambale046@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
93Bhagwate Akshad SudharamV/23/036bhagwateakshad@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
94Bhalchim Saniya DhondibaV/23/037saniyabhalchim112@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
95Bharti Vijay MaharudraV/23/040vb039999@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
96Bhate Aarya ShrikrishnaV/23/041aaryabhate0405@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
97Darak Arwa ShrinivasV/23/072arwadarak@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
98Devashish CholeV/23/082dchole4@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
99Dhaliwal Harmansingh JagdevsinghV/23/087deepjotkaur18@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
100Dhonukshe Vedashri RajkumarV/23/092dhonukshevadashri@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
101Dhumal Pranav RameshV/23/095pranavdhumal83@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
102Divekar Anannya NiranjanV/23/098anannyadivekar@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
103Dongarwar Tanmay SureshV/23/100tanmaydongarwar888@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
104Fande Omkar BalaprasadV/23/101omkarfande402@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
105Fartade Raj VijaykumarV/23/102rajufartade2592004@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
106Gahukar Purva PramodV/23/106purvagahukar2107@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
107Ganage Aarti NiteshV/23/109aartiganage406@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
108Gangurde Rohan SuhasV/23/111rahangangurde29@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
109Gawande Vaishnavi ShivcharanV/23/115gawandevaishnavi187@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
110Gawhare Payal SureshV/23/116payalgawhare13@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
111Ghawghawe Prajwal ShridharV/23/117prajwalghawghawe21@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
112Ghule Pratik ShantaramV/23/118pratikghule710@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
113Gophane Samrudhi SantoshV/23/121samriddhigophane@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
114Jadhao Rutuja PrakashV/23/133rutujadhao792003@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
115Jambhule Rupali DilipV/23/145rupalijambhule53@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
116Joel Koshy MammanV/23/148joelkm8854@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
117Kadam Pavan PrabhakarV/23/155pavankadam9527@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
118Kadam Riddhi RupeshV/23/157viddhik1304@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
119Kale Amey VikasV/23/160ameykale1343@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
120Kare Prerana ShrimantV/23/168kareprerana@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
121Kendre Suraj DevanandV/23/174surajdk9767@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
122Khawale Rushikesh VijayV/23/179rishikeshkhawale123@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
123Khodake Rushikesh KishorV/23/181rushikeshkhodke2001@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
124Magar Somesh SanjayV/23/195someshpatilmagar@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
125Manish ChoudharyV/23/203mr1mrmanish@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
126Mankar Sneha ShridharV/23/205snehamankar999@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
127Meshram Riddhi LehandasV/23/210riddhimeshram9@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
128Mohit KumarV/23/213mohitpatel8105@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
129More Anjali BalajiV/23/215vrundavanimore5@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
130Manoj YadavV/23/218rkhiwal9785@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
131Mukul Vinod PatilV/23/220mvpmukulpatil4@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
132Mundhe Akanksha ArjunV/23/223mundheaa2002@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
133Murarkar Paawan AshishV/23/225paawanmurarkar20@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
134Narwade Tanvi BalajiV/23/233tanvi292004@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
135Naveen KumarV/23/234praveen324@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
136Nevarkar Shubham DevraoV/23/238shubhamnevarkar@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
137Patle Kartik JagdishV/23/262kartikpatle0001@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
138Pawale Priya RameshV/23/265priyapawale106@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
139Pawar Prathamesh DipakV/23/267prathamesh.d.pawar654@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
140Priyamvada GudadheV/23/277priyamvadagudadhe@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
141Purohit Saloni ShaileshV/23/279salonipurohit99@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
142RameshV/23/281rameshkhyalia2025@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
143Rampurkar Chaitali PruthvirajV/23/282chaitalirampurkar04@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
144Rathod Juganu SunilV/23/283siprimetech@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
145Raut Sangharsh LaxmanV/23/289rautsangharsh2137@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
146Raut Vaibhav GaneshV/23/292vaibhavr187.@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
147Rhea Harriat RejiV/23/295rheaharriat7@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
148RubalV/23/298rubalbtembhurne@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
149Sachin Kumar MeenaV/23/301sachinmeena8105@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
150Sapate Vaibhav GaneshV/23/313vaibhavsapate2157@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
151Sarode Manjiri ManojV/23/314manjirisarode2004@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
152Sathe Dhanshree TryambakV/23/316dhanshreesathe01@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
153Shanuj MeshraamV/23/325shanujmeshraam02@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
154Sheba JinuV/23/326shebajinu05@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
155Shembade Yash ShamraoV/23/329yashshembade10@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
156Shendge Satyam KishorV/23/330shendgesatyam@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
157Shirsat Mansi BaluV/23/337mshirsat540@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
158Subhalakshmi SahaV/23/360subhalakshmipu@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
159Sumit PrajapatV/23/364sumithrajapatjhadol@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
160Suryawanshi Bhagyashree KuldeepV/23/367bhagsuryawanshi@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
161Swami Rohit BalasahebV/23/370rohitswami814@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
162Tupkar Aryan AmitV/23/384aryantupkar78607@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
163Vedha Valli SV/23/393vedaraji304@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
164Waghmode Vivek DattatrayV/23/401waghmodevivek3@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
165Wandhare Ajay AnkushV/23/405ajaywandhare4@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
166Wathore Aditya PremanandV/23/408premanandwathore66@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
167Weskade Harshal HansrajV/23/410harshalweskade21@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
168Zade Swaraj GokuldasV/23/414swarajzade101@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
169Jaybhaye Akanksha DattaraoV/21/148akankshajaybhaye2000@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
170Sayali Sujeet SuryawanshiV/21/319sayali202004@icloud.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
171Aakanksha S. MetriV/22/001sonusree724@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
172Adhao Bhushan GajananV/22/005bhushanadhao04@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
173Adling Sanjivani SunilV/22/006sanjivaniadling@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
174Alok SharmaV/22/009sharmaalok611@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
175Aman SinghV/22/011amandhukiya0290@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
176Ayush TomarV/22/021ayushtomar258@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
177Bandewar Harshada SanjaykumarV/22/028harshadabandewar@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
178Bandiwar Sakshi RajeshV/22/029sakshibandiwar2003@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
179Barse Samrat AnilV/22/032samratbarse21@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
180Bharad Dipeeka SontoshV/22/036dipeekabharad2003@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
181Bhoyar Khushi ManojV/22/040khushibhoyar28@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
182Chavan Pratiksha KailashV/22/056pratikshakc1130@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
183Cheekatipalle HariniV/22/058hariniramana2@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
184Deepak Kumar SharmaV/22/074deepak321.sikar@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
185Deshatwad Vaishnavi VenkatraoV/22/078deshatwadvaishnavi@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
186Deshmukh Arni KaustubhV/22/081arnideshmukh@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
187Deshmukh Goutami MadanV/22/082goutameedeshmukh1@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
188Deshmukh Krushna BhaskarraoV/22/084krushnadeshmukh1001@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
189Dhengale Shamli RajuV/22/090shamlidhengle548@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
190Divyesh Sanjay BhoyeV/22/095divyeshbhoye45@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
191Doke Anuraj MarotiV/22/096anurajdoke291@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
192Durge Yash IshwarV/22/097yashdurge32@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
193Gadekar Samiksha DnyaneshwarV/22/104samikshagadekar465@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
194Gadge Vaibhavi VivekanandV/22/105vaibhavigadge17@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
195Gagan Kumar SharmaV/22/107gagan1182001@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
196Gahale Vedant PravinV/22/108vedantgahale123@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
197Ghuge Aditi GajananV/22/124gajananghuge2003@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
198Girish Bhaskar JondhaleV/22/126girishjon007@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
199Ingole Aditya ChandrakantV/22/148adityaingole011@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
200Kagde Gaurav KalyanV/22/166gauravkagde@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
201Kalpande Shivani RameshV/22/171kalpandeshivani95@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
202Kampurne Anup DhondibaV/22/174anup01082003@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
203Kankalwar Nancy SudhakarV/22/176nancykankalwar@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
204Khandare Nisarga GajananV/22/192nisargakhandare69@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
205Kharpude Prasad AdinathV/22/196prasadkharpude11@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
206Khode Harsh ShivshankarV/22/200harshkhode7@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
207Kirme Pravin VijayV/22/201pravinkirme321@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
208Kukade Shilpa SanjivV/22/209shilpakukade8@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
209Kute Pankaj RameshV/22/212pkute3553@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
210Kute Rushikesh SanjayV/22/213rushikeshkute1606@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
211Labde Ojaswi ChandrashekharV/22/214ojaswi072003@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
212ManishaV/22/228manishajat.782002@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
213Manoj BishnoiV/22/231manojbhadu2120@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
214Maske Mayuri BhauraoV/22/233mayurimaske73@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
215Meshram Chanchal SureshV/22/234chanchalm11204@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
216Morkhade Gajanan PramodV/22/240gmorkhade2001@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
217Musale Vikram VijayV/22/247drvikrammusale1@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
218Nagrale Anush NandrajV/22/248anushnagrale@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
219Nagre Aniket NandkishorV/22/249aniketshru1@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
220Navghare Tejas RameshwarV/22/252tejasvelay@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
221Navle Utkarsha NanasahebV/22/253utkarshanavle23@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
222Neware Krishna AnandV/22/257newarek81@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
223Nikhade Saurabh SomeshwarV/22/259saurabhnikhade7782@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
224Panem Namrata KishorV/22/269namratapanem@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
225Parate Prachi DharmrajV/22/273prachiparate001@gmial.comDr. S. V. Chopde
226Patrikar Vedant PramodV/22/280vedantpatrikar221@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
227Pooja ChanekarV/22/291poojachanekar6@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
228Rathod Darshan PanjabraoV/22/301darshan118888@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
229Raut Drushti KailashV/22/305drushtiraut2002@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
230Raut Shivani ShivramV/22/307shivaniraut1230@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
231Reddepogu Sarayu PaulV/22/310sarayureddipogu@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
232Sahare Prachi RajkumarV/22/320prachisahare26@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
233Sandeep DhamalaV/22/326saudeepdhawala11145@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
234Saurav KumarV/22/329sauravsingh23052000@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
235Shahane Omkar DnyaneshwarV/22/333omkarshahane19042003@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
236Sharma Shreeyog VinayV/22/339mymailshree2003@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
237ShubhamV/22/353yogeshelectronics7@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
238Shyam LalV/22/354shyamkuchari68@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
239Siddhika KadamV/22/355siddhikaaa@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
240Soni Aastha SanjayV/22/361rashmisoni1972@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
241Sontakke Mrunmayi GajananV/22/363sontakke.mrunmayi@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
242Sutar Chinmayee SanjayV/22/372chinmayeessutar@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
243Tandale Digambar BharatV/22/377digambartandale55@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
244Tawade Pritam PrafulV/22/380pritamtawade01@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
245Tayade Rahul GautamV/22/381rahultayade558@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
246Thombare Yash SantoshV/22/387yoshthombare11101@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
247Thorat Dhairyashil ShashikantV/22/388dasthorat1993@gmali.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
248Wankhede Suchita DattaV/22/405patilsuchita007@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
249Wayase Girish HarishchandraV/22/406wayasegirish@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
250Ankit GautamV/21/014akshayhavchari12345@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
251Annapurna SinghV/21/015saranganarase21@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
252Bhavesh Chaudhary RawatV/21/039mohangautam93@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
253RitikV/21/299annapurnasingh1902@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
254Shubhankar Pahad SinghV/21/339pratikbansod31@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
255GyanenderV/21/128chetax34@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
256VivekV/21/389aradhya.kajal@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
257Raj Kumar KumawatV/21/286lalitborade2020@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
258Harshit DadheechV/21/131jagdishvijaychavan11@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
259Dinesh BajiyaV/21/095vaibhavc2109@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
260Satish MeenaV/21/314adeshchavan17@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
261Vikrant SharmaV/21/386ashchohan561@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
262Khandalkar Sejal SanjayV/21/179tanmaydange38@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
263Guri LavanyaV/21/127shivamdawand@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
264Gample Sakshi SomnathV/21/113deshmukhdeep121@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
265Rathod Pawankumar PrakashV/21/292vedantdeshmukh125@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
266Sapkal Akshay RavindraV/21/312devya2002khandelwal@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
267Kurra JasmithaV/21/198tushardhanule2001@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
268Ishan Dilip MondheV/21/137ahdhawale@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
269Akshay AvcharV/21/010dineshbajiya1@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
270Anarase Sarang DattatrayV/21/013dudhenikita8@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
271Bansod Pratik RajuV/21/025sakshigample2003@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
272Barve Chetan RamchandraV/21/031nikhilgarmode19@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
273Deeshaa Shrikrishna KaduskarV/21/154aashishghongate23@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
274Borade Lalit BapusahebV/21/053gurilavanya588@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
275Chavan Jagdish VijayV/21/059thegyanender@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
276Chavan Vaibhav AshokV/21/061harshitdadheech38@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
277Chavhan Adesh MarotraoV/21/063rushihinge720@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
278Chohan Ashmita RajkumarV/21/06812bishanmondhe@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
279Dange Tanmay VilasV/21/072jadhavharshwardhan46@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
280Dawand Shivam GajananV/21/073omjunare2002@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
281Deshmukh Deep SurendraV/21/078deeshaakduskar216@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
282Deshmukh Vedant ManojV/21/079shrirangkakade07@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
283Devyanshi KhandelwalV/21/084kalepranav533@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
284Dhanule Tushar SunildattaV/21/087kalesamruddhi121@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
285Dhawale Madhura AshokV/21/090tukapgate2001@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
286Dudhe Nikita RameshV/21/098sejalkhandalkar22918@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
287Garmode Nikhil MukundV/21/116kharatekuldip76@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
288Ghongate Aashish MohanV/21/120sakshikhating09@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
289Hinge Rushikesh VinodV/21/133lokykomrewar@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
290Jadhav Harshwardhan MohanraoV/21/138jasmithak172001@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
291Junare Om BhagwatV/21/151palashmeshram8646@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
292Kakade Sanika ShrirangV/21/155shalvismesraam03@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
293Kale Pranav BhaskarV/21/157adityamunde54941@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
294Kale Samruddhi MadhavV/21/158vikrammungmode2001@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
295Kapgate Tejas UlhasV/21/164krishnanagre20@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
296Kharate Kuldeep SandipV/21/181rushikeshnakod21@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
297Khating Sakshi BhagwatV/21/182nannewarpranay@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
298Komrewar Lokesh ChanduV/21/187tejsvinipadhy@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
299Meshram Palash SudhirV/21/215pratikpawara3301@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
300Meshram Shalvi ShishupalV/21/216pritisabale085@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
301Mundhe Aditya DnyaneshwarV/21/232kumawatrrajkumar@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
302Mungmode Vikram SudamV/21/235yashramteke2020@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
303Nagre Krishana SubhashV/21/241pawankumarrathod143@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
304Nakod Rushikesh RamakantV/21/244ratnaparkhidinesh@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
305Nannewar Pranay SunilV/21/245dnyaneshwarraut8830@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
306Padhya Tejaswini VirendraV/21/253ritiksukhani700@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
307Pratik PawaraV/21/279omkarrokade322@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
308Preeti Somnath SableV/21/281surajsabale978@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
309Ramteke Yash RajkumarV/21/287samyuktasunil2002@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
310Ratnaparkhi Dinesh PurushottamV/21/295akshaysapkal2310@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
311Raut Dnyaneshwar RamhariV/21/296satisamina9@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
312Rokade Omkar BajiraoV/21/301harshal1800@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
313Sabale Suraj SitaramV/21/303shindesakshi038@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
314Samyukta Sunil KumarV/21/311shivanigarmade2019@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
315Shende Harshal SardasV/21/323pahadsinghsubbu@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
316Shinde Sakshi SanjayV/21/330shuklasahil012@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
317Shivani GarmadeV/21/333suhanaraina03@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
318Shukla Sahil SunilV/21/341udaysukhale@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
319Suhana SanjayV/21/352krishiupadhyay09@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
320Suknale Uday SureshraoV/21/353ishaverma12347@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
321Upadhyay Krishi BhaveshV/21/378vikkypagisharma@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
322Verma Isha Ashim PrakashV/21/381vivekbeniwal512@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
323Wagh Gaurav DevidasV/21/392gauravrider2222@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
324Wagh Satish ParajiV/21/393satishwagh8969@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
325Waghmare Vaibhav SantoshV/21/396waghmarevaibhav609@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
326Wartale Balaji SambhajiV/21/403balajiwartale001@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
327Watghule Sanskruti RavindraV/21/404sanskrutiwatgule2000@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
328Zade Jayesh SanjayV/21/408jayeshzade20@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
329Ambulgekar Swaraj ShivajiV/20/008shivajitambulgekar@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
330Amte Aditya MahadeoV/20/009adityaamte94@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
331Andhale Satvik BhagwanV/20/011bhagwanandhale0035@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
332Banewar Dhanshri ChhatrashalV/20/023banewardhanshri@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
333Belsare Shruti HariharV/20/025belsareshruti5@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
334Bhalerao Vaibhav DevidasV/20/028vaibhavbhalerao035@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
335Bhavya MalikaV/20/033bm856962@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
336Bhosale Prajwal AnilV/20/038prajwalbhosale4488@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
337Bomble Avinash KailashV/20/042jain.bhushan14@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
338Borkar Bharvi BhuwanesharV/20/046avinashpsd11@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
339Chirwatkar Smital SureshV/20/063borkarbharvi2003@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
340Daberao Akash SantoshV/20/067smitalchirwatkar123@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
341Dawre Shruti NamdeoV/20/072shrutidawre@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
342Dhawale Rinal SunilV/20/082rinaldhawale2018@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
343Tanuu YadavV/20/361tanuu749@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
344Jain Bhushan ArunV/20/040jain.bhushan14@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
345Deokar Pradumn GaneshraoV/20/074pradumandeokar@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
346Dhawale Kartik JanardhanV/20/081dhawalekartik0@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
347Galande Samarth DilipV/20/095samarthgalande7171@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
348Gawai Saurabh JaganV/20/102sauravgawai@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
349Gawali Ankita BalasahebV/20/103ankitagawali6468@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
350Gayathri BinukumarV/20/104gayatribinukumar92@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
351Ghadge Gopal TulshidasV/20/105gopalghadge2001@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
352Girame Sushant SuneelV/20/110sushantgirame@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
353Harshita SharmaV/20/122harshitasharma162001@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
354Jadhao Ajinkya KishorV/20/133ajinkyakijadhao1999@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
355Kamdi Chandrakanta GajananV/20/155pratikshakamdi99@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
356Mohanty SomeswarV/19/235someswar.mohanty03@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
357Keerti FaujdarV/20/167someswar.mohanty03@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
358Lokhande Datta GangadharV/20/198madhavlokhande04@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
359Madhurima Arvind JiwantareV/20/202madhurimajiwan@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
360Mahajan Aditya SanjayV/20/204a.s.m140202@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
361Mahalle Mohit SubhashV/20/207mohitmahalle2106@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
362Manish KichambareV/20/213manishr2000r@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
363Masram Vrushali ManojV/20/215vrushalimasram787@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
364Mitkari Sairaj PadamakarV/20/220sairajmitkari05@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
365Nakshatra MhankaleV/20/233reeshab2515@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
366Nandurkar Yatharth RajeshV/20/234yatharthnandurkar2001@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
367Nikalje Harshal GajananV/20/242nickyanikalje358@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
368Nimbarte Nishkarsh DineshV/20/247nimbartenishkarsh2@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
369Omprakash BanshiwalV/20/251omprakashbanshiwal28@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
370Oojas Narendra PardeshiV/20/252oojas.pardeshi@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
371Parve Rushikesh AmrutraoV/20/258parverushi01@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
372Pashine Kunjika ZaneshV/20/259ilmf131167@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
373Patil Kaivalya AjayV/20/265kaivalyapatil01@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
374Patil Manjiri VijayV/20/267manjirip0202@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
375Patil Mayur ManoharV/20/268mayurpatil190320@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
376Patil Prathamesh SunilV/20/270patilprathamesh2681@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
377Pawar Harsha BalkrishnaV/20/275harshabpawar428@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
378Praveen KumarV/20/286praveenjakhar937@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
379Punse Shradha GopalV/20/288shradhagopalpunse@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
380Rathod Amit RanjitV/20/293amit.rj9766@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
381Raveena PundirV/20/297pundirraveena113@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
382Sapkal Satyam DnyaneshwarV/20/313satyamsapkal10@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
383Sarika BhardwajV/20/314sarikabhardwaj35@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
384Sarode Mrunal ManojV/20/315mrunalsarode2001@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
385Shahil KaswanV/20/319shahilkaswan2@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
386Shilwant Sanket ChandrakantV/20/325sanketshilwant17@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
387Singh Gracy AmarV/20/343gracysingh221@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
388Sirsat Chaitnya NarayanV/20/344sirsatchaitnya@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
389Soumya DixitV/20/347dixitsoumya19@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
390Surendra Kumar SainiV/20/355su2001saini@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
391Tarpe Sumit PrakashV/20/362sumittarpe25@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
392Tayade Jayashree ParmeshwarV/20/364jayashreetayade710200@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
393Tejas DeshmukhV/20/365tejas25601@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
394Tekade Rutik AshokraoV/20/366rutiktekade23@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
395Tellawar Pranit SureshV/20/367pranittellawar2000@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
396Theng Gopal VilasV/20/370gvrajput28@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
397Tahkik Tushar GajananV/20/376tushartahkik77@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
398Amit SharmaV/19/013amitsharmajoun@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
399Badgujar Yash RajeshV/19/028yashbadgujar1307@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
400Tiwari Bhakti GaneshV/20/373bhaktitiwari1623@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
401Ubale Abhijeet AnshiramV/20/377abhijeetubale2002@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
402Varpe Chaitanya GorakshanathV/20/383chaitanyavarpe0@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
403Wagh Ashutosh ArunV/20/393ashutoshwagh2371@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
404Wankhede Aryan RajeshV/20/396wankhedearyan1@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
405Yedage Rohansinghraje PandurangV/20/402yedagerohan@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
406YogeshV/20/403yogeshbhanker083@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram

PG , PhD

S. No. Name Roll No. Email Name of Advisor
1Fulsundar Rohan DiwakarV/18/096fulsundardiwa1234@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
2Gaytri JayarajV/18/109gayatrijayraj3119@gmail.comDr. S. P. Chaudhari
3Tippa PadmajaV/23/431tipp.padmaja@gmail.comDr. S. P. Chaudhari
4D. VasaviV/23/418vasavidyagala@gmail.comDr. A. R. Sawarkar
5Gaydhane Priya GovindV/18/110priyagaydhane75@gmail.comDr. D. S. Raghuwanshi
6Kapale Akash RajendraV/18/172akashkaple1999@gmail.comDr. M. S. Patil
7Sonavane Priyanka RajeshV/18/350sonavane.priyanka814@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
8Hunar GoelV/18/132hunargoel31@gmail.comDr. G. A. Fiske
9Patel Nikita MatapherV/18/275nikkipatel261999@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
10Nikhil R.V/23/423nikhilravindran1999@gmail.comDr. B. Bhadane
11Deshmukh Saurabh RajeshV/18/
12Ghuje Nakul SamadhanV/18/
13Aglave Vidya VishwanathV/18/
14Kore Sneha SubhashV/18/
15Vaibhav VermaV/23/
16Sharma Mili RajeevV/18/336milisharma1818@gmail.comDr. G. R. Bhojne
17Gupta Juhi ShivprasadV/18/121juhigupta200031@gmail.comDr. C. G. Panchbhai
18Ajane Sanskruti DeepakV/18/012ajane.sanskruti10@gmail.comDr. J. M. Chahande
19Easteri DebbarmaV/23/420edebbarma78@gmail.comDr. J. M. Chahande
20Dhurve Devika TarasingV/18/087dhurvedevika60@gmail.comDr. P. D. Jumde
21Barbhuddhe Shruti SukhdevV/18/030barbuddhess06@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
22Sakhare Dipti AshokvV/17/277sakharedeep2803@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
23Honshette Supriya PartapraoV/18/131supriyahonshette3@gmail.comDr. K. S. Rathod
24Parbat Rushikesh MacchindraV/17/232rushiparbat090@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
25Kalne Sumitkuar AnilV/18/159sumitkalne369@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
26Madavi Rajdeep RajuV/18/215rajdeepmadavi@gmail.comDr. Sariput Landge
27Naik Ratnamala SubhashV/18/252ratsubhashnaik@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
28Kanole Avinash NarayanraoV/18/171kanoleavinash4911@gmail.comDr. Shubhangi Warke
29Jogdand Raghunath PandhariV/17/126jogdandraghunath@gmial.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne

2nd Year

S. No. Name Roll No. Email Name of Advisor
1DHURVE AKANKSHA ASHOKRAOV/17/071akankshadhurve@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
2JADHAV ADITA ASHOKV/17/114aditajadhav2@gmail.comDr. Shubhangi Warke
3SUROSHE SAMIKSHA MUKESHV/17/326samikshasuroshe@gmail.comDr. Megha Kaore
4KUHOO SINGHV/22/422kuhoo.singh11@gmail.comDr. W. A. Khan
5BHUSSE RUSHIKESH RAMESHWARV/17/037rrbhusse45@gmail.comDr. W. A. Khan
6RUCHA SANJAY SALODKARV/15/207drrucha28@gmail.comDr. S. P. Chaudhari
7TEJAL MAHENDRA BHAPKARV17/336tejalbhapkar06@gmail.comDr. A. R. Sawarkar
8DESHMUKH GAURI SHRINIDEEV/17/062gsd221298@gmail.comDr. R. P. Limsay
9KATHALE TANMAY NITINV/17/150kathaletanmay2810@gmail.comDr. A. P. Gawande
10AVULA VIJAYA VARSHINIV/22/415avvijayav95@gmail.comDr. M. S. Patil
11JOG MUGDHA ATULV/17/124mugsj003@gmail.comDr. G. A. Fiske
12ANTRA KENV/22/413jnvk.antraken28@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
13PRANEET POTWARV/17/259praneet potwar1999@gmail.comDr. B. K. Bhadane
14GAIKWAD KOMAL DIGAMBARV/17/079vetdrkomal@gmail.comDr. S. B. Akhare
15YASH GARGV/17/363yashg23456@gmail.comDr. B. N. Ramteke
16DIPASREE DASV/22/419dasdipasree24@gmail.comDr. M. R. Jawale
17PARSAWAR PARIMAL KISHORV/17/233parimalparsawar1998@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
18BALRAM CHAUHANV/22/417balchouhan34@gmail.comDr. M. M. Kadam
20LIYENA MEDHIV/22/423liyenamedhi87@gmail.comDr. K. S. Rathod
21NANDESHWAR SAURABHV/17/217saurbhnandeshwar28@gmail.comDr. G. R. Bhojne
22CHACHARKAR DHENU KISHORV/16/056dchacharkar97@gmail.comDr. V. M. Dhoot
23DODEWAR RHUSHIKESH RAJUV/17/074rhushikeshdodewar@gmail.comDr. G. P. Shende
24MENDAKE AJAY DILIPV/17/198ajaymendake15@gmail.comDr. B. M. Khati
25KORADE VISHWAJEET BALASAHEBV/17/166vishwajeet.korade@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
26GAVALI DHANASHREE DEVIDASV/15/080gavalidhanshree001@gmail.comDr. Mahesh Gupta
27AADESHV/22/412aadesh61199@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram

Admissions , PhD

Sr. No. Name of Student Enrl. No. Email Address Name of Advisor
1 G DANIEL RISHEEN V/23/437 Dr. G. R. Bhojne
2 KOLANGATH SUJIT MRTHEW V/23/438 Dr. Sonal Ingle
3 PANDIRI KEERTHANA V23/439 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi

Course offered :: UG, PG , PhD – Semester / Year wise

B.V.Sc.&A.H. (MSVE-2016)

Semester/Unit Course No./ Year Course Title Credit
Unit – IIV YearVeterinary Gynaecology2+1=3
Unit – IIIV YearVeterinary Obstetrics2+1=3
Unit – IIIIV YearVeterinary Andrology and AI2+1=3

List of PG Courses ( MVSc ) and M.Tech. (Dairy Technology)


Semester/Unit Course No./ Year Course Title Credit
I VOG – 601 General Gynaecology 3 + 1 = 4
VOG – 602 Female Infertility 3 + 1 = 4
VOG – 607 Clinical Practice – I 0 + 3 = 3
II VOG – 603 Veterinary Obstetrics 2 + 2 = 4
VOG – 604 Andrology and Male Infertility 3 + 1 = 4
VOG – 608 Clinical Practice – II 0 + 3 = 3
III VOG – 605 Semen Preservation and Artificial Insemination 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 606 Reproductive Biotechnology 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 691 Master Seminar 1 + 0 = 1
VOG – 699 Master Research 0 + 5 = 5
IV VOG – 699 Master Research 0 + 15 = 15

Ph.D. (Regular)

Semester/Unit Course No./ Year Course Title Credit
I VOG – 701 Advances in Gynaecology 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 702 Advances in Obstetrics 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 706 Clinical Practice – I 0 + 3 = 3
II VOG – 703 Advances in Andrology 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 705 Advances in Semen Preservation 1 + 1 = 2
VOG – 707 Clinical Practice – II 0 + 3 = 3
III VOG – 704 Advances in Reproductive Biotechnology 1 + 1 = 2
VOG – 790 Special Problem 0 + 2 = 2
VOG – 791 Doctoral Seminar – I 1 + 0 = 1
VOG – 792 Doctoral Seminar – II 1 + 0 = 1
IV to VI VOG – 799 Doctoral Research 0 + 45 = 45

Ph.D. (In-Service)

Semester/Unit Course No./ Year Course Title Credit
I VOG – 701 Advances in Gynaecology 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 706 Clinical Practice – I 0 + 3 = 3
II VOG – 702 Advances in Obstetrics 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 707 Clinical Practice – II 0 + 3 = 3
III VOG – 703 Advances in Andrology 2 + 1 = 3
VOG – 704 Advances in Reproductive Biotechnology 1 + 1 = 2
VOG – 705 Advances in Semen Preservation 1 + 1 = 2
IV VOG – 790 Special Problem 0 + 2 = 2
VOG – 791 Doctoral Seminar – I 1 + 0 = 1
VOG – 792 Doctoral Seminar – II 1 + 0 = 1
V to VIII VOG – 799 Doctoral Research 0 + 45 = 45
Sr No Course No. Title Credit Semester

Lecture Schedule – UG, PG , PhD – Theory / Practical Schedule – Approved by BoS – Subject wise

Sr. No Unit No Lecture No Topic to be covered
1 Unit I - Gynaecology 1 Bovine: Applied clinical anatomy and embryology of female reproductive tract
2 Unit I - Gynaecology 2 Applied clinical anatomy and embryology of female reproductive tract
3 Unit I - Gynaecology 3 Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of ovary, salpinx
4 Unit I - Gynaecology 4 Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of uterus
5 Unit I - Gynaecology 5 Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of cervix, vagina and vulva
6 Unit I - Gynaecology 6 Puberty and sexual maturity and their endocrine control Puberty and maturity, factors affecting the same
7 Unit I - Gynaecology 7 Endocrine control of puberty and sexual maturity
8 Unit I - Gynaecology 8 Delayed puberty- Its causes
9 Unit I - Gynaecology 9 Delayed puberty-clinical approach, treatment and prevention of delayed puberty
10 Unit I - Gynaecology 10 Applied reproductive physiology and endocrinology of oestrous cycle
11 Unit I - Gynaecology 11 Oestrous cycle
12 Unit I - Gynaecology 12 Factors affecting the length of the oestrous cycle
13 Unit I - Gynaecology 13 Aberrations of oestrus and oestrus cycle
14 Unit I - Gynaecology 14 Clinical management of aberrations of oestrus and oestrus cycle
15 Unit I - Gynaecology 15 Problems in oestrus detection and oestrus detection aids
16 Unit I - Gynaecology 16 Transportation and survivability of gametes in female reproductive tract
17 Unit I - Gynaecology 17 Follicular Dynamics
18 Unit I - Gynaecology 18 Clinical impact improvement-of Follicular Dynamics on fertility
19 Unit I - Gynaecology 19 Ovulation
20 Unit I - Gynaecology 20 Aberrations of ovulation
21 Unit I - Gynaecology 21 Incidence causes, diagnosis treatment and prevention of ovulatory failures
22 Unit I - Gynaecology 22 Fertilization
23 Unit I - Gynaecology 23 Aberrations of fertilization
24 Unit I - Gynaecology 24 Fertilization failures
25 Unit I - Gynaecology 25 Pathological affections of ovary, uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia - and prevention
26 Unit I - Gynaecology 26 Embryonic mortality incidence, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
27 Unit I - Gynaecology 27 Clinical management of specific forms of infectious infertility- bacterial
28 Unit I - Gynaecology 28 Clinical management of specific forms of infectious infertility-viral agents
29 Unit I - Gynaecology 29 Clinical management of specific forms of infectious infertility-parasitic and fungal agents
30 Unit I - Gynaecology 30 Clinical management of non-specific forms of infectious infertility
31 Unit I - Gynaecology 31 Clinical management of non-specific forms of infectious infertility


Sr. No Unit No Lecture No Topic to be covered
32 Unit I - Gynaecology32Role of nutrition, climate and stress on reproductive efficiency
33 Unit I - Gynaecology33Anoestrus Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation
34 Unit I - Gynaecology34Anoestrus Clinical uses of hormones and drugs in infertility management
35 Unit I - Gynaecology35Repeat breeding syndrome Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation
36 Unit I - Gynaecology36Surgical procedures for correction of reproductive abnormalities
37 Unit I - Gynaecology37Herd reproductive health management and fertility parameters
38 Unit I - Gynaecology38Synchronization of estrus and ovulation - principles and methodology
39 Unit I - Gynaecology39Multiple ovulation and Embryo transfer technology
40 Unit I - Gynaecology40Equine reproductive management
41 Unit I - Gynaecology41Ovines and caprines: oestrous cycle control and infertility
42 Unit I - Gynaecology42Swines: breeding management and pregnancy diagnosis
43 Unit I - Gynaecology43Canines and felines: breeding management and phantom pregnancy
44 Unit I - Gynaecology44Medical termination of pregnancy and reproductive disorders
45 Unit I - Gynaecology45Population control methods in animals
46 Unit I - Gynaecology46Ultrasonography in farm and pet animal reproduction
47 Unit II - Obstetrics 47 Farm and pet animals Maternal recognition of pregnancy - Applied Endocrinology of pregnancy
48Unit II - Obstetrics48Farm and pet animals- Pregnancy diagnosis
49Unit II - Obstetrics49Farm and pet animals-Pregnancy diagnosis
50Unit II - Obstetrics50Duration of pregnancy-Factors affecting gestation length
51Unit II - Obstetrics51Care and management of pregnant animals
52Unit II - Obstetrics52Implantation, Placentation
53Unit II - Obstetrics53Placenta-Classification, functions
54Unit II - Obstetrics54Wandering of ovum Telegony- Superfetation and Superfecundation
55Unit II - Obstetrics55Clinical management of specific causes of abortion
56Unit II - Obstetrics56Clinical management of non specific causes of abortion
57Unit II - Obstetrics57Extra uterine pregnancy, mummification, maceration, cervicovaginal prolapse, hysterocele
58Unit II - Obstetrics58Dropsy of fetal membranes and fetus
59Unit II - Obstetrics59Uterine torsion
60Unit II - Obstetrics60Parturition- Signs of approaching parturition - Stages of parturition
61Unit II - Obstetrics61Initiation and induction of parturition
62 Unit II - Obstetrics 62 Lactational disorders Puerparium and factors affecting puerparium Postpartum care of the dam and neonate in different species of farm and pet animals
63Unit II - Obstetrics63Dystocia Classification Clinical signs and diagnosis Handling of Fetal dystocia
64Unit II - Obstetrics64Dystocia Classification Clinical signs and diagnosis -Handling of maternal dystocia
65Unit II - Obstetrics65Obstetrical interventions Mutation Forced extraction Fetotomy
66Unit II - Obstetrics66Cesarean section in small and large animals Maternal obstetrical paralysis
67Unit II - Obstetrics67Retention of fetal membranes
68Unit II - Obstetrics68Total uterine prolapse
69Unit II - Obstetrics69Common metabolic diseases of puerperal period Post partum hemorrhage Sub involution of placental sites Injuries incidental to parturition
70Unit II - Obstetrics70Post partum uterine infections - Post partum resumption of ovarian activity
71 Unit III - Andrology and AI 71 Farm and pet animals Comparative clinical reproductive Anatomy and endocrinology of the male reproduction
72 Unit III - Andrology and AI72Farm and pet animals Comparative clinical reproductive anatomy and endocrinology of the male reproduction
73 Unit III - Andrology and AI73Common congenital and genetic defects of the male reproductive tract
74 Unit III - Andrology and AI74Puberty and sexual maturity and factors affecting them
75 Unit III - Andrology and AI75Sexual behaviour and libido
76 Unit III - Andrology and AI76Sperm transport, erection and ejaculation
77 Unit III - Andrology and AI77Coital injuries in male animals
78 Unit III - Andrology and AI78Vices in male animals
79 Unit III - Andrology and AI79Semen and ejaculate
80 Unit III - Andrology and AI80Structure of Spermatozoa
81 Unit III - Andrology and AI81Semen collection techniques
82 Unit III - Andrology and AI82Semen collection techniques
83 Unit III - Andrology and AI83Semen evaluation
84 Unit III - Andrology and AI84Semen evaluation
85 Unit III - Andrology and AI85Semen extenders, dilution
86 Unit III - Andrology and AI86Semen preservation
87 Unit III - Andrology and AI87Semen preservation and post thaw evaluation
88 Unit III - Andrology and AI88Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals
89 Unit III - Andrology and AI89Forms of male infertility Impotentia
90 Unit III - Andrology and AI90Impotentia coeundi
91 Unit III - Andrology and AI91Impotentia generandi
92 Unit III - Andrology and AI92Affections of the scrotum, testis, accessory sex glands, penis and prepuce
93 Unit III - Andrology and AI93Breeding soundness evaluation
94 Unit III - Andrology and AI94In vitro tests for evaluation of male fertility -
95 Unit III - Andrology and AI95Medical and surgical techniques for population control of the male reproduction
96 Unit III - Andrology and AI96Surgical procedure on the male reproductive tract in farm and pet animals.
Sr. No Unit No Lecture No Topic to be covered
1UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY1Study of female genital organs using slaughter house specimens
2UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY2Oestrus detection aids
3UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 3Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
4UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 4Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
5UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 5Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
6UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 6Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
7UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 7Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
8UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 8Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
9UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 9Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract
10UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 10Gynaecological equipment and instruments
11UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 11Vaginal exfoliative cytology and vaginoscopy
12UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 12Ultrasonography of female reproductive tract
13UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 13Ultrasonography of female reproductive tract
14UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 14Surgical procedures on the vulva, vagina and uterus
15UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 15Study of pathological specimens of female genital tract
16UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 16Demonstration and practice of ovario-hysterectomy
17UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 17Demonstration and practice of panhysterectomy
18UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 18Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in female animals
19UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 19Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in female animals
20UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 20Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in female animals
21UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 21Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in female animals
22UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 22Attending gynaecoclinical cases
23UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 23Attending gynaecoclinical cases
24UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 24Attending gynaecoclinical cases
25UNIT I GYNAECOLOGY 25Attending gynaecoclinical cases
26UNIT II OBSTETRICS26Study of pelvis and pelvimetry
27UNIT II OBSTETRICS 27Pregnancy diagnosis
28UNIT II OBSTETRICS 28Pregnancy diagnosis
29UNIT II OBSTETRICS 29Study of foetal membranes of domestic and pet animals - and identification of normal and abnormal foetal membranes
30UNIT II OBSTETRICS 30Approaching signs of parturition- Stages of parturition
31UNIT II OBSTETRICS 31Approach to an obstetrical case
32UNIT II OBSTETRICS 32Obstetrical anaesthesia equipment, obstetrical instrument and equipment
33UNIT II OBSTETRICS 33Manipulation of foetal malpresentation in phantom boxes
34UNIT II OBSTETRICS 34Maternal causes of dystocia and its management
35UNIT II OBSTETRICS 35Fetotomy in cadavers, Handling of prolapsed of genitalia
36UNIT II OBSTETRICS 36Demonstration of forceps delivery and Caesarean section in small and large animal clinical cases.
37UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI37Study of male genital organs using slaughter house specimens
38UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI38Techniques of rectal palpation of the male reproductive tract
39UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI39Andrological and AI equipment - Vasectomy and castration. Surgical procedures on penis, prepuce and scrotum
40UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI40Planning and organization of AI centre - Preparation of teaser animals - Selection, care, training and maintenance of male animal used for breeding purpose
41UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI41Techniques of semen collection
42UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI42Semen evaluation techniques
43UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI43Semen evaluation techniques
44UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI44Sterilization, storage of equipment used for semen collection and Artificial insemination
45UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI45Preparation of extenders and extension of semen-Preservation of semen-
46UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI46Thawing of semen and technique of Al-Handling and maintenance of LN2 containers
47UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI47Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in male animals-Breeding soundness evaluation of bulls
48UNIT III ANDROLOGY AND AI48Oestrus synchronization procedures, Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer- In Vitro Fertilization

Teaching Schedule :UG, PG , PhD – Prepared by – Course Teacher – Year wise / Course Wise

Academic Calendar – UG, PG, PhD -Year wise / Semester Wise

College Classes Time Table :UG, PG , PhD – Year wise / Semester Wise

Examination Time Table – UG, PG , PhD – Semester / Year wise – Theory and Practical

Result –UG, PG , PhD – Semester Wise / Year Wise


List of Research Projects: Completed& Ongoing

Sr. No. Title of the Project Name of PI/ Major Advisor/ Research Worker Funding Agency Total Cost of the project (Rs in Lakh) Extra-mural/Intra-mural Status Duration
1 Establishment of community based Animal Husbandry practices in tribal villages of Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra state Dr. Manoj S. Patil TSP, ICAR, New Delhi 36.32 Extra-mural Completed 2014-2016
2 Evaluating indigenous medications for the treatment of lactational anoestrus and retention of placenta in bovine Dr. Manoj S. Patil NIF-India 0.98 Extra-mural Completed 2013-2014
3 Evaluating indigenous medications for the treatment of lactational anoestrus and retention of placenta in bovine NIF-India 9.48 Extra-mural Completed 2014-2016
4 Establishment of community based Animal Husbandry practices in tribal villages of Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra state TSP, ICAR, New Delhi 6.50 Extra-mural Completed 2017-2018
5 Establishment of community based Animal Husbandry practices in tribal villages of Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra state Dr. Manoj S. Patil TSP, ICAR, New Delhi 7.25 Extra-mural Completed 2019-2020
6 Strengthening of ETT/IVF Centre at Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur Dr. S.K. Sahatpure Rashtriya Gokul Mission, Govt. of India 297.00 Extra-mural Ongoing 2018-2021
7 Evaluating indigenous medications for the treatment of lactational anoestrus and retention of placenta in bovine Dr. Manoj S. Patil NIF-India 1.48 Extra-mural Completed 2018-2020

List of Private Agency Projects:

Sr. No. Title of the Project Name of PI/ Major Advisor/ Research Worker Funding Agency Total Cost of the project (Rs in Lakh) Extra-mural (Funding agency)/ Intra-mural Status (Completed/Ongoing) Duration
1 Evaluation of efficacy of polyherbal uterine cleanser and restorative products for treatment of various reproductive disorders in cows Dr. S. K. Sahtpure Ayurvet Limited, Baddi, Solan, H.P. 1.00 Extra-mural Completed 2014-2015
2 Ovarian response after treatment with Janova and Estrofarm in post partum anestrous and other cases of specific and Non-specific anestrous in cattle Dr. S. K. Sahtpure Ayurvet Limited, Baddi, Solan, H.P. - - - 2015-2016
3 Ovarian response after treatment with AV/OIP/22 in post partum anestrus & other cases of specific & non specific anestrous in cows & buffaloes Dr. S. K. Sahtpure Ayurvet Limited, Baddi, Solan, H.P. 1.55 Extra-mural Completed 2018-2019

Research Priorities:

Sr. No. Research Area Aim Objective Benefits of Farmers
1Assisted Reproductive Biotechniques (IVF-ET) Genetic improvement of Indigenous Animal To improve the local germ plasm in respect of milk production High milk producing female caves will be available to farmers



Name of Department : Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Sr. No. Name of the Student Title of Thesis Year of Completion Name of the Advisor
1S.S.PawarStudies on post partum reproductive status in cows with normal and retained fetal membranes treated with ayurvedic preparations2004Dr.S.C.Vhora
2M.S.BawaskarComparative efficacy of non hormonal drugs in the treatment of postpartum anestrous cows2004Dr.S.C.Vhora
3V.A.DeshpandeStudies on some remedial measures in canine pyometra2005Dr.S.C.Vhora
4L.A.KhanComparative efficacy of certain therapeutic regimens in canine pyometra2006Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
5S.G.UtageEfficacy of norgestomate and PGF2alpha in treatment of anoestrus buffaloes2006Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
6P.R.SirsathComparative pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography, radiography and abdominal palpation in bitches2007Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
7A.B.DeshmukhCryopreservation of cauda epididymal spermatozoa of goat (Capra hircus)2007Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
8B.M.RautUltrasonographic monitoring of early pregnancy in cows2008Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
9P.R.WankhedeStudies on different methods of cryopreservation of black buck semen collected by electro ejaculation2008Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
10Y.M.RaghorteSynchronization of oestrus with ovsynch protocol (GnRH-PGF2alpha-GnRH) in heifers and postpartum buffaloes2009Dr.S.R.Chinchkar
11J.D.RautSemen characteristics in German shepherd dogs2009Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
12T.S.VarmaBiochemical composition of allantoic and amniotic fluid in different stages of pregnancy in goat2010Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
13S.B.GoteSynchronization of oestrus with two different hormonal protocols in cows under field conditions2010Dr.S.R.Chinchkar
14Mohd.ArifInduction of oestrus in postpartum ancestrus buffaloes with lugol's iodine and GnRH treatments2011Dr.S.R.Chinchkar
15A.S.AitalwadTo assess the effect of insulin and ovsynch on induction of estrus in anestrus buffaloes2011Dr.A.P.Gawande
16S.M.ZarkarEffect of CIDR on oestrus behaviour and conception rate in buffalo heifers2011Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
17D.R.KarheInduction of oestrus using hormonal and non-hormonal drugs in postpartum anoestrus cows during low breeding season2012Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
18V.N.GiteCryopreservation of encapsulated buffalo bull Semen2012Dr.M.S.Patil
19S.B.RathodComparative efficacy of immunomodulators on fertility in crossbred cows with subclinical endometritis2012Dr.A.P.Gawande
20T.M.WataneInduction of accessory corpus luteum using GnRH and hCG hormone for enhancing conception rate in repeat breeding crossbred cows2013Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
21R.D.PawarIncidence of uterine inertia and treatment with two different protocols in bitches2013Dr.K.P.Khillare
22K.A.MoreComparative studies on efficacy of GnRH and clomiphene citrate for induction of estrus in true anestrus crossbred cows2013Dr.A.P.Gawande
23C.K.LakdeCryopreservation of encapsulated canine semen2014Dr.M.S.Patil
24Umesh KumarPre and post freeze semen evaluation in pure and crossbred bulls with special reference to spermatozoal plasma membrane, acrosome and DNA integrity tests2014Dr.A.P.Gawande
25Mohan BaituleEffect of herbal supplementation on fertility management of delayed pubertal buffalo heifers2015Dr.A.P.Gawande
26S.V.DhalkariComparative efficacy of progesterone administration for oestrus induction and conception rate in Murrha buffaloes.2015Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
27S.R.KhopadeReproductive performance of plastic consuming cows2015Dr.M.S.Patil
28Prasanna PatiDetection of early pregnancy in Osmanabadi goats by different techniques2015Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
29Erose R.S.Study on reproductive management practices followed by tribal in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra State2016Dr.M.S.Patil
30Jagyaseni MeherCloprostenol and Cabergoline therapy in cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra complex in bitches2016Dr.A.D.Patil
31Niti Kopal BanteDetermination of ovulation timing by using different techniques in bitches2017Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
32Vilas U. TakleImprovement of reproductive performance by use of controlled breeding programme in Osmanabadi goats.2018Dr.M.S.Bawaskar
33G.S.NalkandeUse of cabergoline alone and combination with vitamins supplementation for induction of estrous in bitches2018Dr.A.D.Patil
34Abhishek BharadwajComparative efficacy of various therapeutic protocols for incomplete cervical dilatation in goats2019Dr.M.S.Bawaskar
35Ravi.D.MusaleEffect of oestrus synchronization treatment on characteristics of corpus luteum in cows2021Dr.M.S.Patil
36Prajakta U.BargeComparative Efficacy of Non-Hormonal Drugs on Pseudo pregnancy In Bitches2021Dr.M.S.Bawaskar
37Sameer H. ShendreSuperovulatory response and embryo recovery in Gir cows.2021Dr.M.S.Patil
38Shital YesambareEffect of breeding history and age on hyperplasia of prostate gland in dogs2021Dr.M.S.Bawaskar
39Saddam HussainFollicle Ablation or Removal through ovum pick-up technique in bovines.2023Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi
40Shital MunjewarEffect Of Coasting Period Following Super Stimulation On Transvaginally Retrieved Oocyte Yield And In Vitro Blastocyst Production In Indigenous Cows2024Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi


Name of Department : Veterinary Anatomy and Histology

Sr. No. Name of the Student Title of Thesis Year of Completion Name of the Advisor
1Dr.D.S.RaghuwanshiGynaecological investigations on postpartum reproductive status and its management with recent therapeutical measures in cows2008Dr.S.C.Vhora
2Dr.A.D.PatilControlled breeding programme for improvement of fertility in post partum anoestrous Buffaloes2018Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
3Dr.M.S.BawaskarTherapeutic management of uterine inertia in bitches2018Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
4C.K.LakdeEfficacy of various therapies in non infectious repeat breeder dairy cows for fertility augmentation2020Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
5Dr.A.P.GawandeMetagenomics of cattle uterine microbiota in healthy and infectious conditions2020Dr.S.K.Sahatpure
6Akshay BindEffect of different oestrus synchronization protocols on superovulatory response and number of TVOR aspirated oocytes in cows2022Dr.A.P.Gawande
7Megha KoseEffect of different culture media on developmental competence of transvaginally aspirated oocytes in cows2022Dr.M.S.Patil

Research Papers Published

List of Research Publications:

Sr. No. Authors Year Title of the Research Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page Nos. NAAS Rating
1 CH Pawshe, SK Sahatpure, MS Patil, SG Deshmukh, WAA Razzaque 2004 Effect of different folltropin doses in buffaloes The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Volume 74 (10) 6.38
2 CH Pawshe, SK Sahatpure, SG Deshmukh, MS Patil, AP Gawande 2004 Effect of Crestar ear implant on oestrus in buffaloes in three different seasons Indian Journal of Animal Science Volume 74 (10) 6.28
3 SK Sahatpure, MS Patil 2008 Synchronisation of oestrus with Prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue in non-descript cow Veterinary World Volume 1 (7), 203-204 5.71
4 Sadanand D. Sontakke, Manoj S. Patil, Govindhaswamy Umapathy, K. Ramachandra Rao, Sisinthy Shivaji 2009 Ejaculate characteristics, short-term semen storage and successful artificial insemination following synchronisation of oestrus in the Indian blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra) Reproduction Fertility and Development Volume 21, 749–756 8.66
5 Sadanand D. Sontakke, Govindaswamy Umapathy, Manoj S. Patil, Sisinthy Shivaji 2009 Tolazoline antagonises ketamine–xylazine anaesthesia in an endangered Black buck (Antilope cervicapra) Eur J Wildl Res Volume 55:357–361 7.26
6 Siddiqui, M. F. M. F., M.S. Patil, K.M.Khan, and L.A.Khan 2009 Sudden Death Syndrome – An Overview Veterinary World Vol.2(11):444-447 5.71
7 S.D. Sontakke, M.S. Patil, U. Lakshmikantan, S. Shivaji 2012 Ultrasonographic characterization of ovarian follicular development in the Indian blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra) Small Ruminant Research 105 Volume 1 (6) 222– 230 6.95
8 U Kumar, AP Gawande, SK Sahatpure, MS Patil, CK Lakde, SW Bonde 2015 Assessment of semen quality in pure and crossbred Jersey bulls Veterinary world Volume 8 (10), 1266-1269 5.71
9 U Kumar, AP Gawande, SK Sahatpure, MS Patil, SK Rajak 2015 Sperm abnormalities for determining semen quality in bulls at frozen stage Indian Journal of Veterinary Research (The) Volume 24 (2), 17-20 4.49
10 Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. S. P. Awandkar, Dr. S. K. Sahatpure, Ms. Prasanna Pati, Dr. M.S. Patil 2016 Antibiotic Sensitivity test and treatment of repeat breeding in canines- a clinical study of six bitches INTAS Polivet Volume 16(II) 233-234 4.69
11 Rajalaxmi Behera, M.D. Kothekar, D.S. Kale, K. Krishnamurthi, A.R. Sirothia, D.R. Kalorey, M.S. Patil 2016 Study of mutations in aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) gene in cattle from fly ash zone in Maharashtra, India Indian J. Anim. Res. Volume 50 (1), 19-22 6.04
12 Ms. Prasanna Pati, Dr. S. K. Sahatpure, Dr. M.S. Patil, Dr. A. P. Gawande 2016 Detection of early pregnancy in Osmanabadi goats by different techniques Veterinary Practitioner Volume 16(2), 196-198 3.78
13 Prasanna Pati, S.K. Sahatpure, A. D. Patil, Umesh Kumar, Basanti Jena, A.K. Nahak 2016 Prediction of Gestational age in Osmanabadi Goats by Ultrasonic Measurement of Crown-Rump length The Indian J. of Vet. Sci. & Biot. Volume 12(2), 75-78 4.53
14 M.S. Bawaskar, D.S. Raghuwanshi, S.K. Sahatpure, S.S. Bawaskar 2017 Comparative Efficacy of Fertivet and Janova in the Treatment of Post Partum Anestrus in Cows Indian Research Journal of Extension, Education Volume 17, special issue, January, 82-84 4.81
15 A.D.Patil, S. K. Sahatpure, M.S. Bawaskar, S.V.Upadhye, A. P. Gawande 2017 Non surgical approach of estrual vaginal prolapse- a report of 6 cases Ind. Journal of Canine Practice Volume 9, issue 1, June, 27-29 4.42
16 Meher, J., A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, G. R. Bhojne, M.S. Bawaskar 2017 Effect of cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra complex on haemato-biochemical parameters in bitches Ind. Journal of Canine Practice Volume 9, issue 1, June, 38-42 4.42
17 M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, S.V. Upadhye, S.B.Akhre, M.S. Patil 2017 Incidence of uterine inertia in bitches of Nagpur city Ind. Journal of Canine Practice Volume 9, issue 2, June, 127-130 4.42
18 M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, S.V. Upadhye, S.B.Akhre, M.S. Patil 2017 Therapeutic management of primary uterine inertia in bitches Ind. Journal of Canine Practice Volume 9, issue 2, June, 131-133 4.42
19 A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, N. Bante, C. Lakde, B.M. Gahlod 2017 Acardius Acephalus Monster in a Goat Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction Volume 38 (2): 69-70 --
20 A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, P.T. Jadhao, J.P. Korde, M.S. Patil, D.V. Patil 2017 Efficacy of various hormonal protocols for improvement of fertility in post partum anoestrus buffaloes during breeding season Veterinary Practitioner Volume 18(1):32-34 5.00
21 A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, P.T. Jadhao, J.P. Korde, M.S. Patil, D.V. Patil 2017 Improvement of Fertility in Postpartum Anoestrus Buffaloes by using Different Hormonal Protocols during Non Breeding Season The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences & Biotechnology Volume 13(2): 38-42 4.47
22 A.D. Patil, Neetikopal Bante, S.K. Sahatpure, S.K. Sheetal 2017 Partial Fetotomy for Management of Emphysematous Foetuses in Buffaloes Intas Polivet Volume 18 (II):430-431 4.79
23 A.D. Patil, C.K. Lakde, S.K. Sahatpure, A.P. Gawande 2017 Surgical Management of Pre-partum Cervico-vaginal Prolapse - A Report of Six Cows Intas Polivet Volume 18 (II):439-440 4.79
24 A.D. Patil, V.U. Takle, S.K. Sheetal, S.K. Sahatpure, Gauri S. Nalkande 2017 Surgical Management of Post-partum Uterine Prolapse - A Report of Five Cows Intas Polivet Volume 18 (II):441-442 4.79
25 A.D. Patil, P. Pati, A.P. Gawande 2018 Estrus induction response following hormone treatment in Murrah Buffalo Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction Volume 39 (1):61-62 --
26 S.K. Sheetal, A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, B.M. Gahlod, S.B. Akhare 2018 Management of dystocia due to primary uterine inertia in a Mare International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology Volume 7 (2): 584–587 3.98
27 U.V. Takle, M.S. Bawaskar, S.K Sahatpure, D.S. Raghuwnshi, G.R. Bhojne, D.V. Patil 2018 Serum progesterone profile of controlled breeding Programme treated Osmanabadi goats International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology Volume 7, No 5, 1766–1771 3.98
28 M.S. Bawaskar, Sahatpure S.K., Sheetal S.K., V.U. Takle, Bhardwaj A. 2018 Mummified schistosomus reflexus co-twinned with normal goat foetus – A rare case report International Journal of Science, ET Vol. 7, No 4, 1479–1482 3.98
29 Neeti Bante, S.K. Sahatpure, A.D. Patil, S.V. Upadhye, Bawaskar M.S. 2018 Comparative study of determination of ovulation timing in bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol.10, issue 1, June, pp-46- 4.42
30 M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, S.V. Upadhye, M.S. Patil, S. Bawaskar 2018 Influence of litter size, sex of the fetus and breed on the birth weight of puppies Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol.10, issue 2, December, pp-123-126 4.42
31 M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, S.V. Upadhye, M.S. Patil, G.R. Bhojne 2018 Comparative influence of antenatal foetal presentation position and posture on sixty primary uterine inertia bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol.10, issue 2, December, pp-131-133 4.42
32 A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, S.K. Sheetal 2018 Management Of Pseudopregnancy In Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol.10, issue 2, December, pp-143-144 4.42
33 C.K. Lakde, S.K. Sahatpure, S.K. Sheetal, A.D. Patil, S.V. Upadhye, J.P. Korde, D.V. Patil 2018 Effect of GnRH on 5th Day of Post Artificial Insemination for Fertility Augmentation in Repeat Breeder Dairy Cows Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci Volume 7(10): 466-468 5.38
34 A.D.Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, P.T.Jadhao, J.P. Korde and D.V. Patil 2018 Efficacy of various hormonal protocols for improvement of fertility in post partum anoestrus buffaloes during breeding season Veterinary Practitioner Volume 18(1): June. 32-34 4.55
35 Dhalkari S., S.K. Sahatpure, A.D. Patil, P. Pati and A.P. Gawande 2018 Estrus induction response following hormone treatment in Murrah Buffalo. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction Volume 39 (1) : 61-62 3.43
36 Sheetal S.K., A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, B.M. Gahlod and S.B. Akhare 2018 Management of dystocia due to primary uterine inertia in a Mare. International Journal of Science, ET and Technology Volume 7 (2) 584 – 587 3.98
37 Meher, J., A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, G. R. Bhojne and D.V. Patil 2018 Efficacy of cloprostenol and cabergoline therapy in cystic endometrial hyperplasia- pyometra complex bitches. Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 10(1):24-28 4.42
38 Gauri S. Nalkande, A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure and V.U.Takle 2018 Treatment of Uterine Prolapse in Caprine. Indian Vet. Journal Volume (04): 67 – 68 4.42
39 A. P. Gawande, S. K. Sahatpure, N.V. Kurkure, S.B. Akhare, J. P. Korde, S. P. Choudhari and M. S. Patil 2018 Serum biochemical profile of crossbred cows during healthy and infectious uterine conditions Veterinary Practitioner Vol. 19 No. 2 December 2018 5.00
40 Lakde C.K., Patil M.S., Sahatpure S.K., Gawande A.P. and Umesh Kumar 2018 Standard protocol for encapsulation of canine semen International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology Vol. 7, No 4, 1296 – 1300 3.98
41 M.S. Bawaskar , S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, S.V. Upadhye and G.R. Bhojne 2019 Influence of gestational length, litter size and parity on partial primary uterine inertia in bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 11 Issue 2, December, 2019 4.42
42 Abhishek Bhardwaj, Sheetal SK, Sahatpure SK and Bawaskar MS 2019 Management of Dystocia Due to Fetal Ascites in Boer Goat: A Case Report International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry Volume 4(2): 10-11 4.98
43 M.S. Bawaskar, S.K Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, S.V. Upadhye and G.R. Bhojne 2019 Comparative study of hormonal profile in primary Uterine inertia bitches International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology Vol. 8, No 1, 229 – 232 3.98
44 Gauri S. Nalkande, A.D. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, S.K. Sheetal, and G.P. Shende 2019 Efficacy of cabergoline on induction estrus in bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol. 11, No 1, June, 46-47 4.42
45 Lakde C.K., S.K. Sahatpure, A.D. Patil, S.K. Sheetal and A.A. Bind 2019 Clinical diagnosis and therapeutic management of transmissible venereal tumor in canines. Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol. 11, No 1, June 2019, 53-55 4.42
46 Bawaskar M.S., S.K. Sahatpure, V.U. Takle, S.V. Upadhye and G.R. Bhojne 2019 A case of partial fetal maceration in german shepherd bitch and its successful management. Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol. 11, No 1, June 2019, 56-58 4.42
47 M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, S.V. Upadhye, M.S. Patil, G.R. Bhojne and S.S. Bawaskar. 2019 A case of fetal dystocia due to congenital hydrocephalus with micromelia Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol. 11, No 1, June 2019, 58-60 4.42
48 Megha Kose, S.K.Sheetal, M.S.Bawaskar, S.K.Sahatpure, and S.Yesambhare 2019 Comparative Efficacy Of Different Treatment Protocols For Pseudo-Pregnancy In Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Vol. 11, No 1, June 2019, 140-142 4.42
49 Bharadwaj A., M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, A.P. Gawande, G.R. Bhojne and D.V. Patil 2020 Serum cortisol, Calcium and Phosphorus concentrations in relation to incomplete cervical dilatation in goats Int. J. Curr. Microbiolo. App. Sci. Volume 9(7) PP 628-632 5.38
50 AR Ratnaparkhi, SG Deshmukh, CH Pawshe, MV Ingawale, MG Thorat, SV Kuralkar, MS Patil, VB Kale and SD Chepte 2021 Effect of dietary supplementation of crushed soybean and flaxseed on ovarian response in postpartum crossbred dairy cows Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Volume 9(2): 710-713 --
51 A. R. Ratnaparkhi, S. G. Deshmukh, C. H. Pawshe, M. V. Ingawale, M. V. Thorat, S. V. Kuralkar, M. S. Patil, A. U. Bhikane, S. P. Waghmare 2021 Effect of dietary supplementation of crushed soybean and flaxseed on estrus attribute in postpartum crossbred cows Indian Journal of Veterinary Science and Biotechnology Volume 17(1): 79-81 5.58
52 Abhishek Bharadwaj, and M.S. Bawaskar 2022 Thyroid Profile of A Hypothyroidism Affected Doe: A Case Report The Haryana Veterinarian Volume 61, March 2022, 121-122 5.58
53 S. R. Khopde, M.S. Patil, C.K. Lakde, S.K. Sahatpure and A.P. Gawande 2022 Serum trace minerals and hormone levels in plastic consumed cows The Haryana Veterinarian Volume 61(2): 281-283 5.58
54 Megha S Kose, M.S. Patil, S.K. Sahatpure, D.S. Raghuwanshi, A.P. Gawande, N.V. Kurkure and J.P. Korde 2022 Effect of different in vitro maturation medium on cleavage and blastocyst formation rate in ovum pickup derived oocytes in Sahiwal Cows The Haryana Veterinarian Volume 61(2): 223-225 5.58
55 Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, S.B. Akhare and D.V. Patil 2022 Management of Uterine Inertia In Female Dogs Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 14 Issue 2, December, 93-96 --
56 Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Chetan Lakde, D.S. Raghuwanshi and S.I. Yesambare 2022 Successful Management of Unusual Uterine Prolapse In A Female Dog: A Case Report Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 14 Issue 2, December, 104-106 --
57 S.R.Khopde, M.S. Patil, C.K.Lakde, S.K. Sahatpure & A.P.Gawande 2022 Serum trace minerals and hormone levels in plastic consumed cows The Haryana Veterinarian Vol-61- Issue-2 December 2022, 281-283 5.58
58 C.K.Lakde, S.K. Sahatpure, A.D.Patil, S.K.Sheetal & A.P.Gawande 2022 Comparative study of therapies in repeat breeder cows for fertility augmentation The Haryana Veterinarian Vol-61- Issue-2 December 2022, - 193-195 5.58
59 A.A. Bind, A.P. Gawande, S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, D.S. Raghuwanshi, A.P. Dhok, M.S. Bawaskar, M.B. Gupta 2023 Effect of different synchronization and superovulation protocols on number and quality of oocytes through ultrasound guided transvaginal ovum pick-up technique in cows The Haryana Veterinarian Volume 62 March 2023(SI): 1-4 5.58
60 Abhishek Bhardwaj, SK Sheetal and MS Bawaskar 2023 Fruitful delivery of a live kid via Schaffer’s method in goat uterine torsion International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry Vol-8, Issue-2, Feb 2023, 08-09 4.98
61 A.A. Bind, A.P. Gawande, S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Patil, D.S. Raghuwanshi, A.P. Dhok, M.S. Bawaskar, M.B. Gupta 2023 Effect of different synchronization and superovulation protocols on number and quality of oocytes through ultrasound-guided transvaginal ovum pick-up technique in cows The Haryana Veterinarian Vol-62 (SI), March-2023: 1-4 5.58
62 P.J. Barge, M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure and D.S. Raghuwanshi 2023 Comparative Efficacy Of Non-Hormonal Drugs In The Treatment of Pseudo pregnancy In Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 15, June, 2023, Issue 1, 41-43 --
63 M. S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, D.S. Raghuwanshi and M.S. Patil 2023 Retrospective Study Of Whelping Symptoms And Maternal Changes In Sixty Uterine Inertia Cases In Canines Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 15, June, 2023, Issue 1, 26-30 --
64 Neeti Kopal Bante, S.K. Sahatpure, M.S. Bawaskar and D.S. Raghuwanshi 2023 Determination Of Ovulation Timing By Vaginal Cytology Using Different Stains Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 15(2): 135-137 --
65 Bawaskar, M.S., Lakde, C.K., Raghuwanshi, D.S., Gawande, A.P. and Patil, M.S. 2023 Prevalence of Transmissible Venereal Tumor in Canines from Nagpur City Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 15(2): 127-130 --
66 P.J. Barge, M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure and D.S. Raghuwanshi 2023 Comparative Influence Of Breed, Size, Age And Parity On Prevalence Of Pseudopregnancy In Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 15(2): 131-134 --
67 M.S. Bawaskar, and Sahatpure, S.K. 2023 Haematological and Serum Biochemical Alterations in Uterine Inertia Affected Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 15(2): 121-124 --
68 Bharadwaj A., M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, A.P. Gawande, G.R. Bhojne and D.V. Patil 2023 Comparative Efficacy Of Various Treatment Protocols In Incomplete Cervical Dilatation In Goats Haryana Vet. Volume 62 September (SI-2), 93-95 5.58
69 Bawaskar, M.S., Lakde, C.K., Raghuwanshi, D.S., Gawande, A.P. and Patil, M.S. 2024 Successful Management of Vaginal Prolapse in Three Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(1): 44-46 2.70
70 S.I. Yesambare, M.S. Bawaskar, S.K. Sahatpure, A.P. Gawande and D.V. Patil 2024 Influence of Breeding History Age and Breed on Prevalence of Prostate Gland Hyperplasia in Dogs Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(1): 51-54 2.70
71 A.V. Varshini, M.S. Bawaskar, D.S. Raghuwanshi, C.K. Lakde, A.P. Gawande and M.S. Patil 2024 Successful Management Of Transmissible Venereal Tumor In Dogs With Chemotherapeutic Agent Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(1): 58-61 2.70
72 Varshini, A.V., Bavaskar, M.S., Raghuvanshi, D.S., Lakde, C.K., Gawande, A.P. and Patil, M.S. 2024 Clinical Management of Fetal Resorption in A Bitch Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(2): 153-155 2.70
73 Varshini, A.V., Bavaskar, M.S., Raghuvanshi, D.S., Lakde, C.K., Gawande, A.P. and Patil, M.S. 2024 Successful Medical Management of Dystocia in Two Queens Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(2): 151-152 2.70
74 Yesambare, S.J., Bawaskar, Sahatpure, S.K., Gawande, A.P. and Patil, D.V. 2024 Study of Clinical Signs and Changes of Prostate Hyperplasia in Dogs Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(2): 148-150 2.70
75 Berge, P.J., Bavaskar, M.S., Sahatpure, S.K., Raghuvanshi, D.S. and Patil, D.V 2024 Prevalence of Clinical Signs and Symptoms in Pseudo Pregnant Bitches Indian Journal of Canine Practice Volume 16(2): 141-144 2.70
76 A.V. Varshini, C.K. Lakde, D.S. Raghuwanshi, A.P. Gawande, M.S. Patil, G.A. Fiske And M.S. Bawaskar 2024 Successful Management Of Pre Cervical Uterine Torsion In A Buffalo International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry Volume 9(3): 01-03 4.61

List of Marathi and Popular articles published:

Sr. No Authors Year Title Name of the Journal/Magazine Volume: Page Nos.
1Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2014Provide balanced ration to animals-Part IAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
2Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2014Provide balanced ration to animals-Part IAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
3Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2014Care of pregnant cow and buffaloesAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
4Dr. A. D. Patil & Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2014Treatment of anoetrus in dairy animalsAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
5Dr. S. K. Sahatpure2014Reproductive managements in goatsAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
6Dr. A. D. Patil and Dr. S. K. Sahatpure2015Retention of foetal membrane problem in cattleAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
7Dr. A. D. Patil and Dr. S. K. Sahatpure2015Management of Infertility in milking cowAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
8Dr. A. D. Patil & Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2016Faydeshir dugdh vyawsayasathi prajanan VawasthapanAgrowon, News Paper, no. 12
9Dr. S. K. Sahatpure, Dr. A. D. Patil2016Shelitil Prajanan VyawasthapanTraining manual cum Souvenirpage no. 68
10Vilas Takle, A. D. Patil, S. K. Sahatpure2017Importance of minerals in animal reproduction in dairy animalsJay Agrowon, Yatmalpage no. 3
11Vilas Takle, A. D. Patil, S. K. Sahatpure2017Stress free animal farmJay Agrowon, Yatmalpage no. 3
12Dr. G. Nalkande, A. D. Patil, S. K. Sahatpure2018Abortion in dairy animalsJay Agrowon, Yatmalpage no. 12
13Dr. V. U. Takle, Dr. S. K. Sahatpure, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2018Mayang baher yene, pashu prajananatil ek adthalaAgrotechpage no. 4
14Dr. Megha Kose, Dr. S. K. Sahatpure, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2019Gayi mhashinche Prajanan VyawsthapanAgrowon, News Paper, Punepage no. 12
15Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelya mendhyatil krutrim retan va sheli mendhi palan kaushalya vikas pratyakshik prashikshan karyakramTraining manual prepared for Pashusakhipage no. 91
16Dr. Prajakta J. Barge, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2022Treatment and management of pseudopregnancy in female dogs by homeopathyPashudhan Praharee booklet, online 2022--
17Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2022Lumpy skin disease, awareness and managementPashudhan Praharee booklet, online 2022--
18Dr. C. K. Lakde, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2022Abortion in cattleGodwa sheticha, Marathi magazine--
19Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. P. Tembhurne2022How to prevent Lumpy skin diseasePashudhan Praharee booklet, online 2022--
20Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. P. Tembhurne2022Chicken-Bhrun JIwan NiyamakPashudhan Praharee booklet, online 2022--
21Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelyamendhyatil prajanan mahatwaCompendium for Pashusakhi trainingpage no. 13
22Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelyamendhyatil prajanan sanstha va rutuchakraCompendium for Pashusakhi trainingpage no. 14-18
23Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelya mendhyatil maaj va tyachi lakshaneCompendium for Pashusakhi trainingpage no. 19-22
24Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelya mendhyatil krutrim retnache mahatwa v paddhatCompendium for Pashusakhi trainingpage no. 29-32
25Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelyantil krutrimretan ani krutrim retnache MahatwaShastrokta shelipalan prashikshan Mahiti pustikapage no. 66-69
26Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2023Shelya madhilmaaj ani majachi lakshnanchi olakhShastrokta shelipalan prashikshan Mahiti pustikapage no. 63-65
27Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Shelyanche prajanan vyavsthapan va krutrim retnacha shelimaddhe wapar tasech sheli palanatil prajanan dhornePashusakhi Compendium, NVC, Nagpurpage no. 36-38
28Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Shelyamendhyatil prajanan sanstha ani rutuchakraPashusakhi Compendium, NVC, Nagpurpage no. 42-44
29Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Shelyatil krutrim retnache mahatwa va krutrim retan paddhatPashusakhi Compendium, NVC, Nagpurpage no. 45-47
30Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Shelyamendhyatil maj ani majachya lakshnanchi olakhPashusakhi Compendium, NVC, Nagpurpage no. 56-58
31Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil2024Estrus cycle and estrus signs in cattleMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 94-98
32Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil2024Identification of signs to detect estrus in cattleMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 99-101
33Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Artificial insemination – a useful weapon for improving genetics and production in animals, its advantages and disadvantagesMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 102-104
34Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil2024Equipment for artificial insemination of animals, Their handling and sterilizationMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 105-110
35Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Semen collection, testing and cryopreservation of semen volumeMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 111-114
36Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Liquid otherwise an important component for storing frozen semenMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 115-116
37Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Precautions to be taken before artificial insemination and method of artificial inseminationMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 117-121
38Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Pregnancy diagnosis in cattleMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 122-124
39Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Calculation of average pregnancy by artificial insemination; Reasons and remedies for lowMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 125-126
40Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil2024What can be done to increase the pregnancy rate of cows and buffaloes by artificial insemination?MAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 127-129
41Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Repeat and frequent estrus, causes and managementMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 130-131
42Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar, Dr. M. S. Patil2024Information about animal female reproductive organsMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 132-133
43Dr. Chetan Lakde, Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar2024Causes of abortion in animals and its economic impactMAITRI, Prashikshan Mahiti Pustikapage no. 134-136

Research Recommendations

MOU signed by the Colleges

Sr. No. MOUs Between
Party – I & Party – II
Date of Signing Place Duration

Research Priorities / Thematic areas: Department Wise

The thrust research areas on which the department is extensively working is Assisted Reproductive Technology (IVF-ET) including different oestrus synchronization protocols, semen production and embryo transfer protocols and their efficacy in enhancing the conception rate in bovine.

Significant Research Achievement:

Sr. No. Achievements Description
1 Patents Awarded
2 Breed Registration
4 Copyright
5 Trademark


Field and other activities undertaken by faculty: 

Training Organized


Sr. No. Name of Training Duration No. of Participants Name of Faculty
1 Scientific Animal Husbandry Practices for profitable & sustainable milk business – for tribal livestock holders 12.03.15 to 19.03.15 30 Dr. S. K. Sahatpue, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. A. D. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar
2 Scientific Animal Husbandry Practices for profitable & sustainable milk business – for tribal livestock holders 25.02.15 to 4.03.15 25 Dr. S. K. Sahatpue, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. A. D. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar
3 Scientific animal husbandry practices for profitable and sustainable milk production 11.03.2016 to 18.03.2016 22 Dr. S. K. Sahatpue, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil
4 Technical refresher training programme was conducted under state training policy 26.12.2016 to 30.12.2016 18 Dr. S. K. Sahatpue, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. A. D. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar
5 Bahuuddeshiy krutrim retan tantradnya nirmiti (MAITRI) under Under Rastriy Gokul Mission 28.03.2022 to 26.04.2022 30 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar
6 Shelya mendhyatil krutrim retan va sheli mendhi palan kaushalya vikas pratyakshik prashikshan karyakram Pashusakhi Training 13.03.2023 to 18.03.2023 54 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar
7 Bahuuddeshiy krutrim retan tantradnya nirmiti (MAITRI) 5.06.2024 to 4.09.2024 30 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A. P. Gawande, Dr. M. S. Patil, Dr. M. S. Bawaskar
8 Bahuuddeshiy krutrim retan tantradnya nirmiti (MAITRI) 08.07.2024 to 06.10.2024 30 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi
9 Bahuuddeshiy krutrim retan tantradnya nirmiti (MAITRI) 07.08.2024 to 05.11.2024 30 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi
10 Bahuuddeshiy krutrim retan tantradnya nirmiti (MAITRI) 12.09.2024 to 11.12.2024 30 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi
11 Bahuuddeshiy krutrim retan tantradnya nirmiti (MAITRI) 26.12.2024 to 25.03.2025 30 Dr. D. S. Raghuwanshi


Sr. No. Name of Training / Title of Training Duration No of Participants Name of Faculty
1Hands on training on “Modern Diagnostic Equipments in Veterinary Profession”14-18 Feb.2012, 21-25 Feb.2012, 1-5 March 2012, 13-17 March 2012, 26-30 March 201281Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil
2Hands on training on “Modern Diagnostic Equipments in Veterinary Profession”7-11 Jan2013, 29Jan-2 Feb2013, 12-16 Feb2013, 26Feb-2 March2013, 4-8 March201365Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil
3Refresher Training on “Artificial Insemination in Bovines”15-19 Jan2013, 21-25 Jan2013, 15-19 Apr201398Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil
4Hands on training on “Modern Diagnostic Equipments in Veterinary Profession”03/03/2014 to 07/03/201413Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil
5Hands on training on “Modern Diagnostic Equipments in Veterinary Profession”11/03/2014 to 15/03/201414Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil
6Hands on training for 5 days was imparted to field Veterinarians (Livestock Development Officers/ACAH) on Modern Diagnostic Equipments in Veterinary Profession15/04/2014 to 19/04/201443Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
7Hands on training21/04/2014 to 25/04/2014--
8Hands on training28/04/2014 to 02/05/2014--
9Refreshers Training course of 3 days organized for teaching faculty of Lower Education Schools under jurisdiction of Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur.9, 10 and 11th July 201433Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
10One day Workshop on “Current Diagnostic Practices in Animal Health” was organized for LDO’s under ASCAD25th July 2014200Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
11Technical Refresher Training Programme for LDO’s and ACAH under State Training Policy11/01/2016 to 15/01/201626Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
12Technical Refresher Training Programme for LDO’s and ACAH under State Training Policy01/02/2016 to 05/02/201621Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
13Technical Refresher Training Programme for LDO’s and ACAH under State Training Policy22/02/2016 to 26/02/201628Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
14Technical refresher training programme conducted under state training policy26.12.2016 to 30.12.201618Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr.A.D.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
15The Art and Science of Breeding Mares with Frozen Semen30.07.2020289Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
16Gonadal Cryopreservation and Revival: An aid to conservation of endangered species25.08.2020230Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
17Assisted Reproduction: A tool for the Conservation of Wild Felids26.08.2020850Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
18Bovine Semen Assessment and Freezing16.09.2020274Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
19Alphavision: A vedioptic Tool to improve the reproductive efficiency of cattle herds17.09.2020391Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
20ET/IVF/OPU in Bovine18.09.2020279Dr.S.K.Sahatpue, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
21Hands on training on Advances in diagnostic and therapeutics in veterinary practice, under RKVY Project21 to 25th March 202215Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
22One day training on “Management of infertility in dairy animals” under NDDB & State AH dept Maharashtra18.01.202218Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar
23One day seminar by SEBI “Financial Awareness Program regarding documentation cum online fraud”21.12.202247Dr.D.S.Raghuwanshi, Dr.A.P.Gawande, Dr.M.S.Patil, Dr. M.S.Bawaskar

Conference s / Workshop / Seminars / Webinars / Farmers meet organized


Sr. No. Title of Workshop, Seminar, Farmers Meet Place Date No of Participants
1One day workshop on "Dairy Management"Tuli Imperial, Nagpur14th December, 2015300
2One day workshop on Intensive Awareness Programme at Inspirational DistKurkheda, Dist. Gadchiroli29.08.2023254
3One day workshop on Intensive Awareness Programme at Inspirational DistWadsa, Dist. Gadchiroli8.09.2023273


Sr. No. Title of Conference / Seminar / Workshop Place Date No of Participants
1XXIX Annual Convention of Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction and National Symposium on "Frontier Reproductive Biotechnologies for Enhancing Animal Fertility and Fecundity - Global Perspective"Dept of ARGO, NVC, Nagpur08th to 10th January, 2014330
2Webinar on The Art and Science of Breeding Mares with Frozen SemenDept of ARGO30.07.2020289
3Webinar on Gonadal Cryopreservation and Revival: An aid to conservation of endangered speciesDept of ARGO25.08.2020230
4Webinar on Assisted Reproduction: A tool for the Conservation of Wild FelidsDept of ARGO26.08.2020850
5Webinar on Bovine Semen Assessment and FreezingDept of ARGO16.09.2020274
6Webinar on Alphavision: A vedioptic Tool to improve the reproductive efficiency of cattle herdsDept of ARGO17.09.2020391
7Webinar on ET/IVF/OPU in BovineDept of ARGO18.09.2020279

Adopted/ Operational Villages

Sr. No. Name of Adopted Village Type of Extension Activity Brief Description (Guests, Resource Persons, Faculty Involved, No. of Participants)
1Borgaon village of Kalmeshwar taluka, District NagpurSome livestock owners have constructed the sheds for animals according to suggestions given.The detection of estrus in regular manner is being followed by most of the dairy farmers. Cultivation of green fodder is in progress. Linkage is formed for procurement of milk from dairy farmers.
Dr. A. P. Gawande
2Borgaon village of Kalmeshwar taluka, District NagpurRegular visit on every Sunday under Adopted Village SchemeSorting out the problems faced by the local livestock holders & farmers regarding reproduction in animals and management.
Dr. A. P. Gawande
3Borgaon village of Kalmeshwar taluka, District NagpurRegular visit on every Sunday under Adopted Village SchemeSorting out the problems faced by the local livestock holders & farmers regarding reproduction in animals and management.
Dr. M.S. Patil
4Borgaon village of Kalmeshwar taluka, District NagpurRegular visit on every Sunday under Adopted Village SchemeSorting out the problems faced by the local livestock holders & farmers regarding reproduction in animals and management.
Dr. M.S. Bawaskar
5Mohpa, village of Kalmeshwar taluka, District NagpurRegular ambulatory servicesSorting out the problems faced by the local livestock holders & farmers regarding reproduction in animals and management.
Dr. M.S. Bawaskar
6Nilgao, Sonoli, Parsodi Vakil, Panbodi Tal Kalmeshwar, Dist. NagpurAmbulatory services, diagnosis, awareness camps and lecturesTreatment of animals
Dr. M.S. Bawaskar
7Nilgao, Tal. KalmeshwarRecipient animal selection, OPU, IVF and Embryo transfer of cows under IVF projectDr. D.S. Raghuwanshi, Dr. A.P. Gawande, Dr. M.S. Patil, Dr. M.S. Bawaskar

Student Corner:

Awards / Recognitions:

Sr. No. Name of Student Name of Award / Achievement Place Date Awarding agency
1 Dr.Abhishek Bhardwaj Best Clinical Case Presentation, in Animal Reproduction section PGIVAS, Akola 23/1/2019


Regular / Special Camp (Year Wise)

Sr. No. Regular / Special No of Student Registered No. of Student Present Place Name of activity Name of Expert

Photo Gallery (NSS )

Department: Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Achievements of the Department:

Under Rashtriya Gokul Mission, Government of India, the Department has established the Embryo Biotechnology Laboratory, wherein the work of Ultrasound-guided transvaginal oocyte aspiration and in vitro embryo production and transfer in indigenous cows is in progress. The Department regularly organizing different hands-on trainings on reproductive health management and handling of modern diagnostic equipments in the veterinary profession for field veterinarians – Livestock Development Officers and Livestock Supervisors every year. Till date total 04 regional symposia, and 28 trainings were conducted through which total 830 professionals have been trained and revenue was generated. In collaboration with M/S Virbac, the Department had organized one day workshop on “Recent Trends in Animal Reproduction” delivered by Dr. Gustav, Virbac Pvt. Ltd., France. In 2014, the Department successfully organized the Annual Convention of ISSAR. The Department had organized a total 06 Online webinars during the COVID-19 pandemic on Animal Reproduction and Wildlife.


Name of Department: Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstetrics

The Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics has a rich technical heritage and credentials in the field of Animal Reproduction. Functional and technological achievements of the department have been coined by then Professor and Head Dr R. M. Bhandari, Dr P. M. Belorkar, Dr. S. C. Vhora, Dr A.W. Deshmukh, Dr S. R. Chinchkar and Dr S. K. Sahatpure. Presently Dr D. S. Raghuwanshi is heading the department.

The department is imparting UG teaching since 1963, and the post-graduate facility started in 2002. Currently, PG and PhD degree courses are also offered to the students of ARGO. The department admits 02 PG and 02 Ph. D students every year. To date, the Department has awarded an M.V.Sc degree to 39 students and a Ph.D degree to 07 candidates. Many passed out postgraduate candidates of the department have been appointed to dynamic posts by national and international agencies.

As part of a faculty improvement programme, Dr. M. S. Kadu was deputed to Germany for Post- Graduate Diploma in Physio-pathology of Animal Reproduction. Dr. S. K. Sahatpure attended the International Conference of Animal Reproduction at Budapest, Hungery in 2008. Dr. S. R. Chinchkar attended World Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) in 2003 at Bangkok, Thailand, and in 2012 at Birmingham, U.K. Three department professors have been bestowed with ISSAR fellowships. The Department has published 120 research papers in National and International repute journals. The staff members of the Department are recipients of 05 Young Scientist Awards from various scientific societies. Almost 12 postgraduate students of the department have been awarded the best research presentation awards during past conferences held all over the country by various scientific societies. The department has recommended and registered a minimum of 50 life members of ISSAR, and the Department has been endowed with responsibility of the Maharashtra chapter of ISSAR since the last 12 years.

The department provides technical services on the college instructional farm, Veterinary Clinical Complex and its laboratories. Furthermore, clinical services are being rendered through village clinics, clinical camps, emergency services and adopted village activities. The department has an established mini conference hall, AV system, museum of rare specimens and all full-fledged laboratories.

The Department regularly organizing different hands-on trainings on reproductive health management and handling of modern diagnostic equipments in the veterinary profession for field veterinarians – Livestock Development Officers and Livestock Supervisors every year. Till date total 04 regional symposia, and 28 trainings were conducted through which total 830 professionals have been trained and revenue was generated. In collaboration with M/S Virbac, the Department had organized one day workshop on “Recent Trends in Animal Reproduction” delivered by Dr. Gustav, Virbac Pvt. Ltd., France. In 2014, the Department successfully organized the Annual Convention of ISSAR. The Department had organized a total 06 Online webinars during the COVID-19 pandemic on Animal Reproduction and Wildlife.

Laboratory Facilities in the Department:

Under Rashtriya Gokul Mission, Government of India, the Department has established the Embryo Biotechnology Laboratory, wherein the work of Ultrasound-guided transvaginal oocyte aspiration and in vitro embryo production and transfer in indigenous cows is in progress.

Diagnostic services offered by the department:

Department of ARGO has offered post-graduate diagnostic research on infertility, andrology, obstetrics, oestrus synchronization and Color Doppler as well as ultrasound guided trans-vaginal oocyte aspiration, in vitro fertilization, in vitro embryo production and embryo transfer.

Academic officer:

Sr. No. Name of Academic Officer Qualification Designation Email ID Contact No Link to Digital Profile
1Dr. D. S. RaghuwanshiM.V.Sc.; Ph.D.Professor and Headdilipsinghraghuwanshi@mafsu.in9423682346
2Dr. A. P. GawandeM.V.Sc.; Ph.D.Professorajaygawande@mafsu.in9881300721
3Dr. M. S. PatilM.V.Sc.; Ph.D.Professormanojpatil@mafsu.in8087039916
4Dr. M. S. BawaskarM.V.Sc.; Ph.D.Professorminakshibawaskar@mafsu.in9158047000

Academic staff:

Sr. No. Name of the staff Designation Duration Photo
1Dr.A.S.KaikiniProfessor and Head22.07.1961 to 31.03.1972
2Dr.R.M.BhandariProfessor and Head01.04.1972 to 30.04.1987
3Dr.P.M.BelorkarProfessor and Head01.05.1987 to 30.11.1995
4Dr.S.C.VhoraProfessor and Head01.12.1995 to 30.06.2006
5Dr.S.R.ChinchkarProfessor and Head25.02.2008 to 31.05.2013
6Dr.S.K.SahatpureProfessor and Head01.06.2013 to 19.08.2021

Ministerial staff:

Sr No Name of Ministerial staff Department Email ID

List of retired faculty:

Sr. No. Name of the Staff Designation Duration Photo
1 Dr. M.K. Hawaldar Professor and Head 1958-69 Photo of Dr. M.K. Hawaldar
2 Dr. R.V. Pandit Professor and Head 1969-1992 Photo of Dr. R.V. Pandit
3 Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar Professor and Head 1992-2006 Photo of Dr. V.R. Bhamburkar
4 Dr. O.N. Ladukar Professor and Head - Photo of Dr. O.N. Ladukar
5 Dr. R.S. Dalvi Professor and Head 2006-2017 Photo of Dr. R.S. Dalvi
6 Dr. S.B. Banubakode Professor and Head 2017-2024 Photo of Dr. S.B. Banubakode

Photo gallery